With how Nintendo has been treating fan games lately, I have bad feeling this won't survive.
With how Nintendo has been treating fan games lately, I have bad feeling this won't survive
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Thank god. It looks like generic RPGmaker shit, and that they have the balls to actually consider their shitty fangame a proper entry in the series and market it as such is disgusting.
Of all the games nintendo has shut down, this is one I wouldn't shed a single tear for.
Didn't the creator give it his blessing or something
It wont release so that wont be a problem kek
jokes aside the devs said they were prepared to change the name and other things in case this happens
saging this thread before the same discussion happens again
I hope it can see the light of day for at least 5 minutes to I can get it
Lmao, the fag name patrol is here
Why do you even care about it? It's not even being made by the original creator of the series, this is like a reunion of your favorite band but with all new members
funny then
so it SHOULD be shut down as SOON as its released like metroid and pkmn hack were, right? given their recent record?
oh wait! probably not, since its not a core nintendo title like pkmn is or had a number one seller like super metroid was!
I think these devs enjoyed the idea of presenting a new Mother than the actual task of creating a decent Mother. You know what I'm sayin, nigger?
No, it's a misquote. Itoi said that he'd be fine if another company wanted to take the rights to mother and make a mother 4.
I like the idea of them waiting until the game is really far along and then DMCA-ing them.
I mean, Nintendo were clearly aware of AM2R and Pokemon Uranium, they CLEARLY waited until release before going after it...and that's HILARIOUS.
no, its more like a terrible coverband that is still using the old bands name after the lawyers have been sending C&D letters nonstop hoping they will listen
>Wait until the game is finished and released
>DMCA it
>It lives forever on torrents
Why do you autismos need things to be up for direct download to play them
ever think that, by waiting for a release, and then sending the DMCA, maybe they wanted people to be able to play the games while at the same time protecting their intellectual property?
but mother 4 should be done before hand, it looks like ass
Me too
>Pokemon Uranium
Nintendo never took down Pokemon Uranium, the devs chickened out
That's probably it, yes.
It's the one game I want Nintendo to shut down.
People have said for YEARS not to call it Mother 4. But all the uppity shills on MY board said "lol my fanfic is worthy of being cannon entry in da sereis".
I hope all you queers pay for it. PS, mother is a shit series, anyway.
>mother is a shit series, anyway.
t. Anthony Burch
Why exactly does Sup Forums have such a hate boner for the name of this game? Is ironically acting as Nintendo's white nights still a meme?
The game's a mess, though. The core team are constantly dropping and re-doing shit. The game, as it exists right now, is 2 sandbox areas and a number of sprites.
How are the trees progressing?
Yeah maybe.
To be honest the name does actually bother me. It's not that it's offensive to the creators of Mother or that I think it'll get shut down because of it or whatever.
But it's more that out of all the games Mother has directly influenced, out of all the fan games, very professional or amateur, this random group decided it was them that would take that name and make themselves the official sequel. And whether it's shit or not, what a real Mother game would be or not, these guys have independently decided to take that name, which really should have belonged to a lot more people than them.
If you don't understand why fans of a series might be upset at some tumblrite retards shilling their game to the public as an official entry, you might legitimately have the 'tism.
Except there not, my retarded friend. They clearly state it's a fan project, and only an *utist like you could mistake it for an official release
>clearly state
>by deliberately naming the game as though it were a sequel
yeah okay.
>Fan project
>Mother 4
Pick one faggot.
What the fuck is with Itoi anyway? He creates a beloved series and honestly doesn't think about it at all.
Was he really bitter he couldn't get into tv and film and had to stick with video games as his "lower tier" art form?
and AM2R states that it's the remake of Metroid 2, a Nintendo game. Yet I don't hear you *iggers crying about the fucking title.
There is no name that would have been more arrogant than Mother 4.
By calling it Mother 4, you're saying implicitly that your work deserves to follow Itoi's and Iwata's.
>Mother 4 is made for fans, by fans.
