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Video Games #3508
Video Games
Selling rune scimmy 25k
Pick one
Who's the best vidya boy?
He only says gg when he wins
Be fish
Will fighting games ever not be dead again?
An a press is an a press
Lawfag: the game
I am 100% convinced this will be GOTY 2017
"Videogames Will Never Be a Legitimate Artform" - Paul Gilbert
Will the NES mini be able to surpass this?
ITT: Games that get shitloads of praise that aren't actually very good
"Stop crying. Now I'll ask you again.. You can only play one game for the rest of your life. Which is it?"
What is Nintendo's BIGGEST Asset
Post your favorite video game and a picture of an animal
Have you thanked your healer user? It's only because of her (male) reviving you that your team won
100% Orange Juice
The Great Debate
Mccree nerfed for breaking the game
Ordered this. What can I expect? I wanted something that didn't feel like a compete clusterfuck that is Battlefield
Are the 3DS ports of Ocarina/Majora equal to experiencing them on the N64...
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Vinesauce?
Can you name these guys, Sup Forums?
Just finished Danganronpa 1 and 2. I loooooove Kyoko Kirigiri! She's the best!
What is your typing speed?
This is the face of true despair
Who is the sexiest man in vidya?
The last vidya character you played as it now your only companion and protector during a zombie apocalypse...
Black Ops 3 DLC 4
That one anime you love that will never get a good video game
Find a flaw
What are some games with "ara ara" type characters?
Gentlemen, how do we fix her? I suggest we get a patreon set up and support her stream as starters
What was his name again?
I love how nobody remembers this game anymore
Why are there so many niggers in this game?
I still can't believe this is real
Reaper doesnt flank
Ayo white boy
Games with girls with wings? Or better yet, games where I can romance girls with wings?
Let's end this discussion once and for all
"We don't need two snipers on attack, switch to a healer and tank"
The Tester Season 3 was 4 1/2 years ago
Will it add slopes?
Kingdom of Dragonpass
Video games thread
Is it autism?
Friendly reminder that Battleborn is unironically the best game of the year and only failed because of Blizzard's kike...
What does Sup Forums - Video Games think of Tifa Lockhart as a character?
ITT: Characters who are literally you
Get my Python
Better than any Final Fantasy whatever
Who are you going to main in the upcoming game, Berserk Musou, Sup Forums?
Ajna is cute. CUTE!
Tell him his best friend was responsible for his wife becoming a slave
Game is fun as hell
Cosmo is speed running again!
Reminder that they will NEVER top this
That game you wish you could experience for the first time again
How's everyone enjoying Sniperfield 1?
Your opinion on Doom
Have you ever bought a game because the girl was cute?
Am 19 now
Why do people like this game...
Probably the most patrician game I've ever played
Is there a game where I can play as an archer?
No Mans Sky - BTFO
So is he dead?
Best quests in oblivion?
I just want a sexy video game character thread.(please mods, let me have just this one)
Is it just me or has everything to come out in 2016 so far been shit?
Worlds adrift alpha
What the fuck is going in in the gaming industry??? BF1/Titanfall 2
Tfw fighting four of these faggots, 1 Lucio, and a pharah
First For Honor Duel Mode Gameplay
What do you believe to the worst part of the gaming industry these days?
What the fuck? This is shit
Is this a good game?
Defend this character
Fist PC games you remember?
Why havent you bought this yet?
Can we have a nep thread...
Literally a mexican dinosaur
What does Sup Forums think of Last Remnant?
Which is the most anti-christian video game?
Red Dead Redemption HD coming to PC in 2017
Paper Mario: Color Splash Co-Producer Interview
Sup Forums drawthread
Cruising around at night
What went right?
Persona 5
Explain the plot in under a paragraph
Do you remember me Sup Forums?
Everytime Janny censors this thread, he gets $0.02 closer to his hot pocket dinner
Filename thread
Make ugly character
Underrated games thread
Can we talk about this?
Final Fantasy XV
Can we all at least agree that this was the last good Touhou game?
Game has found footage
Hey let's talk about this game
How do they call upon the menkhu, the faithful of a Warden kin? Known by their hands...
Cancelled Vita for this shit?
What's Sup Forums's FMA 2003?
How can the CEO of Nintendo be this bad at Videogames? Would you be a better CEO?
