>tfw writing about video games for more than 5 years but no one visits your blog because you never shill it anywhere
Tfw writing about video games for more than 5 years but no one visits your blog because you never shill it anywhere
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And no, you are not shilling it here.
Fuck off
>tfw been developing a video game for the last 6 years
>its releasing next month
why do I feel like your website's in black and red
I can feel this, I never felt comfortable about shilling my YouTube channel on Sup Forums so I have very little views
I never wrote about indie games, not sure where'd that come from
>I make things and am surprised no one knows about it cause I'm autistic and don't tell anyone
>Needing to shill to get views.
>Thats the only reason
>tfw I got my YouTube fame from shilling my shirt low effort content here
hello matthew
>don't advertise
>no one reads
and you're sad because.... this comes as a surprise? I am confused. Sounds like you don't even know what you want out of life.
Name one person that didn't shill to get views
I never said I didn't tell anyone. Anyway here's a little shilling for my game
p-please enjoy it Sup Forums
But that was back when newgrounds was a thing. I have to shill like crazy to push steam sales of my alpha access game
If you want real exposure post it on reddit
It looks like your standard indie trash; but the character designs look cute I guess.
What an interesting game. If the controls are smooth, I could definitely see myself enjoying it. Pretty neat
Do you mind if i pirate it
If someone puts it on torrent, yea sure, why not? Not like I can stop you anyway poorfriend.
Hey OP, your game looks neat. Know when it's gonna be released?
the trailer is a little confusing, but it looks okay
looks like garbage
post it on reddit or some shit
I'm not OP, I'm some other user. Going to release it some time next month.
how would you even go at shilling your blog anywhere?
posting it in random places with "hey check out what I wrote at www.isuckcocks.com" feels forced and will only bring you bad reputation
Don't feel too bad. A lot of developers got their start or exposure on Sup Forums (the Risk of Rain developers were iirc).