Which 2D girl would you want to have as vidya bro?

Which 2D girl would you want to have as vidya bro?

Kaguya is a NEET!

Play videogames with
Have sex with.

tfw no tharja 2.0 for footjobs

That's a vidya wife.

i want donut to play vidya with me and cuddle

>tfw no qt reverse trap to watch sentai and solve detective cases with
Just end my life already family.

She's also my future wife!

I know, it's sad to think about.


>stealing my reference pictures
Boy you're cruising for a bruising.

Suika. I think she'd be fun to get together and drink with. Winner of every round gets to take a shot.

If you could choose between a girlfriend, and a girl who would consistently play vidya with you, even a competitive spirit, but you never get to fuck, which would you choose?

You've won at life if you've met both criteria somehow, but I've never seen it.

Why would you ever want to play video games with a girl? They're all completely awful at them.

That was yours? Huh. I've had it saved somewhere for like a year now.

It's your fault for making good references. People need them for requesting porn of your "wife"

Yeah I used it for requesting in the drawthreads. Looking in the archive I apparently used it way back in November. Good times.

Hankering for a spankering there buddy.

I'm gonna request porn of your daughters and you can't stop me.

That's not true though, I've known a couple who are genuinely good at them. Thing is, they either became normalfags or moved away after high school or so, but imagine one that didn't get ruined. And I'm sure there's plenty.

Anyhow, I think they're nice to be around, especially the ones who act like bros. And even those ones emanate a kind of girly charm, I guess. Some of the ones I've known are just cute from the inside out.

It's interesting to hold a conversation with one if you haven't in a while, also. They're open about a lotta things guys aren't, and vice versa.


Either her or the Nep-Nep

Seconded, she's pretty neato.

I'd make snacks for her and we'd each have our own custom chosen beanbag

I don't have bros. If I make the effort to talk to a girl, it's because I wanna fuck them. I couldn't care less about being friends with them.

Based Tharja.

I want her too.


Never change, 3DSdude.


>there are people in this thread whose vidya waifu isn't also their vidya bro

Top pleb


Gonna do it!

>reverse trap
I wish people would cut this shit out.

What are you supposed to call a girl, a sro? Nigga I'm not Solusek Ro

Vidya bro?

I think you mean waifu

Do you ever get lonely? Do you ever feel like your thoughts are too built up in your head?

Break yourself and make an effort to reach out to others, we are all the same