Everyone post games that make you happy
He fell for the "Dark Souls 2 is a bad game" meme
Something seems to be bothering Bastila. Maybe you should speak to her and see if you can help her to open up about it
What are your favorite stealth games?
PlayStation Trinity LEAKED details
Dinosaur games
"user. What did we say about playing video games before finishing your homework?"
Boss fight
Why aren't you playing Attack on Titan yet?
Vocaroo vidya theed
With how Nintendo has been treating fan games lately, I have bad feeling this won't survive
Where should Final Fantasy go after XV?
How hard would it be to program & create an egg hardboiling simulator...
Can Sup Forums admit this game is good now? You loved it before it became popular...
What games let me get stuck in a time loop?
I love Tracer!
Battlefield or Titanfall?
Death Battle: Tracer vs. Scout
Luigi floating on an egg over the sea
Play a game with optional lethality
Stop rehashing the same old shit Nintendo
Should I buy this or is it so bad that I should just pirate it and save the money for the 999 remaster (only played 999...
Your opinion on Doom 1 & 2
Who's the best vidya boy?
Jack has been hired by Aku to stop Jack from entering a portal that would allow him to go back in time
What games did you spend autistic amount of hours on that you look back and laugh at?
Sand nigger visits the aryan nation and is immediately accused of being evil because Zelda "dreamt it"...
So in the wake of Deus ex: Mankind Divided...
Last video game you bought or played?
I just played this game for the first time, let's talk about Dark Souls
Nintendo and Sup Forums
This is the Alola Dodrio
Who /hype/?
You've been in a coma for 10 years, user
He has split personality disorder and betrayed himself and his friends
Game of the year so far
Have you played The Wonderful 101?
You will never experience the magic in videogames again
Dead or Alive is trying to stay alive while many other 3D fighters are dying
What TPS has the best girl with a perfect feminine physique?
I have a sudden urge for some dark fantasy
Are gamers an entitled bunch?
Best combinations?
Germany being lead by anybody other than Bismarck
What famous people do we know that play lurk Sup Forums?
Is anyone else as hyped for this game as I am? It's like if TERA/Aion/BnS came together and made a baby
Any Sup Forumsirgins watching Dara O Briain's show about vidya?
Hey, I'm going to the Bear Pits tomorrow. Ya wanna come with?
Find a flaw. Protip: don't even try
From the makers of Metroid Prime comes
What did she mean by this?
Glitch thread?
I need some guidance guys...
Uzis & MACs
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem
Where was the story?
I've never played either, which one should I get?
Is it Kairi's time to finally be relevant in KH3?
ITT: Games you've owned for years but have never touched or played once
What are some games where the detective dies?
I Dare anyone to find me a harder boss than them
How can you stop being shit at games like these ?
Let's do this
Why don't video game characters shit or take showers?
What are some games that are educational, without being "educational games", if you get what I'm saying
Ignore the sluts. If you could remove ANYONE from the video game industry, who would it be?
Have these fucks ever made a game?
Who's hyped up for Revolution 60 on PC?
Rich boy with parent issues
He's slipping, Sup Forums
Ooga booga rockstop
What could it be?
Redpill me on k-pop Sup Forums
Upcoming game that you've been hyped for ages now
Game requires a healer class
What video games are you playing right now Sup Forums?
French level
Anyone hyped for this game?
Old Game that costs 20$
3x3 thread
Do you remember me Sup Forums?
Is it bad game design to make a game difficult enough that many people might give up?
Final Fantasy XV
Who /PS4+PC/ here?
Arma 3 General?
Maplestory Thread
Hm this came today. Wonder what it is
If you took his in game model and removed the mask, will he have a face?
Was it really the TF2 killer it was said to be?
People get excited for this
Why did skull face even attack mother base in the first place?
Is this DICEs idea of a fucking joke?
New Vita incoming or discontinuation?
Game about anime gets made
Nioh has been in development for longer than FFXV, suffering as many delays...
Tell me about your first zelda, and don't be gay about it
Reasons why it sucks
Video games are designed to be played on monitors?
God-tier games
What went wrong?
My mx518 just died. Whats a good replacement?
He did not kill Danse
Cringe thread
Video games thread continued
Has Sony ever had an original idea in their existence?
This is Lucina! She's very CUTE! ITT: we say nice things about her!
Madness Returns
No Man's Sky Just Beginning: Apologize
Can we have a WipeOut thread?
