What am I apologizing for?

Still looks pretty bland to be honest

He just napalmed his buddies.

>you can change noctis' faggy clothes
good enough for me, I might give this game a shot.

fuck off

>high school hipster kiddo with a hoodie doing a QTE to jump and cast a fire spell

It's a start, now if we could change the faggy hair as well that'd be great.

I really dislike how everything needs a message displayed on the screen.


I hope I can turn this shit off, as well as that pointless red bar that ruins any suspense.

>inb4 pic related happens yet again


are you 12

how else would you describe them?

You must be the 12 year if you think that try hard shit looks cool.

Do "HURR QUTE" memeposters realise the indicator is in the easier difficulty, and gone in higher ones?

And to be honest, how is this any different from blocking with a shiled or rolling or doing whatever that is done in any other games? You have to press a button for something to happen. It's not like you win the game with a single button press, you know.

Is there a single thought behind these shitposters, am I bitting the bait?

Spotted the fag


Who the fuck dresses like that?

They take damage from aoe magic effects too. Pair that with the fact that their AI is retarded and you can't control them and prepare to heal your entire crew everytime you use magic.

Tabata was a mistake.

Can you even control their AI?
At least in KH you had setting to tell them what to do or not do in combat and how often to use skills and items

They're useless anyway. Noctis is literally a one-man army.

You can, but we don't know how in-depth it is yet.

For what ?

That looks like absolute shit to play.

>game slows down to give you a chance to dodge/parry

It's a QTE, the very definition of a QTE.

blunder of the year, xv-kun is on suicide watch

I'll be getting this game.

When it's 15 dollars or less

I think Noctis and Ignis look pretty normal. The just have prettyboy hair is all.

Prompto looks like his mom dressed him and Gladio is just Gladio.

I think this game looks like ass ever since Tabata's influence, but complaining about their designs is just shitposting.

I guess it's to be expected when you try to pander to the west so hard but keep the JRPG char designs. Tabata made his own mess, he can lie in it.

It doesn't slow down until you press the button.

I did back when I was in highschool, minus the armband and glove of course. All the asian girls wanted to fuck me.



You can give them attack commands, that's it. Don't expect to be able to move them.

>Partial Nudity


>Prince who sees the light of dying souls
>Motor driven sword as main weapon
>action driven physically influenced gameplay
>"too ambitious"
>most original nip vidya project in years
>a lot of blood, death and gothic related atmosphere
>Lore so deep it would have required 3 separate games

>sole development ambition is money
>neet weeb waifu bait even has an anime
>lazy neet prince, amerifat plumpto, weeb neet relatable
>invasion fight cut
>storyline butchered
>even a neet loser like you can have a blonde bride (luna) with forced royal wedding
>Launch event (FFXV Uncovered) was a fucking joke
>"lol muh weed, crystal meth & drugs" (aaron paul)
>mostly everything seen in 2011 & 2013 trailers cut
>muh skyrim open-world meme
>pandering lowest common denominator for maximum profit

How people keep defending this shit is beyond me

Literally who is this guy and why should I care about his opinion?

they better include gambits for your allies
if they could reuse the ATB for 50 games, they can reuse gambits
I don't want to deal with a retarded A.I. when they already solved that problem 11 years ago

who am I kidding, they forgot about CTB after one game

It's a prompt. It only slows down once you actually press it. For dramatic effect? Who knows.

Not saying this game isn't riddled with QTEs like the link/chain attack nonsense from ED.


Don't forget character switching that allowed you to make your own combos and chain them together through character switches. Tabata was a mistake.

It's not even the same you retard
The combat has huge flaws

You know as it stands I have zero interest in playing FFXV but honestly....that all sounds right up my alley.

>they better include gambits for your allies

Confirmed ages ago.

