
>No Miku thread up

Let's fix this problem.

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Miku is my esposa


Miku is a slut.

Why does she wear the stripes?

Tell me about X why is it considered bad?

I want to see miku with no clothes on.

Less content than previous games and a forced story mode with a ridiculous grind involved.

That said, the tracklist is amazing even though its tiny.
I think if they had included the songs that make up the medleys as seperate songs aswell it would have been perfect.

forced story
30 songs, 5 of those being medleys
RNG module drops
lack of a proper diva room
no artwork on loading screens
no PV's; everythings on a stage

that said some of the tracks are amazing even though its smaller compared to previous games

reminder FT will never get localized because of licensing and youre an idiot if you are holding out on buying it.

>forced story
are you people really that bothered by it? it's completely skippable and even so, the scenes are short and inoffensible. Unless you're talking about being forced to play cloud request mode yeah that isn't too good

B-But, she would be butt naked! Don't embarrass her like that!

Those are some god-tier feets, Jeezus. Would rub and smell.

The cloud requests, yea. Just the fact that you cant get Perfects on it, but its also the only way to get modules. And the fact you need to replay the songs tonns of times to unlock the Event Requests to get even more modules.

This wouldnt be as big of a problem had there been more songs per cloud.

You have to gamble with using modules that increase your voltage to meet the cloud voltage limit or use one that increases your odds of getting new modules. I cant for the life of me get a Quirky module for Meiko to drop in order to complete a request. Thats just bullshit


>Be excited for Project Diva X
>boasts about all of these costumes
>they're all just re-used project diva f and f2nd modules with a some new ones for the actual song they go to
>all of this story mode garbage
>you have to put on all of these ugly ridiculous looking accessories on them to raise your voltage
> all of the songs are just concerts now, all they do is sing and dance on stage rather than actually having a setting
>almost completely composed of Miku songs, Luka, Rin, Len, Kaito, and Meiko barely have any songs.
I mean, the songs are still good though, it has an awesome tracklist at least.

how do i perfect stuff? i can get excellent on extreme most days but i cant perfect anything but easy. where do i start?

Sort by difficulty.
Make sure you know how to duel wield.
Tale of Deep Sea Lily is a song with lots of multi hit notes so thats a good one to learn that.
A lot of it is knowing the song so you can rely less on visual cues and just feel the beat.

Does anybody else hate how these games start you off on easy/normal mode instead of giving you the option to do hard right away? I understand why they do it, but I've been playing Project Diva since it first came out on the PSP and normal mode is just so god damn boring. It feels like such a chore.

Future Tone starts on hard. Some songs don't even have an easy version.

Pretty much everyone agrees. So glad Future Tone had Hard unlocked from the start. Atleast its Hard mode was almost as difficult as the console games Extreme.

Still stupid that they dont unlock all difficulty from the start. If its too hard for newcomers then just dont start on it.

Weirdly enough I actually do really bad on easy/normal mode because I'm so used to doing things on hard and extreme. I feel like it should be faster and it ends up messing me up.

You forgot the most important thing they remove crédits minigame

good, it was stupid. im here for the rhythm game and not to go to fucking ikea.

That's just awful.

if anything I'll give props for X trying to do something different but really just executed poorly

also there was nothing wrong with double stars

Buy FT.

makes her ass look fat

> all of the songs are just concerts now, all they do is sing and dance on stage rather than actually having a setting

This is the worst part. All so the songs could be compatible with a mode I'll never use.

That's a big butt.


Should I play the f games on Vita or ps3?

PS3. In my experience the vita versions have slight dips in framerate at times which is annoying.

Ah i just remember to add salt to the wound the non existing fan arts loading screen you can ser the fan arts in the crédits

Where are the pig tails?

Miku and friends never shut the fuck up
Small tracklist
Module and accessory grinding
Diva room combined with the main menu so migu is always staring at you, it's weird man
No PVs

Basically all the style and flash of Diva has been taken out.

It feels very sterile.

It's still a good game but it's probably the worst Diva game.

I would say the worst ps diva games but not the worst diva game

What is the point of this? It's just Miku standing in a work uniform. Her leg's proportions aren't even that good/

>tfw no Diva X
>tfw no FT
>tfw no money left after buying legion

The only two things I dislike about it are the RNG grinding and the the lack of music videos that aren't just dancing. Kagerou Daze and Sweet Devil, to use two examples, are my favorite videos from the other Diva games and there's nothing like them because its nothing but dancing akin to Double Lariat or Romeo and Cinderella.

The actual songs I like, barring the medley rendition of Sweet Devil, and the actual rhythm gameplay is good.

