Dead or Alive is trying to stay alive while many other 3D fighters are dying

Dead or Alive is trying to stay alive while many other 3D fighters are dying.

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What's the problem? Guest appearance from established characters of other franchises is often a good way to drum up interest.

What? Sexy women in revealing outfits? I don't see a problem.
Unless you're a sjw cuckmale or a fat woman.

Why does she look better in DoA than KoFXIV?

KT has 3D artists

Because Me Bouncey!

Why don't they make DOA6 already?

"Come to me, oh huddled masses...embrace the Nanja Nanja!"

I want porn videos of DOA Mai fucking KOF 14 Mai so bad now

Looking weird there Kasumi.

Cute teeth

I thought it was Momiji?

You mean triumphantly pegging her?

They're probably working on it or Ninja Gaiden 4. Also, Team Ninja is smaller than it used to be. They don't have cookie monster working on 3 games at a time.

They are probably creating new models of the DOAs, but some of TN staff may not survive the erectile consequences of sustained exposure to the DOAs.

>Trying to stay alive
I can't remember the last time I've seen DoA at a major

And not only does it make sense (Mai's a ninja, and she's one of the main inspirations for the franchise in the first place), she's clearly better integrated than Akuma in T7.

She can utterly destroy me anytime

> tfw Rachel and Nyotengu mistake her for Momiji and ravish her.

How long does it usually take for them to make these games?

Wow Nyo does not fuck about.

7 years between DOA 4 and 5. They did turf cookie-face and overhaul the team and the look of the characters in that time, though.

I don't like the new style. Its technically an improvement over barbie dolls, but somehow seems to make the characters less unique.

ALL 3D fighting games are dying.

Of course not, she's out for vengeance after all.

What happened that killed the genre?

I can only make assumptions. But I would say its the lack of innovation and a shift in attention. While graphics keep improving, 3D fighters still play mostly like they did 2 gens ago. And there's only so many times you can focus on selling a game by adding a new scantly clad girl to the box. Everyone from Soul Calibur to Tekken to Dead or Alive has done it. So a big titted girl is no longer unique. Its the norm.

3D fighters need to come up with something new besides just adding a new stage or character. This isn't just limited to 3D by the way. SNK, Capcom and even Smash Bros has been seeing a drop off in interest. The core fighting fans remain and will always remain loyal. But the general market has gotten over fighters.

Who gives a single fucking shit about the people that take fighting games seriously?
Those are all laughable retards.

>They're probably working on it or Ninja Gaiden 4
Don't play with me like that, user.

wait this actually looks like fun, is it even worth trying to get into DOA5?

Yes, it is. You can try it free with Core Fighters (which has 6 free characters)

FGC goes out of its way to troll this game because it has titties even though literally all the other games have them too.

It's really fun, but it's not very exciting at high level play, either. Christie is pretty much better than anyone and out-juggles everyone else on the roster.

They were busy making Nioh and out did From Software at their own game. I'm rather pleased to see TN getting something right the first time, considering the sorry state of NG3's initial release.

Knowing bamco they're probably busy making DLC for that game.

Summerjamx on stream, Absolute Battle 7 too. Also, there is a world cup or something like that for DOA I think.

TN is actually bigger now. It's just that most of them are on Nioh right now. A small team does DOA support, a small one did DOAX3, and some others are helping on other games (like Hyrule Warriors, Fatal Frame, etc)
There's probably a small team doing preproduction on DOA6, which will be their main project until a small team does preprod on NG4 or Nioh 2.

People don't really like change though. Like Street Fighter 4 revived fighting games by going back to SF2.

And I don't know if Smash Bros is a valid point. It's a WiiU title which cripples it, and Melee grew massively.

>nearly all the girls have the same body models except for the pink haired retard and the pedo bait

fuck off

What's wrong with his statement? DOA has been doing that since DOA1. Dead or Alive V did add some more variety to the older designs, but they didn't completely change them. Most of the old girls are still within 8-10 cm of each other in bust and even closer in hips.

were all dying. one second at a fucking time.

Because the same happens to male characters except we're not thin skinned little bitches.

Needs an edit where the SJW is drooling over "Hot Ryu" from SFV.

"Guys are not allowed to find women sexually appealing! Now excuse me while I go finish my latest game of Zelda."


>tfw like DoAX3's dress up
>tfw all the suits and outfits I like are in Final Round

There's only one perfection.

But Prier isn't in Dead or Alive.



A JRPG character that was THICC before anyone knew what that meant.

i can't wait for her swimsuit and half naked costume dlcs

Lina Inverse's personality and hair with Amelia's body and love of Justice. Too bad she's stuck in a shitty Tactics game.

Inferior Momiji Wannabe

Vengeance on behalf of lewdness against purity and innocence.

I really like DoA as a fighter. Shit's so much fun.

yea man hehe i love "fighting" hehe

I like the flow and naturalness of it, I guess, same reason I enjoy VF.

