WHY would they do this? What's the point in having Ash lose AGAIN? All this hype , he should have won, ended the series and started with a new protag who by the end will have to face Ash who's now become a Legue Master
I don't mind pokemon threads but this is exactly what /vp/ was made for.
Jack Lewis
Loving your tears, ashfag
Daniel Diaz
Ash never won the league? I watched the first season when I was a kid but I missed the last episode, and I never saw it again.
Julian Collins
>but i want to talk about it with le Sup Forumseddit fuck off
Angel Ortiz
I guess he's never going to be the very best
Nolan Clark
He always loses. All he did was win the Battle Frontier, but turn downed the position of becoming a Frontier Brain.
Meanwhile, in this league, he lost to a Charizard, who one shot his WATER Super Saiyan Ninja Frog with a fire attack.
Jaxon Gonzalez
>ended the series and started with a new protag who by the end will have to face Ash who's now become a Legue Master
Holy shit, that's actually a great idea
Kayden Ward
Not vidya you fucking faglet
Hunter Foster
because Red is
Caleb Edwards
What's stopping Ash from winning and still continuing his travels? What if Ash's father is actually a champion who did the same thing?
Joshua Williams
you have your own board you fucking dorks. This isn't even video games. Fuck off.
Benjamin Perry
>Ash lost again >Serena will get shafted pretty soon >"Hey Pikachu, let's send all these pokemon to Oak and fly to Alola"
Dominic Butler
His Charizard refused to fight He won the orange league i guess but that ain't in the games
Gabriel Peterson
What the fuck did you actually expect?
Jack Harris
Anime Logic
Nathan Murphy
>Pikachu loses all his battle ability as soon as they start prepping for the new trip.
The only thing that could fix this is Brock coming back. Please god.
James Hill
>Feraligatr >Togekiss >Fearow >Yanmega >Mamoswine
Is this getting into "oh shit nigger what are you doing" territory? HG team. R8 and H8
Juan Wood
>Serena will get shafted pretty soon Thank fuck for that. Her makeover is atrocious.
Jason Rodriguez
Who did he lose to?
Brandon Campbell
But on the other hand her wearing Ash's clothes is great.
Angel Green
what is battle frontier?
Daniel Cook
Getting rid of Brock was the biggest mistake.
Jack Miller
Pokemon Emerald post game (Hoenn generation) content turned into an arc for the show. Battle Facilities with Leaders, Ash beat all of them and then gets offered a position to be a leader.
Jacob Richardson
I can barely remember my HG/SS team. All I recall were Feraligatr Shiny Slowking Arcanine
Isaac Martinez
>still watching Pokemon Only yourself to blame. Ash is an incompetent hack and will always be.
A shame that OVA from a couple years ago didn't get turned into a full series.
Justin Richardson
Once again I'd like the take the time in this post to tell you people something:
I told you so.
I told you people not to pin your hopes on this loser. This fraud. This charlatan. Yet I got all kinds of hate, people calling me a fool, an idiot, an illiterate. I got people posting greninja webms, people celebrating Ash's upcoming win. Once again I was right. I won't even respond to any responses because I was completely right.
William White
Respond to me please I need the (you)
Nathaniel Green
Holy shit, him meeting all the beach babes in Hawaii land would be the greatest thing ever.
Michael Richardson
here user
Samuel Gonzalez
Here (Ya) go
Henry Fisher
who is serena
Ryder Garcia
Just bring back Brock and Misty and have them travel again together in Alola
Landon Flores
Token female
Brayden Mitchell
This would be amazing but. >Tfw the rival/friend companion hawaii land kid would be the new brock while the hawaii land girl trainer is the new female companion
Robert Sullivan
>dopey kid and peppy looking female MC
Kill me quickly. I'd rather have Brock and Cilan for ultimate cooking battles and training Ash how to pick up chicks.
Eli Williams
The official teaser for the next episode has over twelve-thousand dislikes and counting
Nathan Gomez
>he lost again
I don't even watch pokemon, but didn't they build up this season with him having like the prophecized bond with water ninja pokemon or something and really build up some romance with that hat girl? And they're just going to do what they always have and have him lose, switch girl companions, and move to a new region?
This show is fucking garbage and I have no idea why or how anyone still watches it, they and anyone that makes this shit should be ashamed of themselves
Josiah Parker
link? it'll be 12,001
Luis King
Pokemon didn't start its run in the US until late 1998
Josiah Howard
Some faggot with a Mega Charizard X.
As if Charizard's dick hadn't been sucked enough in 6th gen as it is.
Jonathan Reyes
Why the fuck do you retards keep making threads about the Pokemon anime here? This is literally not video games.
Daniel Peterson
I feel like going back to S1. I remember watching a decent chunk of S2 as well before Teletoon decided to stop airing it and only aired the movies. Is it worth it?
They air it again now but it's the France dub with the french names instead of it being in french with the English names, like it was back then.
Michael Lewis
yup, and his god frog got BTFO by a fire type. he'll dump the frog at Oak and start a new, and the Power of Friendship godmode will never be used again.
Robert Cox
They fucked up bad this time. Everyone is pissed. Old fans, new fans, kids, japs, even the animators are pissed. This was the perfect moment to have Ash finally win a league and they blew it. 20 year anniversary, hyped up kalos finals, new gen on the way, hyped up ashninja, pokemon go making the franchise more popular than its been in years. Everything was set up for a perfect celebration and they fucked it up for no reason at all.
At least someone will probably get fired for it with the amount of backlash.
The worst part is that he didn't even lose for a good reason. If it was just some Tobias faggot with 6 legendaries again people would have just shrugged and gone "that's this shitty anime I guess", but they really made it look like he was going to win, everything was in his favour, but he got completely robbed. An already damaged Megazard gets hit by the ultimate water shurikan from super special snowflake ashninja and doesn't even flinch, while full-health meme greninja face tanks a not-very-effective attack and gets OHKO'd. Ash didn't lose to Alan, he lost to the writers, cause even if he does everything right he still loses.
Ash should just kill himself because he's clearly a shitty fucking trainer.
Jack Scott
Reboot it
Isaiah Green
sorry bro but nintendo needs to keep milking the franchise to stay afloat
Henry Stewart
This. Especially after the Pokemon compnay told all the old actors to basically fuck off.
Carter Hernandez
>308 likes >12000+ dislikes
KEK hooooly shit
Ethan Walker
>watching all these retards BAAAAWWWWing over how muh ash didn't win the league waaahhhh muh serena will leave soon Is this your first time watching pokemon anime or something?
Daniel Moore
Jordan Roberts
God damn
Xavier Clark
This board is for video games; this is off topic.
Michael Sullivan
the show has to go on so they can sell more merchandise. that's how it works.