For Honor Classes:

For Honor Classes:

yeah i know is Ubisoft but they really know how to make some cool characters...what you guys think?

>inb4 muh women knights

Other urls found in this thread:

They look cool

If they paid their devs as much as they pay their shills maybe the games wouldn't suck donkey balls and they wouldn't have to be dumbed down for lobotomized monkeys.

Man I really hope this game will be good but it wouldn't be the first time Ubisoft makes something cool and then proceeds to fuck it up.
Trailer looks good though, knights a best.

>female vikings and warriors
lol, dead game

Was in the technical test. Go in expecting some clunky fucking combat and horrible servers. Solid 6/10 would buy for 30 bucks.

>bitch about female warriors
>post a female warrior
worth a kek thanks

>SJW bullshit

As expected from Ubishit

>game where you can win against knights with samurai
They're clearly not shooting for realism here.

i personally just care for the single player but i want to ask this:changing the stance/guard is slow as i see in the gameplays? i mean it is possible with pratice changing super fast the stances to have some sort of chance against 2 x1 situations? thanks in advance

Yes. Vikings are shit in real life and knights would beat samurais in melee.

>no saracen faction to deus vult against

Reminder that some noname indie guys are developing a better game:

>women using mask instead of helmet
But why

I was about to call this out as a Chivalry clone, but after watching more of the video it seems like they're actually putting a good amount of thought into improving that system. Looks pretty neat.

Why the fuck do you always do this, guys? Why is it that every time there's a thread about a triple A game, some jerk always has to come in and be like "hurr here's an indie equivalent." Why can't you make your own thread instead of leeching on to others?

Something about this games sets me off. I wish everyone could go back to Chivalry

But if Saracens were in, Knights would never win

Chivalry was shit. There was no feedback at all when hitting something. It was like a shittier Skyrim.

Because it's hilarious to see how a multimillion studio can't compete with a bunch of basement dwellers with zero funds.
It just shows how fucked this shitty industry is which has zero interest in developing good games but rather make fast cashgrabs based on artificial hype and run.
That can also apply to indies though.

>its fucking mordhau

>shit gameplay
>women knights

Into the trash it goes

stop shilling this garbage

This looks like shit and nothing like For Honor.

>Those garbage animations

But that video doesn't look as good as For Honor. First person melee has always been iffy at best and the swings look like they have no weight.

Nice meme reddit

The nigger cock affected his brain

Yeah For Honorâ„¢ looks fantastic.
Look at these awesome graphics, who cares about p2p servers and casual mobile game combat.
Pre-orderd my copy right now.

Why are you taking such offense for a fucking videogame? Not even a good one at that.

Did you even play it?



This. What a trainwreck...


>for HONOR
>Female characters


It will be casual as fuck

>deus vult

Is this the most overused meme of all time? crusaders were btfo every time by saladin

That's kind of the point. A team-death match like game but with melee combat. It's going to be more like CoD, not something 1v1 like Dark Souls.



bigger meme weapon than the katana

in that case I'll meme you to DEATH

Lmao come on, I get the outrage at the protag in Watch_Dawgz being black, and the black/women power in Battlefield 1, because it feels ridiculously forced and shitty.

But this, this is not a reason to be mad, there's nothing indicating that Girls are better than men or that the dindus wuz kingz.

Also, female deus vults gets my dick diamond.
Just imagining a cutie aryan knight beheading muslims on horseback.

>outrage at the protag in Watch_Dawgz being black,

Wait, why are people mad at this? Is the WD2 somehow the long lost son of the previous protag?

Not sure, after the first trailer there were some threads on Sup Forums going "WE WUZ HACKAHS AND SHIET" and memeing about how black people can't hack and shit. It was pretty funny to be quite honest.

People eat up warrior women from Japan.

I had planned on a day one purchase. I can't stand Ubishill, couldn't name one game I like actually but this does something for me.

But now Persona 5 was confirmed for the same day. I'll buy it when I'm done with that.

I dislike anime personally, but I can definetely understand why people like cute women being 10/10 warriors.

I'd just like to point out that while katana is not the best melee weapon ever made as weebs like to think it's by no means a bad sword. That said swords generally were fucking meme weapons used only as last resort or in civilian enviroment.

That's because they are just fanservice most of the time instead of "muh ugly realistic strong wymyn", hell even saber gets BTFO constantly on her own series.

You know what will happen...

>Downgrade graphics
>Two Maps MAX
>Season Pass
>Every Match Feels the same
>Massive playerdrop after the first week
>Half of the Features missing

And yet you're still coming back.

>That fucking barbarian woman

Holy shit i did not expect to see that in this game
Brb need to clean up now

thicc muscles

nah it's stupid

Plus the Story is mostly going to be about "strong wymen" showing the stupid, incompetant men how it is done


Now if only the Art Design looked better.

I actually really like the Art Design of For Honar.
The armor looks like it comes straight out of a legend.

To Bad that the game itself is full of sjw shitt



Look at the story trailer

The villian alone is already female

Art design is realistic, there will be also tons of possible combinations of armorpieces and weapons.

ever heard of shield maidens faggot?

I wanted this game to be good so bad.

That's nice

I'm probably going to look at some Videos and drool at the armor when it is released but there is no way that I'm game support a sjw Game with my money

>Villain is women
>complain about "women are good while men r bad"

user, being a villain isn't a "good" thing. Even though it sure is fun.

That are just inventions of poets to make for some more fun stories

They are as historical accurate as Ice Giants or fairies

>rip off mountain blade's combat system and make it shiny
>slap it onto a linear QTE fest


>fps melee

Excuse me while I puke on this skyrim piece of shit. Why does anyone think fps person melee combat is fun is beyond me.

>not something 1v1 like Dark Souls.
You clearly have not played dark souls.
That game is pure gank squad 24/7

Having played the last closed beta, I'm worried about the fact that this game attract literal moba's "1V1 ME FAGET" kind of players, bitch at players that focus more at objective then dueling.

It's not a dueling game. It more control points then anything.

There always on fag that their to bring historical accuracy in a game that just trying to have fun pitting knight vs viking vs samurai.

Having a game be historical accurate don't make a game fun.

>no gameplay in the entire trailer

into le rubbish it wanders

bannerlord cant come soon enough

>Want to sign up for beta
>Forgot my password
>Try to reset it
>Get an error four times
Thanks Ubisoft, I'm sorry I'm only using your shitty service once in a decade.

This is actually relevant to my interests. Muscular, dark skinned and scarred women are rare and usually have a horrible man faces.

Soo you will beat the crap out of a female...the problem is?