I prefer VF and DOA to the more mechanical gameplay of Tekken.

You will never call forth the power of Ten Tinas.

Is that a different way of saying she just wants to pleasure her big dick?

Same! DoA just feels intuitive and natural.

The girls are just a bonus.

>Jaggies on the console version
>shit DLC on the PC version
There's no winning

No I'm not going to pirate DLC.

In the early days of 3D fighters, I prefered its gameplay. I liked Soul Calibur 1 the best. But its sequels quickly ruined the series for me. Tekken on the other hand was a complete joke full of juggling and endless combos. Basically the first person to land a hit wins. Tekken might have improved this, but all the way up to Tekken 4, juggling was king. And Virtua Fighter, while deep, was kind of too complex. And didn't have the memorable characters to keep you interested in a sequel.

In the middle of all of this was Dead or Alive. It was like Tekken without the juggling crap. And had the characters that Virtua Fighter lacked. The story was cheesy and forgettable, but the characters remained strong. But honest to god, it was the gameplay that hooked me. Ever since DOA2: Hardcore, I preferred the gameplay in Dead or Alive because it kept being refined. Of course, there was a few cheap things like a stage hazard taking 3/4 your life or the imbalance of the ninjas over everyone else. But still, it just seemed to be more of a complete package than other 3D fighters.

Then Dead or Alive Dimensions hit and it fell into total shit with long range hadooken spamming and being able to play as overpowered bosses. And Dead or Alive 5's change in design pushed me away even more. Now I kind of don't care about any 3D fighter. But I'm still hopeful Team Ninja will turn it around (along with Ninja Gaiden).

Hey guys, how about a Ninja Gaiden where I can play Ayane in every level please. Not just one.

>Not Andy
>Not Geese
>Not Motherfucking Kim
>Not Mr.karate
>Not Ryo
>Not Clark
>Not Robert
>Not Joe
>Not Griffon
>Not Blue Mary
>Not Vice

But Mai


>not Shingo
>not Athena
>not Hinako
>not Hatoko
>not King
>not Kim

It's because Mai was the template for Kasumi. Same reason for Virtua Fighter characters being DOA5.

Harada has stated that if he could, he would want Geese as a DLC character in Tekken 7.


Who the fuck is that?

Hey guys, we just added Nakoruru to Dead or Alive! Come buy our DLC!

>slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide, bird spam, slide

DoA is pretty much a cross-over game at this point.

Sorry, I meant Hotaru.

Yes, she prefers to pleasure it by using girl's access points.

die you broken fucking bird bitch diiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee


Oh okay makes sense

>tfw mai looks better in KoF15 than DoA5
>tfw KoF15 is a better game than DoA5
it's not fair.

I want to see Nak our in a bikini. I don't care if they use Marie Rose's body for her

>dose tiddies

Let's see 'em with the physics set to DoA.

>Geese in T7
Would have been way cooler than some of the new faggots we got like Shaheen and Claudio to be honest with you family

I find KOFXIV Mai way more attractive than he rDoA version. Her DoA look just looks boring as fuck with the same bland, dead face. It's like Kasumi with a hair cut.

>tweeted at shimbori once asking if Jin from tekken could come to DoA5
>replied and said he'd be down, and to ask harada
>retweet to harada
>no reply ever

More like a 50/50 cross of Momiji/Kasumi honestly. Not that it is any better.

At least her moveset looks good.

I think the DoA version's lips are too big.

If you mean to ask "why Mai's battle stance looks like she got fucked by a horse?"

Simple: Andy's dick is small because MUH TRAINING. Then it was Kensou. Then the American Sports Team... Finally, the horse.

Harada has a beef with Koei-Tecmo.

>Pic Related: Him signing "Worst series ever" on a DOA5 promotional cut-out

What a faggot.

What's funny is he's cool with Cookie face nowadays.

What happened? Was it Oatmeal hating on the Tekken series, or was it something else?

Something Hayashi-related, I think.

I thought they were always buddies and their feud was a character thing.

Must have really hurt that Yu Suzuki-sempai was bros with Team Ninja.

Does this go back to Oatmeal's comments about Tekken 4?

This should not stop that Rachel pegging Asuka and Lili doujin that needs to happen

Mai is pure. PURE!

>One of those udders will never accidentally pop out of that top

Mai is ready for action!

> You will never milk a Mai.

A pure slut & turbo-cunt, maybe.

Intuitive is a great way to explain it. Whenever the uninitiated ask me about this kind of shit they take to these games way faster than the others.

shit doesn't really die in Japan like they do in the US, it just becomes niche, that and the fact that Koreans consume 3D fighters like coke pretty much guarantees it will never die

I'm not sure what is wrong with this. Do you have a problem?

But tekken is getting a new game soon and SCVI is in development.

Anyone got $120?