What are the recent games you played, Sup Forums?

What are the recent games you played, Sup Forums?

Kill yourself, cancer.


Finished DS3 finally this morning. Have not progressed far in FO4 because of side quests. Also recently finished AC Syndicate, it was pretty good but ending sucked.



Resident evil 1 on PS1 and Sims 3 on pc.


Good taste user, but where is 1?

>22 out of 43 trophies

kys casual filth.


Hey, thats just from first journey. ;_; I intend to get all until dlc drops

I played it recently, but it didn't went to the top 3.

>Taking a picture of your TV
>When the PS4 (I'm 99% sure) has a screenshot feature.


I recorded whole cutsceen on ps4, just took picture to send buddy jeesh :/

playing lol mostly

next singleplayer will be dead space or dunno


Is Astora sword op or what? Completed whole game with it and brought it up to +9. Only used storm ruler on yhorm.

I like you.
Also, where did Far Cry's achievements go?
>3,4, and Primal's achievements don't seem to exist anymore

two playthroughs to get endings, the first run was on hard difficulty, plus i like to iimerse in the game so i wandered and enjoyed the great gameworld



I see
are you going to play 2 now?
second is much better


Yeah, infuse it with raw and it should have 400+ AR at +10 which is equal to most 40/40 str / dex swords and you save SL, but that's boring.

>second is much better
Don't lead him on.

is Knights good?

no, not going to play second one in the near future, need to pirate cos poor, maybe someday

decent puzzle game, no story, just puzzles

Any advice for fun 2nd run weapon wise? I have almost all boss weapons, but cant help myself to like them until end. Farron was kinda fun, but in different locations its risky.


I just did a Old Wolf Curved Sword (built in double pontiff ring and stacks) + Any dual wield weapon with both pontiff rings, it was fun.

Miku x on hacked Vita, it sucks.

F/F2nd vpk when?

Haven't really been playing so much lately

Thanks. Gonna finish Archdragon peak as is and then try your way on ng+


Honorable mention to Grim Dawn which is probably my most played game lately despite not being on the list.

on that add life


Thanks. Gonna finish Archdragon peak as is and then try your way on ng+

If you have CSGO in yours then I dislike you

neck yourself normalfag scum

Played a bit of Odin Sphere and finished up HDN:RB1 last night.

I've been loving surf maps on csgo.


I'm ready for your hate


Just finished elven campaign, theocrat heroes are op as fuck

Nice, don't see too many people play it.
I haven't touched it in a while but was really fun.

I like your taste actually


Graviteam must be happy with me

>tfw over 400 hours on Civ5
What does this mean? Other than clearing 3 games of course.

Kill me

All moved to Uplay because ubisoft thinks people will use their shitty service if it has cheevos.

That's retarded.
UPlay is infinitely worse than Steam and they'd have to totally restructure their system to make it even passable.

Good taste.

They didn't go anywhere. They never existed on Steam

Holy fucking shit user, are you me? Put Dark Souls III on top of II, and that is exactly my recent activity list.

I also downloaded a rom of Megaman Battle Network 3, it's some good shit.

I'm bored