Thinking on get my first PC and i need opinions
NIOH Beta: Last Day to Play Edition
Why does mobas drain your lifeforce and IQ?
People keep crying about how MGSV used deceitful marketing
Would Xbots even care?
Predict review scores
You DID save her, right, Sup Forums?
Why isn't he S++ in combat?
How will these games be remembered?
Smash 4 Labor Day Sup Forumskend
So, what did Sup Forums think of 5's multiplayer?
Why has no game tried to emulate MGS3 yet? meaning camouflage-based stealth gameplay
Halo Thread
What did Sup Forums think of GTA V? Genuinely curious. I playing through it again and i find it is still a total blast...
ITT: Make changes to a hero so that they become more balanced
Best Fighting Game
Unironically, do you think it's possible to play a game "wrong"?
How bad will it bomb?
Has the steam leveling race gone too far?
Why do you queers suck so bad at BF1?
I need a game to give me that Star Trek feeling. No Man's Sky was a bust...
Lets kill franchise with one simple trick, I'll start
You're chosen to direct the new Fire Emblem. How do you Make Fire Emblem Great?
Is there a more iconic weapon in Dark Souls series than the zweihander?
Video games thread?
We want the adult audience
When exactly did Sonic games get bad?
Have you seen this man?
What the fuck is his problem?
Things that shit on 5-year old you
Which bamham game is the best?
/webm thread/
"PC will never EVER have Red Dead Redemption!"
Ah, nigga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, nigga...
Post if you think Daisy is perfect
I need help Sup Forums
Do we still get to play the demo all day on the 6th (i.e...
It´s up!
Is Sup Forums mad video games aren't for white people anymore?
What's the lewdest Yugioh card?
I think I might be autistic, but I fucking hate EVERYTHING about this game...
Let me clear this up fuckers...
ITT: Your favorite Mad Max-inspired game
Best girl in Danganronpa
Games with only 1 good game in the series
Playing d2 again after decades
ITT: Sup Forums-related memes that time forgot
E celeb thread. Deal with it faggots
ITT: perfect endings to long-running game series
It's time for everyone to wake up and don't support Nintendo NX
No, they're not all emeralds, but they are all beryls, the same mineral with impurities
New cRPG thread
Red Dead Retribution leak
100000 films with white people replacing niggers and asians
VTMB Thread
Niche game
Does Sup Forums like any twitch streamers?
Death Stranding
Games that stick with you and you keep returning to them
Let's see your epic collection my fellow Sonybro's!
Oh noo
What does that look like to you?
Female characters get an intelligence and agility boost
ITT: instantly forgotten games
What are some good examples of character redesign?
How much gay are you Sup Forums?
Who would win ?
So, I'm playing Final Fantasy VIII for the first time...
What went wrong?
That AI
Exploring a level in a game
Things you'll never understand
Got this in today
What Japanese game should I give to my 10 year old nephew to make him stop playing Minecraft and embrace superior games?
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Joke character gets serious
New Senran Game announcment soon, who else is excited here?
Game has generous checkpoints
Is this the new low for Pokemon franchise?
Beach level
Why didn't you learn Japanese? This is what you could be playing this very month if you had...
I'll take Snow over Lightning any day
Can we talk about how this horrid piece of shit ruined gaming?
Post your most played games on Steam
Which one was better Sup Forums
Mfw I built a $1500 gaming PC only to realize I no longer find video games entertaining
In what games does your love interest die. No FF7
I'm feeling nostalgic Sup Forums. Let's have a nostalgia thread
Technological limitations that cause mindfucks in video games...
That game that you play at least once a year
Best girl. Geralt should have ended up with her
Need an MMO similar to FFXIV
Finally does a new endurance run
Name me one (1) game made with less than 20 people that was critcally acclaimed
Let's talk about this game
People unironically defend this
Mouse grip
Undertale received universal acclaim from critics and players alike...
Duke Numale
Today I got diagnosed with PTSD, any user that can recommend some chill games I can play to take my mind of it?
What are the best games where you can be "Evil"?
232,647 active players
Did anyone actually ever like this game? Ever? How has it continued to exist for so long? Is it just nostalgia...
Really makes you think
Has early access gone to far? (releasing an expansion back even so the game isn't even finished yet)
Where the hell did they come from? Why don't you ever see anything like it again in the Sonic series?
