Jesus Christ, are there some good mods to fix this ugly ass game...

Jesus Christ, are there some good mods to fix this ugly ass game? Who the fuck thought this sepia toned dogshit was a good idea?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's called an ENB mod you degenerate nigger.

Just buy Fallout 4 for PC. Go the extra mile and buy the season pass.

Fuck off, Todd.


finally, some good advice around here.

>download graphics, bug fix, HD texture, nevada skies
>get random crashes
>sometimes rain freezes on load
>lags randomly indoors and outdoors
I might just play unmodded again

>are there some good mods to fix this ugly ass game?

This man knows his business

>tfw even modded as fuck the game is still clunky
>tfw I can't stop playing it

end me

Good luck getting stable frame rates with ENB mods.

I don't think you'll have fun with the game if you can't even get over its graphics tho.

Not everyone is playing on a low-end rig. Literally anything should be able to run it that's came out in the last 3 years. ENB mods don't kill framerate on a ~7 year old game.


It is seriously one of the ugliest games of all time not to mention an all around bad game. No idea why it's circle jerked so much on this board.

look at this dude

Nostalgia fags can't let go.

Amusingly, that screenshot actually looks better than how I remember F:NV looking.

Yeah I don't get it either. The combat and just about everything else is fucking awful.

Come on Todd, we all know that's shopped.

Here's the real one.

>Circle Jerk

"Circle Jerk" is a term used far more commonly on Reddit than Sup Forums, and is used more often than not in that context.

Nice try Reddit, you can't fool me.

ENB's are shit.

OP, use Ojo Bueno and UWRL and be done with it.

Surely you would only know that circlejerk is used more on Reddit than Sup Forums if you'd been there long enough to witness its frequency?

Nice try Reddit, you can't fool me.

Believe me user, I've done my research.




there's one or two

fuck off Reddit. I know it's you.

>Facial clipping
>Blur glitches when first initiating diologue

Otherwise 8/10. What face and lighting mods?

A lot of last gen game uses all sorts of color filter to try to hide how ugly the lighting is, and the lack of shadow details (Oblivion and Fallout don't even have objects/land shadows) and ambient occlusion.

Honestly thought that was commander shepard for a solid two seconds.

I would like to know the name of this mod tho.


Looks like Fallout Character Overhaul


it looks snug in there todd

Fallout Character Overhaul is shit, it made people look like either creepy characters from a lovecraft story viewed through a fisheye lens

Sooo... Like Oblivion?

i thought there was going to be a joke about over-modding your game and it was going to end up with you selecting a command to tie him and rape him or something

Why the fuck is Kaley Cuoco there?

Just built my gaming PC yesterday.
Been wanting to finally play Fallout NV with mods.
What are some essential ones I should download?

Also rate my PC?

Not bad/10 has the potential for future upgrades. That's the card I'm wanting to buy.

1 5 M I L L I O N

I spent 2k USD total. And you think it's "not bad"

You're computer is better than 95% of consumers desktops. I'm just used to being on pcpartpicker and seeing ridiculous "never afford it in your lifetime" builds. It's a good build mate chill the fuck out.

Can someone give me a list of their mods? Gonna want to start playing this game.

whats that NCR clothing mod called? it looks really good. im using dragbodys atm

if you stop playing a russian version the graphics get better

Toddposting will always manage to make me smile

>Installing Nevada Bloat

I grabbed it on sale since I heard it praised so much, and it was shit.

>Nevada Skies instantly crashes my game

I didn't want to cum anyway

- caesars new regime
- Fallout character overhaul
- NCR reborn
- fellout (for super realistic and dark nights)
- some NVG's to navigate during night
- Slavery reborn to enslave profligates
- JIPs companion mod (to recruit anybody you want)
- slave jail

>see NV thread
>get the urge to play
every time

Reminder: These people play at 45-50 fps MAX and they WILL lie about getting more than that. I have a 980ti and i7 OC'd to 4.4GHZ - Mods like this will destroy your frames.

How the fuck do people wear jeans in the desert and not die of heat stroke

I cannot play with ENB, since i get autistic when my fps is less than 60.

I live in the Mojave irl and only ever wear jeans. You kinda get used to it.

>and dark nights)

Do they have moon cycle to deal?

>Levi's jeans were invented in Reno, Nevada
You tell me.

>Installing shitty, outdated fellout instead of Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement

I grew up in California and only wear jeans/slacks. Its better to be hot than have the sun on your skin or sand whipping you.

You get used to it.


>Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement

d-does that have lunar cycles?

All you need is Realistic Wasteland Lighting, Interior Overhaul, textures and very importantly, config editing.

