Karazhan is the first legion major patch

>karazhan is the first legion major patch
>only 1 dungeon

Is the WoW team REALLY out of ideas?

Is this real

yeah... :(

>copy paste old instance and change a few numbers
>make patch logo
>pay a freelancer 100$ to make a crappy 1min machinima
>wowdrones celebrate

this is post-2008 world of warcraft we're talking about

>hur hur Karazhan is bad
I want cata babbies to leave

Imagine old Kara with modern mechanics, new visuals,

it's about time karazhan gets redone

you can get out of the map so easily and explore the surrounding zones, which are their vanilla incarnations

youre a faggot fuck you

>magine old Kara with modern mechanics, new visuals
sounds like shit

Except it's going to be the same fucking map.
The fact you imbeciles eat it up is hilarious.
Fucking Cataclysm 4.1 patch (which was awful and hated by everyone for being so lazy) at least converted TWO raids into dungeons (ZA and ZG) but this shit is just unbelievably lazy.
1 fucking ancient raid being boosted to lvl100 dungeon, wow so good pls blizzard lemme suck your cuck.

And I'd like to remind you that Legion is supposed to have 3 major patches.





No u

Don't assume I love slurping shit up, all they are doing is just scaling shit up or what?

I'm not quite sure what, if anything, this is adding.


They're doing the same to what they did with Zul Aman, Zul Gurub, Scarlet Monastery, Deadmines and other old content dungeons and raids.
Boosting them to CURRENT YEAR LEVEL and replacing lore-dead bosses with new ones that have identical mechanics.

Better than Selfie Cam patch

The amount of shit you drones keep eating up is astounding.

well, it's logical thing to do. reusing your old assets. lazy but logical.

There will also be a small additional raid between The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold that wraps up the Stormheim story.
Patch 7.1 will also have outdoor content associated with Suramar that pushes forward the Nightfallen story.

Sounds like you're really mad about it.

I'm more mad about the emerald dream being dead

Logical? Sure
Consumer friendly? No

I genuinely cannot grasp what kind of pathetic idiots can actually still be playing modern WoW and paying monthly sub for this bullshit. And don't say you can buy sub with gold because someone else has to buy that sub token with real money to begin with before he resells it to you, meaning that by buying that, by proxy you ensure more people pay for the sub tokens.

>Patch 7.1 will also have outdoor content associated with Suramar that pushes forward the Nightfallen story.
A few quests, wow its fucking nothing.

>There will also be a small additional raid between The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold that wraps up the Stormheim story.
If the previous "small additional raids" are anything to go by aka Onyxia, Magtheridon, Grull etc it's going to be a 1 boss loot pinata raid, so again wow it's fucking nothing.

>I'm more mad about the emerald dream being dead
Explain, I don't keep up with the news. Did they decide to remove the Emerald Dream raid or you mean WoW never getting ED zone? Because if you mean the zone then I'll see your ED and raise you my fucking Azjol Nerub.

Ffxiv does this but usually releases something new as well.

I'm more upset about the lore than the in-game representation. The Emerald Dream is dead and gone, corrupted by the legion. The only thing left to do is go kill everything that moves and leave a wasteland behind us. I always liked the emerald dream being a super continent of untouched wilderness, though I should be glad that they are at least acknowledging it with a rather large raid.

Why must game developers lie so much. I don't want to know about these things if they're just going to be slaughtered and left on the cutting room floor. I wouldn't be as upset if they just kept their damn mouths shut.

well, in actual pre-patch Karazhan got attacked by Legion to get information about pillars of creation so turning it to a rehashed 9 boss dungeon is no surprise to me.

I could understand that it's somehow lazy but for fuck sake, saying that they can't use old assets because they were used is a bit retarded. Karazhan is important place in WoW lore and going "hurr durr you can't use it again you lazy faggots" is just dumb.
also yes, i am subbed right now (for free cause wod gave me mountains of gold), i don't agree with everything they do but for fucks sake going
>more content is bad
is retarded.

its gonna be a dungeon in kara with different gameplay than the original raid

a small raid will be released between EN and NH

also additions to the Suramar questline

sounds like a pretty good patch to me desu senpai xD

Eh, I get where the user is coming from. It is a bit lazy, but this place is important, but this IS supposed to be a rather large content patch.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present: The Blizzdrone
He just can't stop fucking Blizzcuck cock and defending content rehashes.

>desu senpai xD

how about you discuss with your fellow user instead of shitpost

u mad bby?
here is your (You)

Get cancer and die blizzcucks, you are literally defending a rehash of 10 years old content for one of Legion's three major patches.

i ain't defending shit, i'm just trying to get you to argue/discuss instead of shitpost

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, they used a location important to games lore again, they should make new karazhan

probably demon hunters are rehash too because they were part of BC.

>only 1 dungeon
Don't be a idiot to such a degree that you think that they will only add 1 dungeon with the first major patch
>Is the WoW team REALLY out of ideas?
Are you REALLY that desperate to shitpost?

They made it for babys like you who never experienced old kara.

>only one dungeon
You're right blizzfriend, I cant wait for the other addition, twitch integration! :^)

>mfw Blizzcucks are defending this
Getting cancer and dying is the only salvation for you

>having to samefag

How is the leveling based on Beta?
Is it fast or slow?
One Youtuber says you need to do almost every quest in Legion to reach 110. Another says you will reach 110 after finishing 2 zones.

