You know what

You know what

I recognize that Metroid games are good and well made

But I just can't get into them. They just don't appeal to me. The premise isn't very interesting and I've never liked 2D shooters

Other urls found in this thread:

So what are you expecting people to say, exactly? If you don't like it, that's fine, move on. Not everyone has to share the same opinion.

>A respectable, well-thought out reply

Is this Sup Forums?

I just feel obligated to say considering how many people try to shove games like Super Metroid down my throat as the best game ever.

It's far from it, though a good game.

If I wanted to go further I would have said "metroid games are good, but really not that good". But people like them. I don't. And I don't see how Other M or Fed Force looks all that worse than any of the others

Try Prime. The Metroid formula works much better there IMO.

Why do people feel the need to make threads about everything?

You don't like it, fine.
Hey Sup Forums, I took a shit today, exactly 8:00 am in the morning. It was a nice shit. It wasn't dry nor was it bulky.

Try the Prime games. FPS-Metroid might be more your style.
If that doesn't work... meh. Play something you like, I guess.

Is it the shooting specifically or just 2D action in general? Have you tried any of the Metroid-style Castlevania games?

>And I don't see how Other M or Fed Force looks all that worse than any of the others
Oh wow, you really don't understand at all then.

Jesus christ you're a faggot. You made a thread for this bullshit? Write it in your diary, you stupid fuck.

Was your shit videogame-related?

To talk about video games?

You know people without autism like to talk sometimes, right? Not everything has to be memes and shitposting and arguments.


Super Metroid is probably THE best video game ever made, you fucking pleb. Get off my board.

Whoa, edgy man.

Can you tell me where you bought that spiked bracelet?

mmm nah no, its really not. but im glad you feel such nostalgia for it

What makes you say it's far from the best game?

I played it this year you fucking retard.

"It's not the best because I don't like it."
That's basically their argument.

What do you think the greatest video game ever made is?

I'm having a hard time believing it as well.

You could also try Prime, which is a different, fun blend of FPS and adventure game.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but I really question the taste of someone who likes neither Super nor Prime.

Everyones got there opinions I don't like the souls games but you'd be lucky not to get lynched saying that on Sup Forums.

Ahh okay so OP is a child who can't think critically and even give me reasons for his opinions. I bet he only spent an hour with the game and didn't understand the controls and got his ass kicked. I was hoping he could refute my opinion since people seemed to actually be discussing.

>"never liked 2D shooters"
>expect to like a 2D shooter

Well okay then.

Thanks for letting us know I suppose. I hope you play other games and like them, I guess.

the only metroid game I ever liked was Fusion, so I guess I like to be railroaded

yeah u do xd

Sounds like you came to the right place.

>I like to be railroaded

Its alright man. Its a good game, not what made metroid metroid though.
Try AM2R its got a journal and hand-holding and shit.

Yeah, I'm sure they're fun if you try to speedrun them or something but just playing casually, there's not much to hold my interest. Just wander the map until you've uncovered all the rooms and ticked off all the little item indicators It's kind of rote. Boss fights can be fun though.
I feel the same way about a lot of games though, maybe I'm just not into games all that much. Still, other kinds of games seem less, I don't know, straightforward for lack of a better term, with less guaranteed success.

>I like to be railed

Now why would you admit that, user?

>when there are thousands of shit hidden everywhere
I think I'm starting to understand why I didn't like the game as much as I should have

Honestly, nowadays they have little appeal gameplay wise. The shooting is easy and not great, same for the platforming.

Game is all about atmosphere exploration and hidden secrets. If you don't like that this is not your game.

Fusion is probably the only one in the entire series (including all of Prime) that had any semblance of challenge and fun gameplay, but it was the least immersive too.


Sounds like you need to find something in games to be invested in. Either story or trying to focus on mechanic or something. Try to find a niche that still keeps you going and they're are probably games that fill that in for you.
Been playing games for 26 years now, so trying to find that "itch" has become more difficult.

Yes it is

2D shooters? It's barely that, it's not like contra or anything, it's more like megaman. Maybe you don't like exploration or something which is kinda dumb the whole franchise is built around addicting exploration and finding upgrades to get stronger and that's the factor that makes it so good.

>I don't see how Other M or Fed Force looks all that worse than any of the others

other M killed its controll scheme and the story as well as lost its lore

Fed force only messed up its timing and isn't a metroid formula game. it would've worked out better after a release of metroid prime 4.

the vids may help understand the hatred towards other M
and the reason why they just released Fed force at the wrong time

Prime 3/a bot of trilogy. its on the E-shop btw

Fed force:

other M:

calling out everything in other M:

it sucks on replay
once u know everything you are supposed to do theres no point

What does nowadays mean? AM2R? Because that's the only recent one to come out and that fixed a lot of things especially with the aiming and shooting, platforming I guess there's still some shine spark puzzles but I don't think Metroid was ever about platforming other than some parts where you need wall jump but then right after you get an upgrade that lets you bypass all that shit.