Config changes - ugrids 9, up fade distances x10, change shadow res from 256 to 2/4k

That's it

My current layout:

- Interior Lighting Overhaul
- NV Open Strip
- Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement
- Realistic Headshots
- No Auto Aim
- Immersive Karma
- Roose's Performance Pack
- FP gun follows crosshairs
- Optics Of New Vegas
- Enhanced Camera
- New Vegas Stutter Remover
- Rooses Performance Pack for New Vegas
- The Strip Open
- Weapon Animation Replacer
- Weapon Animation Replacer - Enhanced Camera Compatibilitypack
- Depth of Field and other Effects
- Real Recoil
- Flashlight NVSE
- Collision Meshes


This made my day thx, there are a bunch more char changed but I'm not far into the game.

It's not, you need to get it off gunetwork sorry

Anyone else just murder Ghouls on site? They're abominations. They're going to go feral eventually anyways. Put them out of their misery right away.

I don't think you understand how desert survival works. The danger isn't in the heat itself. The danger is dehydration. Wearing loose clothing that doesn't breathe too much let's you keep your moisture rather than it evaporating.

Why do you think people in the middle east wear so much robes and long sleeved shit that covers as much skin as possible?

>Why do you think people in the middle east wear so much robes and long sleeved shit that covers as much skin as possible?

To keep the sun off their skin?

The desert is like a convection oven.


>why do you think people in the middle east wear so much robes and long sleeved shit that covers as much skin as possible

They do that to protect their skin from the sun, dust and sand.

Also FYI - sweating is a good thing and keeps you cooler if you have enough water to cover it.

>sweating is a good thing and keeps you cooler if you have enough water to cover it.
No shit, why do you think dehydration is the issue you numbnuts

You are literally reiterating his post while forgetting the point of the question.

Was just adding a relevant little fact, calm your autism.

1 and 2 are great games with shit combat and clunky UI, but the amount of options you have make it worth it. The factions are all pretty interesting (in 2 at least) and the dialogue system is at it's peak.
4 is a fun open world sandbox shooter with a cool city building minigame that should not have been branded a Fallout game because of the weak RPG mechanics (although there are a few meaningful choices)
NV and 3 both play like absolute dogshit, even just running around feels awkward and clunky. The combat somehow manages to suck even more shit than in 1 and 2, and the factions and characters are weak (its the good guys vs nationalism in 3 and the USA vs roman nazis in NV). NV manages to be better by having slightly less shit writing, but if I wanted compelling writing I wouldn't be playing something with as goofy a setting as Fallout. The desert is also boring as shit, in 1 and 2 there wasn't a problem because you just traveled on the map, but in NV you spend half your time walking through a fucking boring desert with nothing in it. The dialogue is also ass, since it literally tells you which options are the speech check options, instead of you having to figure out how to influence a character yourself.
that's my opinion anyways

>get the urge to play
>remember I have it installed
>remember it's vanilla
>remember I'd have to spend two days modding the fuck out of everything
>remember I'd immediately lose the urge to play as soon as the mods were set up right and eventually uninstall everything to get my hard drive space back

It's not autism, it's you saying exactly what he said.

You could just have easily had a blank post with just his post number and it's the same thing.

> Are there some good mods..

Absolutely, there are tons of mods out there that are just too notch in quality

> To fix this game?

Oh. Oh, god no. There's no fixing this game, sorry.

>install texture mods
>install sawyers mod
there. you're done.

As long as you know your opinion is wrong.


fucking same dude lol

Except that he was saying they wore those clothes to stop dehydration, which is not correct.

Because Fall Out Boy was supposed to play that night

>Not getting the mods you want one day
>Backing it up on DVDs or whatever the fuck you want
>Having it in a nice safe folder with a .txt that tells you how to set it all up quick and easy

You guys who go all or nothing every time with these games you know you'll mod heavily are just making it really hard on yourself for no reason.

Games like new vegas created the brown and bloom meme. Thinking back on it, those were much simpler, better times when people cared more about the texture of the ground than the texture of peoples skin.

happened to me, I'm able to max it with capped 60 with enb +4k textures and tons of mods.
on a 7950 and i5 3570k

make sure to turn of game AA since the ENB is AA
also make sure to get the enb optimized ini then edit it to what you need.

mfw that was running at solid 60 when recording that both inside and outside

>Texture mods without environmental mods
>JSawyer mod without any additional rebalances

>so many mods
>they all look good
>impossible to sort through them all

Why can't someone just collect all the best mods, turn them into one thing?

>ruining sawyers mod by adding other dumb bullshit

>own new vegas and all the dlc
>play from start with the dlc enabled
>gun runner's arsenal shit in every single store and box alongside the standard shit
>have 1000000 caps and everything is easy when you have that much to blow


wat mods

I forgot I even made that first post and came back and saw this.

And yes, that is exactly what I was saying. You want to keep the sun from evaporating that sweat, hence why loose, covering, and low-breathing clothing are what you want to wear.

came here to say this

looks like shit