You know what
Video games can't tell good and engaging stories as well as books
Welcome to the MMO graveya'd... anyone in particular you're lookin' fer, sonny?
Why don't you own one?
Have you guys seen this shit
PC vs Console Geraldo
>"Well we had a really long talk about [the Mongols] and whether we should include them in this installment of the...
Remember how much I loved Fallout 3 when it first came out 8 years ago
New Patch Released for Ed Edd n Eddy Online
No mother russia thread
"It's a huge mistake to think like an idiot that big breasts on women seem erotic."
Doesn't explain the gameplay systems at all
What is his name again?
Hideo has abandoned his native Japan after a string of personal disasters left him in the depths of despair
ITT extreme disappointments
Final Fantasy XV
God eater
I can't wait to kill filthy ningen with these based motherfuckers in Xenoverse 2
You must post ITT if you're butthurt over the shade of skin in a fucking video game
A 2008 GPU produces better graphics than the Wii U
Kill marry fuck?
Why don't people play Dead or Alive? Is it because of the "sexy ladies" meme?
Street fighter 5
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Why /hype/ here?
Watching cutscenes in video games
What are the recent games you played, Sup Forums?
Whats the game with the best atmosphere?
World of Final Fantasy
Aside from the gameplay, which is V's strongest point, Peace Walker was a better MGS game in every single aspect
Evil path is harder than the good path
What do you drink while playing video games?
Why is the highest ranking always S?
What are the chances a level like pic related could be made in 2016?
Hideo grows as frail as his drunken wife as the loss of his parents hits hard
Is FFXIII the most cringeworthy Final Fantasy series? Serious question, not trying to insult anyone here...
What the FUCK went wrong?
Other than playing games for free, is there any other shit I can do with a hacked 3DS?
Sup Sup Forums, I need a new gaming chair, what should I buy?
Is having a QA job while goin to school for programming a decent route to take to get into a decent video game studio...
Misunderstood pixels thread
So is anyone else pissed off?
Miiverse Thread?
Your best friend becomes the final boss
Why wasn't he a girl?
What's the best Batman game and why is it Arkham City?
How long should a game be in development Sup Forums
Why all the hate for No Man's Sky?
ITT: Strats that nobody but you used
Trails of Cold Steel II
ITT: Shitty video game protagonists
Vidya cringe
PS Neo is basically PS4 slim + 4K video playback
What's the most scary game? One that will haunt me for weeks
Sonic Mania
Dios Ex thread
Fallout New Vegas
This is it Sup Forums, your last chance
Ok, so let me get this straight. You complain that games are too expensive and that DLCs are ripoffs. Even though:
Want to play overwatch all day
What was his catchphrase again?
Why do people hate DK64 over SM64?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong and why?
Why should anyone game on PC if they don't like FPS?
How to get gamer gf ?
Ready for GOTY?
What's your favorite HM1 level?
Every notice that pigs are always evil in video games?
What are some series that turned rubbish after the third installment?
Better Than FF7
The tale of the tested Japanese preacher continues
What am I in four?
Friday the 13th: The Game
Are we doing another musical this year?
Which non fishing game had the best fishing?
How does Sup Forums feel about the newly announced civilisation for civ6 "The Kongo". Pic not related...
"Hey son!"
Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?
How the fuck am I supposed to play this hero with a 20 tick server...
Average fight against Champion Gundyr
Is this the best Battlefield game since 1942?
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Survival Games
Is there a single character in gaming that can stop Mr. Domino?
King of Fighters XIV
What is your purpose here, Arisen? If you sought to live you had naught but run and hide yourself away. But then...
Have you guys seen this shit
What is the Sausage Party of video games?
What did she compete in?
Why is this game so loved? It's dull and repetitive. Is there something I'm missing?
Gotta Protectors
I wanna make a paladin type character, Or a magic and melee character
Explain this, DMC fans
So there is a new master of orion game out? why is no one talking about this?
Sup Forums... Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?
What am I in for, famicoms?
Why do publishers put their games on PC when they always flop?
Was the combat really that bad? I played this game twice, once on normal and once on death march...
So is this what you wanted or?
Games only you played
What would you consider the best mouse for gaming?
What happened to the FE fanbase, Sup Forums? Did Awakening really fuck it up that bad?