>>A respectable, well-thought out reply

Until they say the like Other M or Fed Force.

>posting youtubers
If they're not invested nor care about the series, why are you suggesting they waste their time watching youtube videos on it?

other M can be just written off BTW tho.
its just an extra that gets nothing accomplished
best samus is prime trilogy and super, AM2R and gba remakes

I only enjoyed Zero Mission.

Poor taste

>It's far from it

If you didn't play it as a kid, you're probably not going to enjoy it today. Try playing a more-recently made game

only if they actually care, i just gave them a shortcut if they want a quick way to get good vids on it.

I did give a crappy summary tho.

each to their own though...

Zero Mission is literally the worst 2D Metroid. And yes, this is counting 2 and Fusion.

There was a time, son, when shooters only came in the 2D variety.

nice blog faggot

>people try to shove games like Super Metroid down my throat

poor you

Metroid is archaic shit and so is Metroid 2.
I didn't like Super Metroid's controls and it was too open ended.
Fusion was too linear.
Metroid doesn't work well in 3D for me.

ever replay prime trilogy on different difficulties?

It's okay OP. I tried Metroid too because every "greatest games" lists mentions them. But it just wasn't my style. I find exploring boring.

It doesn't make much sense to talk about "best game" when the genres offer such different things. But IS Super Metroid the best of it's genre?

Fusion is by far my favorite metroid game. I just like the concept and design layout. Also nostalgia I suppose. But prime is also fantastic

>I didn't like Super Metroid's controls
Control Freak

> it was too open ended.
> Fusion was too linear.
So you're only satisfied with the mediocre middle ground?

Super Metroid is the best in its genre as far as I can think. I don't see anything that has as much depth.

>OP tries to express his opinion in a totally friendly way
>results in a few mild and tranquil replies

>well, I want my thread to be popular so I guess I have no choice
>the game is good yes, BUT NOT THAT GOOD! thinking is THAT good must be wrong
>infinite replies

I mean playing the old Metroid games in 2016. I have not played A2MR enough to judge properly but it didn't seem a massive improvement over fusion in this aspects

there are two types of people that like 99% old games.

especially shit from say nintendo where it has a 100% chance of being copied/improved on.

nostalgic oldfags and retarded hipsters.


Thanks for letting us know I guess

Yeah, pretty much. I guess I just have weird taste.

>but it was the least immersive too.
You're kidding right?
Fusion has the best sound design of any 2D Metroid. The appearance of each sector is detailed and dynamic. I'd say Fusion has the most atmosphere of any 2D Metroid game but at the very least it rivals Super.

>I don't like every genre ever made because of opinions
Wow OP, amazing thread. So much discussion can be done from this.

Super Metroid has one of the best controls in any video game. You just suck at controlling. Git gud

well AM2R is a recomendation then

Well I only ever played it on an emulator on my PC with a PS3 controller and on an emulator on the 3DS so it might control better with an SNES controller.

Zero Mission > Super = AM2R > Fusion

It's a bit inconvenient. The dash button seems redundant and the item selection is slow and clumsy. Fortunately there's a patch to make the buttons map just like Zero Mission/Fusion.

you played and finished all 3 prime games, right?
was it on a difficulty higher than easy?

it was damn immersive at night.
but each to their own opinions though

no one cares about your shitty opinion
go back to playing whatever garbage games you enjoy then

This is exactly like reddit.

k, we don't need alienation
you're just trying to piss people off like that

also Not OP

If I'm being honest, Super Metroid is probably the only Metroid game that I like, and it's probably more rooted in childhood nostalgia than it actually getting a good game. If you can't find it fun that's pretty understandable from my perspective; it's easy to get stuck in parts of the game without a guide and it doesn't hand hold you like most modern games.

>I've never liked 2D shooters
Terminal illness called shit taste.

>tfw needed a guide for everything EXCEPT the glass tube
Feels good

I just played it for the first time a few years ago, and it's definitely one of the best games I've ever played.

>and the story

Stopped reading there

>He needed a guide for the glass tube

I needed one for everything EXCEPT the glass tube, you dyslexic faggot

Don't worry, we're not going to downvote you. It's called having your own fucking tastes.

it's almost like not every game has suit every person's taste or something. this notion that every piece of media has to be accessible and catering to all types of needs is truly the cancer of 21st century entertainment.

good post
wow, the world can have different things

Same person. Also hes right. Nobody cares about your opinion.

Nice reply. Sanity is scarce in this place.