Meanwhile, in Sinnoh Sup Forums

Meanwhile, in Sinnoh Sup Forums...

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Ever wonder what happens in all those grey uncharted areas?

I'd go look but there are like bushes and shit blocking my way

there be niggers, don't go there

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Mt. Coronet tomorrow.

I will never forgive GameFreak for this shit.

Anybody else see those guys with weird haircuts running around? They kept talking about a new universe and it was pretty strange.

they're religious nuts, senpai. Just ignore them like most of us do.

Some crazy fucker keeps telling us to avoid Mt. Coronet but i'm going there tomorrow anyways.

Post your trainer card, maybe we'll meet eachother out there!
Sorry for the messy badges, I've got so many that I need to pick and choose now.


>Out for a walk by Lake Verity
>Mesprit rubbing against my face again begging to be captured

Why are our legendaries so shit?

Team Galactic grunt here, it's where we hide when we aren't invading, in an HQ and also there's a bunch of shortcuts jammed in there.
It's how we get places more quickly than you law abiding losers do.

Pretty cool gu-

I cant help it, I just fell in love with the cute little guy. I'm not normally into the electric rats, but this one is just so tiny and fluffy!

Don't cut yourself on that edge m8, I hear some kid with a Staraptor fucked your shit.

Shows what you know, I was never actually able to battle that kid whenever he showed up because I was always in the bathroom.

>Hear about how the legendary birds migrated to Sinnoh
>Thought it would be cool to have legendary mons from another region
>It's just constant cries because they move all around the fucking region
At least Mesprit it adorable, these birds suck ass. It's bad enough that Hoenn took our regis so we can't awaken Regigigas.


Good taste, those are top pokemon my friend.
Form a team of 6 by finding your favorite Pokemon.
And then rate other people's favorite Pokemon.

So who is best girl anyways?
Including Pokemon.

I love meet ups like this. I had a lot of fun at the last one, it was great being with everyone even if I never saw them.


>well written character
>/fa/ as fuck
>wife material
>wuld fug

Sinnoh has the best girls out of all the regions.
>Best champion
>Best girl MC
>Maylene,Candice, and Gardenia
>Mars as a sexy admin

This guy knows what's up

that one pic of dawn and ash fucking.gif

There are a lot of those. You'll have to be more specific

>that map
>not making an accurate representation of the map from DPPt
Fuck you, here is a more accurate map.

Looks about right. I like bug pokemon and I like big burly muscle things and I adore Mawhile and Torterra.


good taste

Who /empoleonmasterrace/ here?

My nig

Sinnoh is the best region.

>Mfw Close Combat Infernape
Real nice starter choice there guys

I like all three of them, Sinnoh starters GOTY starters.

That's a real nice Infernape you have there, would be a shame if something happened to it.

good design, shit mon

Greninja is probably the only good water starter gameplay wise

Psychic here, currently staying in Mossdeep to get that sweet badge

also r8

Forgot to post mine.

Irrelevant, Infernape out speeds Emploeon

I was quite happy with Gen 5 for giving me a Fighting-type I actually liked.

It was also a pretty good waifumon too.

why is he so perfect?


because he cheated with Mega energy enhancements from Flare

Sinnoh had so much lore

Ayyyy mate, ain't mawiles the best?

Why is it considered pokemon abuse to try and marry your pokemon!

You don't know pokemon like I do REEEEEE!


Yeah, Mawile is pretty great.
If enough people did this, we could probably form a list of Sup Forums's overall favorites and make a Sup Forums team.

pokemon can't consent you sick fuck

I'm pretty sure they can.
They've got all those superpowers, if they didn't want it they could just murder you instantly. They are trained to fight after all, if they don't like something like that chances are they're going to attack it.

So many water pokemon.

But what if we used it to determine which Pokemon we'd most like to fuck?

This seems wrong since Heracross and Alakhazam are my boys, but I guess this thing just eliminated them and I defaulted back to just picking cute shit.


It means you picked other Pokemon over them when they showed up.