Literally from the front page of their website.
because the series is over for him
he did everything with it he wanted to
it's a perfect trilogy of games
I-Im still waiting for it
He's dabbled in a bit of everything, from commercials to music. He wrote lyrics for YMO members back in the 80s.
No shit it's not going to survive
>Calling your fangame a numbered sequel
>it's another "autistic retards get angry over a fucking number" episode
Because the title is literally "Another Metroid 2 REMAKE." It's not like they called it Metroid 3.
he voiced the dad in Totoro too
I'm pretty sure Itoi has some kind of special copyright agreement with Nintendo when it comes to the Mother series.
Notice how in smash they have to credit the Mother series separately?
Probably why the Mother 3 fan translation hasn't been taken down.
Mother 4 had all its thunder stolen last year anyway.
This looks like the kind of game that would make the main character Transgender or some shit
Is the game even gonna come out?
One day I want to be as cool of a guy as Itoi.
Just because you create something doesn't mean you want to do it forever.
He made it, put a lot of love into it, did an entire trilogy of it, and now he's done. That's it. He has no interest in making more of it.
they can't take down the translation because they're not selling carts or giving the ROM away, it's JUST the patch. there's no legal reason for them to take it down. I mean, i'm sure if they sent a C&D it would be taken down, but it's one of those things that if tomato decided "I feel like spending my riches on hiring a lawyer", he might feasibly win the case.
Have the developers revealed themselves? Cuz you can't sue people if you don't know who they are
What would you have wanted them to call the game?
I think I would probably have had a lot more respect for Undertale if it wore it's Mother influence on its sleeve, like if it were called Underground: A Game Inspired by Earthbound.
At least the Mother 4 folks are giving credit where it's due instead of just copying the Mother style and creating a "separate" IP.
Also, what would you have wanted them to call it? It's not in the spirit of the Mother series to use subtitles (Earthbound excepted because that was only its US name).
It's not getting DMCA'd until it actually gets released. It will be fine unless they release the game in a broken state and get DMCA'd before they can patch it.
But they do sell merch on the site that is based on the game.
>lol cuck XD
kys, faggotron
He finished it, dude. Not everything needs to be an endless series with a million sequels.
Honestly it's one of the reasons I don't get the point in this fan game. Forcing this thing to stay alive seems like it won't end well.
Yeah, they called it a remake of a Metroid game, common sense would tell you that the company would be behind that. Just like how common sense tells you a numbered sequal was made by the same developer. But neither were.
I never got why people just accepted that a DMCA meant their game was gone for good. They literally could just use the original character tactic and get the game back up within a week.
game looks fucking awful anyways, and nothing of value would be lost
No they don't. There's absolutely nothing they sell on there. They sold the guidebook pre-release but that was years ago and they don't sell it anymore, they just have a free pdf up there.
Most of the people who make these are paid less than one of the lawyers in charge of these filings.
Kill yourself
this still exists?
also is that the final name, I mean mother 4, really?
You're such a fucking retard.
This shit wouldn't get made regardless of nontendo looking the other way or not
No, he didn't even say that. He said that we are living in Mother 4, - which is life. He said he's just like to play another person's Mother 4 and that's the extent of the quote.
And you're such a fucking ni*ger
How does it feel to be triggered over a fucking number? Not even the tumblrinas get so fucking assblasted over a digit.
Step-Mother was suggested before, and would've been perfect
Implies spin-off, not from the original creator, a Mother game, everything it has to with little to no pretentiousness
Nothing about that title seems like something Nintendo would use. It's not like Zero Mission was called "A Metroid 1 Remake"
Would "Another Mother" have been acceptable?
How about Mama?
I don't really see the problem with naming it Mother 4.
The IP is dead in the water, so what does it hurt? Why bother shitting on the fans who want to make something? I honestly don't understand this rabid, perpetually-offended standpoint people take when it comes to this particular fangame.
I hope someone else calls their mother 3 hack mother 4 too. What's the harm in that?
>Mother 4
>change the name to MotherEarth, Motherland, or Motherbound
>release it
Also isnt free fangames safe from copyrights anyway?
