Anyone got any tips on how to beat Ornstein and Smough on an SL 1 playthrough? I'm having a lot of trouble

Anyone got any tips on how to beat Ornstein and Smough on an SL 1 playthrough? I'm having a lot of trouble

use a trainer like i did

get a lightning katana, summon solaire/someone and kill ornstein first then smough is a fucking cakewalk because of the bleed and lightning damage

Become proficient

you can have like 20 flasks at that point

Same way you normally do, just a lot slower?

Kill the skinny one first. Take your time and don't over commit. Summoning is for fags.

Just use the pillars and kill Ornstein slowly, once he's gone you win.
Don't get greedy.

use the pillars to cover yourself from Ornstein tricky flash attacks, kill Ornstein first, as said before by other user Smough alone is a piece of cake when you understand his aerial butt attack

I think the problem is my controller because half the time the fucking block button doesn't respond, so sometimes I'll be holding it and I'll take a ton of fucking damage and I'll have no clue why. It's a shitty and cheap wired controller.

Shoot the cyber smough until it dies

I'd say try killing Ornstein first because Smough's form in the second phase is way easier if you just want to beat the boss.

Don't block, don't use a shield, just 2h that weapon.

>trying to block O&S
There's yer problem.

Don't bother blocking at all. Just lead in attacks while moving away and time your dodges.


Wut. What weapon are u using?

ok fuck all the faggots in this thread here is how you actually do it:
Kill Ornstein first (obviously) but DO NOT i repeat DO NOT under any circumstances keep your distance from Smough because that fat faggot will just fuck your shit up with his retarded charge attack. The trick is to just hug smough and dodge his easy as fuck close range attacks while fighting Ornstein. That way phase 1 is a moderate challenge but not absolute cancer and phase 2 is piss easy.

I only block Ornstein, I stay the fuck away from Smough but not far enough to where he uses his charge

Quick, claim your Dark Souls weaponfu before someone steals it


reduce their hp to zero

Got this off the demon below andre on my first run, and it served me well through pretty much the whole game.

Probably not the best way but here's how I did it on SL1.
>Use Lightning Hand Axe +10
>Pyromancy Flame with great combustion
>crown of oolacile and all that magic boost stuff
>Kill smoug first with the Axe
>Kill mega-orenstien with the flame
>get mad when you get one shot by a delayed hitbox from his ass drop
That and several hours of attempts is all it took.

Claiming the demons great axe.
All about that str.

Chaos Zweihander +1

Pretty sure you can't use any katana on SL1

>trying to block
>struggling on O+S

Just give up, Manus and Kalameet are going to be a wall.

Greatsword is best

I think as a hunter you start out with the right skills to use uchigatana

are you fucking retarded? stop posting in this thread.

Abuse pyromancy. Upgraded flame + bellowing dragoncrest + crown of dusk = dead Ornstein in a few fireballs.
Super Smough is easy apart from the lightning buttslam, use dark wood grain ring to ease up the timing. Then just spam combustion or beat him with your reinforced club.

SL1 means starting as a pyro. Although base levels runs as other classes are way harder. Pyromancy trivializes the whole game until the DLC.

Hide behind the pillar on the left, ornstein will sometimes dash around and come straight at you at the start of the fight. Your best bet is to do as much damage as possible before smough reaches you, and try to keep him behind the pole when he does his shovel charge.

OP here, O&S are Defeated. Thank you very much Sup Forums!

Congrats. The rest of the game is much easier, except for 4 Kings and the DLC if you decide to do that.

>mfw I tried a random build generator with Great Club, shitty shield, 15 endurance, 12 vit and fat rolling.

Manus was true fucking pain. I still think that shit is impossible.



get a chaos handaxe +2
roll and slap