20 for the batch size was probably too big and it's hard to narrow to just 6 I guess.

Fucking hell, what is coming from Mt. Coronet? Looks like the sky is distorting from there.

You basically just pick however many you want out of individual batches and then keep going until the thing finds 6 favorites.
It can only find 1 favorite at a time, so that makes it easy enough.

That could be interesting. Too bad we'd need way more data than we're getting now though.

We could make a thread devoted entirely to that later.

I'm not even a genwunner I just like these six Pokemon over all the rest I guess. My actual favorite Pokemon are Bulbasaur/Pidgeot/Dragonite.

Am I retarded?

>go to Veilstone Gym
>leader is some scrawny little girl
>mfw she lifts 100kg barbells like it's nothing

How the fuck?

the world is actually pretty big when you see it like this

Somebody pls post a map of Hoenn

Post more Clair.


>No Ivysaur
Found the fag who disregards middle evolution starter Pokemon because he plays it only for the nostalgia.


This is my team for pretty much every game.

I want to marry her

>Tfw you live in Celestic Town
>nothing but old people and some shitty kids
>Tfw you have to pass through the shitty fog in Route 210 and the heavy rain constantly in Route 215 to get to work in Veilstone
Kill me

Cynthia is love.
Cynthia is life.

Preparing to acquire more bros in Alola


>not using Fly to work
>even better just use fucking Teleport to warp in front of Veilstone's Pokemon Center

I bet you use a bike too, faggot


>not using a bike
how's that cardio going, fuckboy

I just love Heracross. Sandshrew is the cutest, I imagine that cradling one of them would be the most blissful thing ever.

Fucking Byron dude.


Is there any way she isn't perfect?


Ill let you marry her as soon as you logically explain her haircut. Ill wait.

She's just wearing an oddly shaped headband.

Volcarona! I love bug pokemon so I'm working on getting one now. My larvesta just hit lv.35, so I'm not even halfway to getting it to level 70 for it to evolve. I'm really thinking about just jamming it into the day care and paying a small fortune later. Is there another way to level it up? I'm not at end game or anything, mind you.

You must hate Ice Beam.

It's a hat.

I made this for us.

Bug types! What is your favourite bug? I love vespiquen myself, favourite bug.

Exp. Share or the in-game equivalent will give half the XP to your Larvesta. The rest gets divided normally through the party. So, if you start with the Larvesta and swap to another pokemon to finish the KO, the Larvesta gets 75% of the XP and the other pokemon just 25%.

Lucky Eggs are another option, although those are usually post-endgame.

Note that Black/White (and possibly X/Y) has a different XP curve than earlier games. You are much, much better off fighting high level enemies than low level ones, as high level enemies hand out tons more XP in comparison. You're probably better off with an Exp. Share and smashing through high-level critters with an overpowered pokemon than with the low-level Larvesta killing stuff by itself. Also look for the XP boats if you can; Audino was the one in Black/White.

Heracross, but I hate his mega evolution so much I'm almost tempted not to even use it, but dat skill link...

>never played pokemon games as a kid
>pokemon platinum comes out when Im twelve
>use the master you get from the Team Galactic HQ, for an Absol I thought was cool, not the giratina later on.

Results card from my most recent successful nuzlocke of fire red omega.

The lightning background symbolizes my starter Elekid, who was tragically killed by my rivals starter in the pre-E4 battle.

Does anyone else keep having weird nightmares lately? I keep seeing this shadowed ass dude in my dreams and now its like Im seeing him during the day too.

Am I being gangstalked?

Are you the sort of person who uses your favorite pokemon or your strongest pokemon? If your favourite is your strongest, are they strong because you liked them so much you gave them more attention or do you like them because they're so strong?

>try to use the favorite finder
>end up just cycling through the same dozen pokemon

Be a man and make some fucking decisions! Be decisive, don't just keep passing over them!

And here's one of the progress of my current storm silver nuzlocke.

for all nobody who cares.

You have to bite the bullet eventually. Nostalgia won me over for most of mine.