>implying that i haven't spent my whole teenage years nolifing this game since it came out.

try harder bby.

>I'm retarded and don't know what samefagging is.
Yep, get cancer and die.

well it looks like we can only get the content drip-fed like this or get a drought like in WoD

reminder this game makes millions every single fucking month for these jews

>Are you REALLY that desperate to shitpost?

>>only 1 dungeon
Wht about raid and new quest zone?
Why didn't you mentioned them?

yes implying.

Should I boost my Warrior or warlock?

I'm being honest, I don't know why you guys are exited for WoW.

I was a high warlord during vanilla and this shit really bothers me.

What the fuck is worth playing for now? It really puzzles me. I dropped people in....what was it? That one with the three trails and dumbass mages thinking they could stop a shaman with a fist of rag and a priest trailing him. It was bad at any rate.

Why does this still exist?

>That one with the three trails and dumbass mages thinking they could stop a shaman with a fist of rag and a priest trailing him. It was bad at any rate.
What the hell are you talking about

Did they remove glyphs?

there is a slight difference between excitement and going "eh, could be worse".

yes, but effects from minor glyphs can be acquired. don't know how but i am pretty sure they can.

It's not alterac valley. What was the piece of shit that was green? It literally escapes me. Have you played enough for that? Not Warsong Gulch either, The fuck was it?

>Karazhan is central to the story of the Legion and it's an important place. It's going to be a 5 player large, epic dungeon - almost a 5 player raid, with 9 bosses. Feedback that players missed dungeons like Blackrock Depths.

I mean i'd rather have a new Dungeon but this sounds nice.

warlock, because warrior has a tank spec to spam dungeons with

shaking my head to be honest, family

I'm thinking hillsbrad but that game is such a piece of shit that I can't believe it still exists.

It's like Uh.......that thing?


It's shit is all. I honestly can't remember what it was called.

Arathi Basin?

Gotta go with your guts man, warrior it is.

I got friends that play it and playing the markets is the only thing holding us together. We also make enough gold to never have to worry about time.


Kill, yourself.

Boom thanks.

Keep it in one thread shills

>playing PvP in a game with fucking tab targeting
>acting like you're superior to anyone

AB was a big part of vanilla so i can't believe that high warlord would forget what it was called unless he shitposts.

oh well, seems like i was right.

oh boi, chill, we get it, coordinating with a group of people and understanding tactics is too complex for you, you don't have to go into nerd rage to show us that.

It's all 100% garbage. The actual community was gone over eight years ago. I'd love to come back (and actually have a wife from WoW) but it's not what it was.

People actually playing a game together, like people.

I was on the team that broke up a WoW funeral. Fite me.

>People actually playing a game together, like people.
so what you will call current state of game.

You queers get so worked up over this.

and yet you just watch videos of guilds that completed content before you and just do what they did without actually learning anything. you wow faggot degenerates are the worst. i wonder how much money the mods here take from blizzard so you fucking monkeys can shill your shit


What server?


Is so mad at others that he acts like a ignoramus and spergs out all over the thread. Please user go take your autism pills and go to bed

>There will also be a small additional raid between The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold that wraps up the Stormheim story.

Are you just ignoring this as well OP?

shut up, this is a shitposting thread.

so thats the flood of new content blizzard promised?

>without actually learning anything
implying that pvp fags "create" their builds by themselves
top kek

we can wrestle like this until end times but ignoring the fact that PvE is the true endgame of most mmos is just moronic

>best overall team
>best waifus

Which class wins?

>Delas Moonfang
A night elf paladin? Madness

>rogues get niggerfucker
straight winner

Same as taurens
Elune is naaru and gives them power of light

rogue wins both. also, we get slightly discounted noggenfoggers

>warrior, 2 titan watchers
how could anyone beat this?...

>Making it a dungeon and not a 10 man raid again

Why the fuck even live aye

they should have stayed in the mountains!

Ok Xana

So what's the flak Draenei warriors get? I heard they're disapproved for whatever reason

Can't wait for my twin eredar sluts.

>garrison follower shit

Half of them are either bodyguards or added abilities though.

Karazhan Crypts dungeon when?

Looking forward to kung fu team-ups with Chen

>Priest - Calia Menethil
DAMN is that Arthas' sister?

>one of the best TBC raids is now just a fucking dungeon
>everyone loses their shit

yes. didnt know she was a priest.

yes. She committs suicide, is risen as a Forsaken and takes over ruling Undercity while Sylvanas goes warchief

Velen got banned from Darnassus for a week when he insinuated that.

It's a Holy Pally, and considering Nelfs have the warrior priestess motif going for them it fits there. I'd have been worried if it was any other spec.


She was away during the whole Scourge invasion and when she came back the Forsaken were taking over. One of the Undead Priests recognized her and hid her away so she wouldn't be killed. Said Undead Priest is also one of the other Champions.

Crypts are being used primarily for Artifact Quests, as I recall. Unholy DKs and one of the Warlock specs go there.

>Rehashing old content


They couldn't even re-use the superior raid

can't wait to do Ulduar 2: 3 pulls of trash, 1 boss times 4 edition

fuck ulduar.
shit is way too big with way too much trash.
only two good bosses too.


DK wins. Too bad they have a shit class hall.

Its not ok that Nazgrim got rezzed.
He wanted a Warriors death and he got it. Should let him rest.