>I have zero interest in playing FFXV

>is in an XV thread


>The world does seem large but it also feels quite segmented, it's very obvious if you picked a direction at random it wouldn't be long before you'd hit an impassable wall/cliff. Especially in the starting desert area.
>Florence's Stand By Me cover was playing on the pause screen (options, load, save etc not the equipment/skills screen)
>Prompto uses the phrase "totes adorbs" at one point. How about that millennial chutzpah.
>The guys find out about the invasion of Insomnia by reading the morning newspaper. This is really lame. In relation to where they are at the point, Insomnia is essentially just over a nearby hill, it is hard to believe they wouldn't have heard or seen any signs of an invading army going by. I wasn't invested enough in the guys, Noctis, Insomnia, Regis or their quest at this point so this rather pivotal scene lacked impact.
>The giant bird monsters called 'hurricanes' are cool although the aliasing on their wings is intense.
>The driving is very much on rails. If you just hold R2 and turn at the right time you'll be set. I tried forcing the Regalia off the road but it just kinda guides you back into place. It feels very clunky and slow as a result. If I end up playing this I'll more than likely be letting Ignis drive so I can look around.
>It doesn't take long for Noctis to get super angsty. One scene with Cor in a royal tomb sees him chuck a real tantrum: "What was my father thinking! What good am I! What did he expect me to do! I'm no king! etc. Eye-rolling stuff, couldn't dislike it more.
>This dude was in the third dungeon and was pretty tough. He kept one-shotting everyone with his quick slashes, the only way I avoided that was by doing the block parry thing. Basically hold square then quickly press circle when the prompt comes up. It was very frustrating having no control over my party and so they kept dying.

>It's not even the same you retard

Where did I say it was the same, you retard?

>The combat has huge flaws

No shit, so does ever other FF's combat. If you play an FF game for the combat mechanics you're a mouth breathing retard.

>if you play a game for the gameplay you're a retard

Spotted the XV fag.

I don't understand why people want this game to be bad, and fail. Does nobody remember the PS1, or Ps2 days when Fianl Fantasy VII and X came out? The huge boom and quantity of JRPGs?

we NEED FFXV to be a success. I think the genre in general thrives when FF is healthy because FF is a lot of peoples introduction to JRPGS. FF is what creates a new generation of jrpg fans and they eventually want to find more and seek it out. We need a healthy FF for that purpose.

>>is in an XV thread

So what? I read about games all the time I have no plans to play, for this very reason, because maybe some news will pop up that will make me change my mind.

Actually the fact that you fail to grasp that concept explains a lot about why Sup Forums is so full of bitter miserable retarded shitposters.

Some faggot from Sup Forums keep posting his shit, and pretend like he is know everything about combat design.
Worse than XV-kun.

Well non of the second image is in the game, it's things that would improve the combat

>inb4 this thread is an exact clone of the previous APOLOGIZE thread with the same 20 pictures and 10 copypastas posted

>After you see Insomnia has fallen with your own eyes, you have to meet up with Cor, who tells you about the tombs, then you have to get to Lestallum to check on Iris and find another tomb. That was essentially the narrative of the first four hours.
>Cor only joins the party for like 5 minutes max, between two Royal Tombs. Then he rocks up for a bit when you take on an imperial checkpoint on the way to Duscae.
>Cor and your friends all make a big deal about how far away Lestallum is and how you better fill up the tank etc. It was under 2 miles away, which admittedly was the longest drive I did in that session, but it was still weird. Also to get to the third tomb from Lestallum was an even longer drive and they made no mention of that fact. Perhaps nitpicky, but it took me out of it.
>Lestallum looks pretty cool aesthetically but it lacks soul. NPCs are lifeless, wandering around not saying anything, music was repetitive and the ambient sounds of a crowd felt out of place. Compared to the Witcher (I know people are probably sick of this comparison), its incredibly dull. Felt more like a town from Xenoblade in terms of dynamism.
>When you arrive Iris takes you on a tour which was a nice way to see the whole place but she herself isn't much of a character. She's very 'oh this is kinda like a date huh Noctis, tee hee'.
>Combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma but also of action adventure games like Bayonetta etc. I'm not saying it was as good as either of those games, just that it's similar fundamentally. Combat could be confusing though, the warp strike wouldn't always lock on to where I wanted it to, which was possibly something I was doing wrong. Targetting in general felt a bit iffy.

>quantity over quality
>we must go MAINSTREAM

Typical FFXV fag.

>he thinks "combat flaws" are relevant to people who play JRPGs

Name one FF game that has good combat.

>this guy

The second image is just someone talking about how the gameplay could be improved. Doubt it will actually happen.

Yeah sure I believe you always read about games you have zero interest in. It makes perfect sense.