Except Undertale has different combat, different ways to resolve fights, and no party. Undertale has little in common with EB.
Another Mother would be ironic, since it's been 10 years since the last game
Mama would sound like a parody
>Why bother shitting on the fans who want to make something?
That's what calling it Mother 4 does
They're taking the name that arguably belongs to all the fans and not just them. I'm not particularly invested in the whole argument, but that's basically how I see it.
I have to agree with here, there's no harm.
But nobody else was stepping up to the plate and making anything like this. It makes no sense to flip out about this project.
While I agree its a stupid detail to be angry about, I also think they should not name a fangame as if it belongs to the main series.
It is a fangame after all.
It sounds like they just want to dig up a corpse instead of do something original themselves with the IP
Not saying there's anything wrong or right with that, I'm just saying it how it is
>What's the harm in that?
All it would do is trigger autists like you
It's a difference in perception. I don't see it as a problem because I believe that the people making Mother 4 truly care about the series and aren't doing it out of arrogance or some selfish motivation. They just want to make something.
It seems like everyone pissed off about it thinks they want to take up the reins Itoi left behind and act like they own the franchise, which I find to be a ridiculous concept.
Except for the ending, writing style, and graphic design.
How is the graphic design the same?
If you're going to argue its mother based, then i'm going to counter that was DQ based.
I wonder why people look at games like the Mother series and say to themselves
>"We need MORE like this, and I'm the one who needs to do it."
Its gotten to the point where every goddamn Indie Modern RPG has to be in Earthbound fashion. Oversaturation is unsatisfaction.
why do people keep saying this? how does it look lacking compared, to, say, the metroid 2 fan remake? the music, graphics, and the gameplay from what i can tell are very well done. I just don't see how anyone could disregard all of that and still say it looks like shit.
They'll wait for it to get released, then shut it down hopefully.
Plus I read somewhere that if it happens the devs will just switch the name and call it a new game.
Why is Mother 4's main character so shit looking? His design is fucking garbage.
What's wrong with it?
I guarantee that's why they went silent. If I was them, I'd take the site down until the game is done. Release it into the wild when they finish and then disappear again.
All mother protags are shit looking
>people doing a faithful sequel of a beloved series for free
>hurr durr Nintendo should shut down this game even though I never played it
Expected nothing less from Sup Forums
>faithful sequel
>by a bunch of dirty baka gaijin westerners
lel no.
Not to mention it's made in RPGmaker.
no one said they should shut it down
all anyone said was that it was disrespectful to itoi to call the project mother 4,
and that it will probably get shut down because nintendo has been having a crybaby hissy fit over fangames recently
>disrespectful to itoi
But they're trying to be really respectful to him. Otherwise they would never create something based on his work with the clear statement that it's based on his work instead of rebranding and selling it.
Whoever told you this was being done in RPGMaker should be shot, and then you should follow for believing something that stupid.
where did you see that
>It's not from the same creator so it's disrespectful
You don't respect someone by making yourself be better than them. Naming it Mother 4 is basically saying to Itoi, "Here, let us show you how to make another goddamn sequel."
I used to think this was true until I tried recently to download some old Anime. Good fucking luck finding any seeders for that shit.
Nothing is forever user.
No it fucking isn't. It's fans realizing that there will never be another entry in the series unless they take it upon themselves to make one, and they've been very clear that it's a fan project and not something official.
Again, everyone just seems to be constantly offended over this when it's nothing more than people who enjoyed the Mother series trying to keep it alive in some way and pay their respects to it and its creator. There's no reason to be upset.
You fight an entity you're familiar with who turns out to be evil. Arguably, this could be said of Porky in EB. Fighting an existential threat is nothing new in RPGs, though.
Or, you fight someone who is your friend, then murder the remaining survivors and destroy the world.
Or, you save everyone and everything works out.
And it's not like EB has a patent on funny/clever writing or the art style. I'd argue that the way Undertale executed its art was actually quite unique. You can immediately tell something is from Undertale based on its animation and monochrome coloration.