Ironically, I actually do like the story mode because it gives me an objective to work towards, even if it is simple and involves Kaito trying to be cute.

>worst ps diva game
All the Diva games are PlayStation.

Mirai isn't Diva.
As much as I don't really like Mirai at least it had a lot of songs.

As my first Miku game, should I buy Future Tones or X?

>the medley rendition of Sweet Devil
Something feels so fucking wrong about it, I don't know how they were OK with shipping that in the game.

Future Tone.

FT without a doubt.

Start with X. Future Tones is intended to be a bit harder.

Try F 2nd instead.
Unless you don't have ps3/vita

4me :3


I'd like to disagree. I think F2nd was the worst one regarding F and X releases.
X makes up in smaller tracklist with some very-well cherrypicked tracks for Miku and friends. For the first time I actually am okay with choosing random over scrolling through songs.

While I'm not a fan of the grindfest for modules and accessory grinding, I do like the focus of dividing request and story mode and free play. Now I have incentive to wear whatever costume I want and look as ridiculous as I want for any song but I can still chill to the free play mode and enjoy the MVs the way they were meant to as I play for ranks. That is also nice, I can either play for the better rank or better score and chance in items and modules.

F2nd had two season passes for modules and songs for ridiculous prices, and some aren't available in those passes. It also felt like nothing much has changed in terms of gameplay besides those star links, which really doesn't mean anything else other than prepping the notion that you're gonna be hitting the notes in a faster paced order to the beat, focusing down timing.

X isn't anywhere close to god-tier but it's high up considering it's the most I put time into at launch.

Thanks for the replies. I'm no stranger to rhythm games so I'm not worried about difficulty and I don't own a PS3/Vita so Future Tones it is!
That's the one I was leaning more towards anyways.

Serious question

Owners out there. I want to get into this game because I like miku shit

but I always wonder how can I enjoy watching the music video when I need to focus on those flying button the game is telling me to press, it's just so much mess going on in the screen and it's bothering me, do any of you have the same issue ?

>X makes up in smaller tracklist with some very-well cherrypicked tracks for Miku

F2nd had a great tracklist and played perfectly which is all I want out of a rhythm game tee bee aych

I would consider F2nd the best example of the pure Diva experience frankly.

There is an option to just watch the PV.

Just bear with it the first time and you'll unlock the music video itself

FT is fairly around the $40 price range for American for half the songs. That's just a couple hours out of your usual job going into a vidya, a little more for X. It's worth when you got the buck to break bank with. People prefer FT more though for the fact is has the highest tracklist regardless if you buy both or one over the other.

>Something feels so fucking wrong about it,
It sounds like it should be the back drop music for an R&B song. I half expect to see R Kelly or Jay Z pop up on stage.

I literally like every song in that game EXCEPT for that one medley.

Most songs have it so that the action is moving with the buttons. Only real exception I can think of offhand is Urotander because that song is mean and lies. Past that, watch the PV.

Its a pain in the ass to get as you have to buy JP PSN cards and type in Nip.

Len and Rin get screwed, but Kaito, Meiko and Luka have at least two good songs they're a part of.

Even when they're sharing songs, Miku is still there most of the time and, bar Urotander, she's always the lead in any song she's in.

Even the fucking Chaos Medley
Where she shows up for the LAST SONG AND NOWHERE ELSE
She's the lead vocal in the set-up menu.

X loses a lot of points just because of this horrid favoritism.
Might as well have just not had the other five in the game at all.

Preaching to the choir, bro, but even as a Meiko fan I have to acknowledge she just isn't as popular as Miku is.

I kind of wish they had gone the Mirai route and had the vocals change for some songs. Meiko's rendition of 1925 and Animal Divination are better than Miku's and Luka does a better job at Romeo and Cinderella.

>F2nd had a great tracklist and played perfectly which is all I want out of a rhythm game tee bee aych
Hardly imo, the star links are just visual enhancers to make star notes look more impressive to hit, aside the double star hit, that was it's only decisive change to make outro, solos, and intros more intensive when they aren't focused on using face buttons.

X had the right idea this time around incorporating more songs to just simply use face buttons more often and had star notes back to normal, acting as the breather notes to easily break tense action between verses. Rush notes were really fun into thinking of hitting as fast as you could for some minor bump in points, it's also outside a fixed controlled variable in points, meaning if everyone scored the same perfect song with all cool notes, there's still rush points to factor. But that really doesn't change much.

If I wanted to mention real core rhythm game feel, I'd leave it to Future Tones. Considering it sorta does have an active competitive leaderboard and has the most elements in terms of gameplay. F2nd and X are the closest ones to a comfy rhythm game made for home leisure like Guitar Hero, Rockband, or Rhythm Heaven, so I don't pit them against each other.