>Loading times varied from standard fare for an open world game on PS4, to between 1-2 minutes. These longer ones seemed to only happen between chapters, and when loading the game up from scratch.
>After around 2 hours and 40 minutes the game crashed. Just the one and only back to the dashboard.
>The game does not look good. I was sitting fairly close to a pretty big TV, but even forgetting that there's intense shadow dithering, aliasing to the high heavens (you've all seen the hair), texture and vegetation pop-in and on top of that the frame rate was incredibly inconsistent. I kinda just got used to the combat being a bit of a mess visually. It was often hard to tell what in the hell was happening.
>Moving the camera around somehow makes things worse.
>It's perhaps not the best way to explain this due to the size of this shot but I'd like to draw your attention to the shrubs in the upper left corner of this screen. When blown up to a decently sized TV, even at this close distance, those shrubs looked like sprites from Minecraft/Stardew Valley, and I swear I'm not being hyperbolic.
>Also I tried driving in 1st person and there was some bug (I can only assume) where everything looked pixellated and low-res when looking through the windscreen. Needless to say I refrained from using 1st person after that.

This isn't a FF game. It's a buggy and bland Witcher 3 clone with bad writing and chocobos.

type 0 faggot

Why you even bother to listen to vocal minority from Sup Forums? They are not even 0.01% of consumers of this game.

In a fucking ARPG? Yeah i better expect good gameplay, which it had up until early 2014



You don't have to be a genius to spot those flaws, so stop pretending like you know better.

Better than being stuck with Tales of, and a shit ton of perectly fine jrpgs rotting away on awful handhelds.

What fuck is "partial nudity"?
Is this an american thing?

X and X-2
boy that was easy

A bunch of games' combat have a bunch of flaws, most of them i didn't gave a fuck and have fun because in my opinion it was not enough to stop me from playing, now tell me, why should i care about the opinion of random people that i don't know?

You're not fooling me samefag.



Type-0 has the worst of them all, aside of maybe XII.

Name one mainline FF that is an ARPG
Times change, the game had good combat until early 2014. But then Tabata wanted his braindead combat system ith animations based around holding buttons to awesome. It's not like the game can make up for it in any other department


>game stops
>press circle to not die
>press circle again to win
The only people that need to apologize are the people that keep defending this game after every blunder it goes through.

Then why are you here?
Might as well sit in corner and talk to yourself

boy that was a long time ago

>afrojack plays on the radio
>newspaper you find says Lunashits wedding dress is by Vivienne Westwood
>beats headphones in KG
>driving an Audi in KG
>American Express logo on the wall ingame

Tabatafags will defend this.


These flaws are insignificant since its not skill-based hack'n'slash game, so who cares, you still can pull off interesting stuff with airsteps and warps.
Combat is fine for ARPG.

is this deadly premonition?

Proof is in the game itself.

Attack when the light glows is shit combat.

My wallet is ready.

I'm a huge faggot for cosmetic shit.


FUCK millennials seriously for fagging the shit out of my once most beloved franchise

the amount of MAGIC FFVII is forever lost in time. Even X, having a boipucci for a protagonist was a very respectable game. But after X-2... everything crumbled down forever

I think that VII remake will turn me into a dangerous criminal due to the amount of heresy it will contain

XV: Le Wilde Trippe Of Le Fucboi Squad

fuck this shit
fuck modern gaming
fuck you for endorsing such pieces of digital shit by buying them

>Goes far outside the restricted demo

Even I know the demo doesn't include the whole map at all unlike the full game.

>>Prompto uses the phrase "totes adorbs" at one point.

Welp, that does it. I'm cancelling my pre-order.

(Yeah yeah I know I'm a retard for pre-ordering in the first place etc.)


You're a flimsy retard.

Most of them at least didn't have combat that actually feels bad to play, a turn based RPG where normal battles come and go quickly with no problems is better than an ARPG with awkward controls and retarded AI allies.

Looks like a lot of people here is not interested on the game and will not play it, yet they still keep posting, why are they here?

they take like 6 damage at a time from the aoe thunder in the PAX footage.

>Level 8 Flan

Really the only thing that bother's me is just how fucking buggy and broken it still seems this close to release. I'm pretty certain that enemy isn't a Level 8 Flan.

>thinking it's an action game
you fuck off

The full game doesn't either.
>Insomnia is not in the game as an explorable town.
The game looks like shit even if you're in the area.


>FUCK millennials
>sucking 7's dick

should have listened to the software engineers when they said this engine couldn't handle open world.

>FUCK millennials seriously for fagging the shit out of my once most beloved franchise

Says the millenial. If not, you sure act entitled like one. Keep crying.



I don't know, that's why asked the question. Answering with a question doesn't make you look any less stupid

>Cancelling your pre-order over one quote.

The thinnest of skin.

I don't know why I still come into them hoping for actual discussion.