Lets play a game Sup Forums
Game companies will die in near future
Post immediate signs you're playing with a shitter
ITT: Online games that only exist in your memories
Does Sup Forums actually like this fucking retard and his shit tryhard videos?
Who's Janus
What went, dare I sait it, wrong?
Anyone else hyped? it looks amazing
Say hello to NX
Is it just my imagination or is there a resurgence of Touhou stuff this year?
Best weapon?
M A F I A 3
I have an obsession with girls bigger than me. Post huge video game females
ITT: Casual filters
It begins anew
Let's talk about H games
Pokemon GO became a worldwide phenomenon
Fewer than 4000 copies in Japanese launch
Help me Sup Forums
Can you see each frame per second? Absolutely not. Nobody can. But that doesn't actually matter because you can feel it
Apologize. Right this instant!
When you emulate games do you prefer playing in the native resolution or do you turn it up?
Banishes dragons to the other side of the world
France is cut
You will never leave your high score on an arcade machine ever again
Wings of Freedom
ITT: We create a game, one mechanic at a time
I don't get it...
Find a flaw
I mean WTF right?!?
Gaymer Gate deux: this time it's personal
We want the nu-male audience
Buyer's remorse thread
Game ideas go
Name ONE bad game for the SNES
Battlefield 1 Thread!
Filename Thread
Can you reccomend wii and wiiU games?
Is this harder than Layton's puzzles?
What kind of games to chicano girls like?
What went wrong ?
Post your favorite cities from a video game
Early Tekken thread
How do you commit to making choices in a really long game?
Will Obsiden make another fallout game?
In just a few days Sony will announce the next iteration of the ps4. What are you looking forward to most...
Why do moms hate video games
User, turn the game console off right now!
I was the biggest Witcher fanboy
Darkest Dungeon thread?
This comes out today. Place your bets people
You did wear Wolven Armor + Alchemy build, r-right Sup Forums?
Is PC gaming the responsible for producing good graphics and bad games?
Is this worth buying, Ive only heard good things. Anyone point me to a review that isnt shit?
3x3, 5x5, whatever rate Thread
Do you game in public?
Why is this disliked again?
Sup Forums drawthread
The ghost with the most
Find a flaw
What's up BITCHES
Is wow dare i say it, back?
Finish game
Black Flag > Syndicate > 2 > Revelations > Brotherhood > Rogue > 1 > 3 > Unity
What is the AMD equivalent of GTX 750ti?
We had a great cRPG thread yesterday discussing games like Underrail, Planescape Torment and shadowrun series
Meanwhile, in Sinnoh Sup Forums
Any games where I can create a qt female character?
He has a game design degree
I can't believe Mia's dead
Are there any actual good games coming out Sup Forums?
Can we talk about how shitty the story mode was?
If you don't reply to this post with a SF64 quote, your mother will DO A BARREL ROLL! In her sleep tonight
Any good games on PC Sup Forums? i just made a gaming one and Im looking for good games on steam, etc
Game has a spider boss
Why is nobody talking about this?
It's official: MMOs are no longer a dying genre. They're dead now
What mouse do you use Sup Forums?
What's you're favorite legendary skin Sup Forums?
Deadly Premonition
How will you defeat the bandits and get on the tower Sup Forums?
No Man's Sky
Do you regret buying the Wii-U Sup Forums?
That guy who selects Japanese audio in his video games
Would it lend itself well to a videogame adaption?
Would you marry a gamer?
What's your favorite Picross game?
Enemies roll down stairs while dying
B2 Brawler
Is there anything inherently wrong with watching certain games instead of playing them?
What kind of video games do you get to play in Heaven?
Your opinion on Garry's Mod
"JUST" tier videogame music
What video games deal with insomnia?
Character Creation
3DS Thread
Did they ever fix this?
Why is Paz better than Quiet in every way?
How do you like your mecha?
Say my name
It just won't feel right on PC
Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?
Nioh: Dawn of the final day, less than 24 hours remain edition
Spiritual sequel to Metroid Prime
I can't believe Capcom. How many times can they port this fucking game to different consoles...
So we like it now, right?
Controller thread
Never seen a paragon thread. Do I like this game Sup Forums?
Which 2D girl would you want to have as vidya bro?
I played this game for the first time this weekend-- for some reason I always looked at it as not a real Sonic game...
Momus doesn't exist!
The last enemy you killed in the last game you played is now your new room mate
Where do you guys pirate games from?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...