>Bought X today
>Trying to keep it together during a song after Luka transformed into a one piece swimsuit module

Nendo Miku is my daughteru and you degenerates better not lewd her.

Why the fuck do I hate how Mitchie M makes Miku sound so fucking much...? I just can't stand it.

There has been a lot of effort into designing the difficulties now more than ever in F2nd and X, normally you could see easy as braindead mode, normal as a gimped hard mode, and hard mode the perfect of timing lyrics with beat and extreme being just full-frontal assault, not bearing balance with lyrics and rhythm and every song has their different intensity on that fact.

I think some of the chinks had been buffed out right more smoother for feel in Diva X where some songs on extreme are more accessible than others now that could lead you into getting a better sense of reading and rhythm.

There's also 60fps play which I think while not golden rule among all rhythm games, but really separates it's title over others, even DDR on PS1 had this capability, seeing F and F2nd port onto PS3 with so much as staying 30fps and bumped to 40-45 in some songs were just Sega either being lazy or no one is competent in porting a Vita game. At least with X HD we got higher res everything and a decent locked framerate to boot. This smoothness isn't important but can go a long way in improving for the finest score and general play.

Plus it looks better, I got back to F2nd recently for a craving for Rolling Girl and Just Be Friends but that downgrade from X HD to F2nd is really noticeable. It didn't stop me but I had some trouble adjusting back.

>Its a pain in the ass to get as you have to buy JP PSN cards and type in Nip.
You can use your card. Both debit and credit I believe.

Sounds like a terminal case of shit taste.

>Got this swagger as fuck Kamen Rider outfit for Kaito
>Chance Time Success
>Nigger is now in just a scarf and speedo

Nah, more like GOD taste.

Am I confused about Gumi being a Vocaloid? Why isn't she in the Project Diva games? Even Teto gets invited.

Can I play FT without logging onto the jp PSN account that bought it?

Gumi isn't real. You've been dreaming all along

Wake up user


No, let me dream. Let me be where it is beautiful and happy. I dont wanna hurt anymore.

Of course, you can even log back in to your other account while shit is downloading. You only need JP for access to use their PSN store. But outside that, there really isn't anything stopping you from playing or downloading their goods.

For the Nth time, she's from a different company.
She has her own game too.
Same case with IA.


Gumi is a vocaloid, but isn't owned by Crypton.

And her games are terrible. Just enjoy her in Mirai.

I love the backgrounds and lyrics too, and I also like playing on extreme, so it makes it hard to concentrate on the cuteness. Unfortunately there's no way I've been able to do both. Sometimes I take the game seriously and try to hit all the notes and sometimes I like to just miss a bunch of notes and watch the background/lyrics.

Oh, that's shitty.

Being serious here, I thought they didn't take foreign CCs.


I just finished playing the fuck out of request/quest mode and doing a first time challenge rank on Hard. See what I can get on my first run.
I did bretty gud.

You forgot Tama Planets

Where did you get this?

They should really just let Gumi and IA into Project Diva. Imagine the fucking lineup of songs after that, people would be more than willing to buy it not just on the tracklist but a bunch more for their favorite vocaloids getting some love.

>you will never fly on tricolor airlines

Aww yeah, time to comb the thread for lewd Miku pictures!

>They should really just let Gumi and IA into Project Diva.
It's not that simple. You have 2 or 3 different companies with their own IPs. For one, Crypton can make Diva games can stand on their own just using the IPs they already have.

Why did you get this?

>Project Diva: All-Stars
>80~ songs + DLC featuring the big six and tons of special guests
>PC release
Every time I have this dream I wake up in tears

There are going to be people here belitting you for not doing it on extreme or doing an easy song.

Don't listen to them, you did your very best and Kaito would be proud of you.

I know that, but I'm saying sorta "fuck it", you know? It'd be pretty sweet throwback to all the fans.
I get those dreams I could swore I played this

They don't care about the fans, just the money.

I don't mean to sound like a fucking pussy, but I can't be bothered to do all of them on Extreme. Spear Explosion Boy is somewhere between "I can barely manage" to "nah nigga, fuck your single tap"

I can double tap fine, but not Two Faced Lovers tier

Ai Dee is about identity theft, right?

>It'd be pretty sweet throwback to all the fans.
It would be sweet but unrealistic unfortunately.

I wasn't calling you a pussy: I can barely do some songs on extreme and you're about on my level.

This is my best attempt at Two Faced Lovers from quite a while ago. I love that song, but fuck doing that song on extreme.

If Sega release dlc songs for free in X will you forgive them?
