
Enjoying those world quests?

Leveling anything other than the top classes/specs is going to be a waste of time isn't it?

Who voice acts the pirate for the Outlaw Legendary weapon quests?

I recognize it and it bugs me. Also Outlaw is so fun it's insulting.

All right lads just finished hearing a human arms warrior what next
Orc destro warlock
Dwarf outlaw rogue
Human unholy do.
Tauren survival hunter.

I'd like to try it out but leveling all the way from 1 is not gonna happen and the boost is useless. FeelsBadMan

i want to start leveling my tank alts but im too lazy to update my tanking addons

seeing some of the boss mechanics
i could be having a real good time with blood dk also

Only if you can predict the future. Any shit class could be top tier with just 1 hotfix, and this goes both ways. Just play what's fun.

>just finished hearing a human arms warrior what next
Is modern WoW a god damn audio-book?

>boost is useless


how fun is healing pug dungeons on a scale of licking a cheese grater?

From previous thread:

>People predicting Shadow nerfs

I'm expecting it. Blizzard treats Shadow like the not the one older sibling that is the one that always has to set be the good example for the younger ones. Hell, I still remember in Throne of Thunder:

>Shadow doing good on one fight where they can multi-DoT
>Mages doing good on all fights
>Blizzard nerfs the hell out of Shadow DoTs, buffs Arcane Tempest: which every Mage was taking for multi-DoT fights
>Shadow tanks to the bottom, Mages become godlike on all fights
>Blizzard's reason is that Shadow should be using Mind Sear for multitarget, not DoTing everything
>Blizzard then nerfs Mind Sear
>"Shadow isn't an AoE class, you should be DoTing more."

You don't get a boost to professions. So your level 100 with level 1 professions.

pvp is actually more enjoyable when you don't need to grind for items first, but you can still get items marked as pvp. Do they actually do anything?

you do if you are level 60 which should take a day or two




if you level to 60 before boosting you get maxed out professions

use the specific dungeon queue or look for groups on lfg

its easy just play with friends :^)

He doesn't have a level 100.

>Tanking addons

You mean DBM and Skada to boot bad dps?

buy class order hall set, upgrade to 830
world quests
buy on AH

Is it better than WoD so far? I played WoD from launch for 2 months and dont want to go back.

class order hall set has retarded requirements that usually require dungeons

Regular dungeons dont even give loot viable for heroics. You're better off doing World Quests for pieces, accomplishing Class Hall challenges to get 830's, and even some Battleground have a chance to give from 805-830 gear.

Regular dungeons give out on everage 1 piece of 805, which when warforged is still barely 810-820.

Not really, but it seems more content will be added than in WoD

As a prot warrior
God I love this shit
But I know ignore pain is going to get nerfed so hard

Nope, I'm skipping legion for this reason but also for: needless grind for artifact power bs, garrison 2.0, the 4 retarded difficulties, among other reasons, the biggest one is to avoid seeing devs smearing their greasy fingers all over, otherwise, cool features just to extend the lifetime of the expansion.

I'll be back once they are done fucking with the game every two months or so.

>implying it will ever happen
greedy assholes.

that one addon to keep track of my stacks and buffs so my eyes arent planted on the upper right side of the screen
also macros to make pulling easier

id like to see if i can keep track on the values on my ignore pain shield and focus rage stacks

there's less garrison shit but still some

Keeping track of ignore pain and focused rage is easy as hell with WeakAuras.

What didn't you like about early WoD? Because most people agree that early WoD was great and the problem was that there was no content later on.

>not having enough neurons in your brain to know that he meant Gearing
>you will never be this ignorant and happy

you are blessed

does anyone else find thalyssra attractive? I think its her voice

>hit endgame
>lose all motivation to play

If it's anything like WoD then they will give it away to you for free like 1 year into the expac with 7-30 days free gametime (depending on if you ask a GM for more and he is nice enough).

>tfw managed to sell all of my 6k Stonehide Leather as Obliterum before the price dropped too hard
Still, the price of Obliterum sunk way too fast. Barely managed to sell the last ones for 5.5k

Will Word Quest gear rewards cap at a certain ilevel?

I'm at 835 now and wondering how high it'll go.

Not sure what Warriors use nowadays, but as a blood Death Knight, I just sort of have to hold onto my Runic Power and watch for spikes.

Otherwise I just sort of go apeshit all the time and pretend I'm a dps, because even in Mythics, so long as I don't pull too much, I don't really care. I hit heroic worthy 810 the other day and I'm already almost 830 now, and have done several mythics, bosses are pushovers, the main threat nowadays is swarms of enemies, and even then every 3 minutes I can take out anything with Rune Weapon. Speccing into the left side of my weapon for pure damage instead of tankiness allows me to hit about 900K dps in aoe pulls with my double Rune Weapon, along with 25% leech.

>pool rage
>use ignore pain
>hover over buff to see tooltip
>2m damage shield

i forgot the name of the addon
i though weakauras was something to keep track of your paladin auras or something

so how exactly do world quests work

are they automatically added, or can I get more by doing the already existing ones?

from the beta shit went Mythic+, which was basically 840+

>that mana addict quest line ending.

Legit felt bad.

no, that's the point of them, for people who don't raid or mythic dungeon to gear themselves

The eternal Orc cock sucking at Blizzard storytime continues

Varian Wrynn taken out by trash mob? Really?

>No longer need to rely on other shitters to go back and enjoy Throne of Thunder

It gets higher the more you do them, and the higher you are.

To this end, I have not seen a cap yet, not to mention quest titanforging can get to like +25.

Some chinks got into my old WoW account and changed everything before Blizz cracked down on security. So I lost all my originals that were 60+

I haven't even touched it since Cata so I would have to start from level 1.

Even leveling to 60 would take forever without someone boosting you through dungeons.

Are there any addons that can show a list of friendly (not just party/raid) players in range? The keybind I made for 'target nearest friendly' doesn't seem to work anymore, it only gets npcs and pets.

garrisons slowing becoming the game. No reason to leave it. No planned content.

they are all on a timer so you dont have to do shit ones to make new one spop

There is a prot warrior thread on MMO champ that has a link to copy paste into WeakAuras to give you the timers and icons so you don't even need to hover over shit. It's smack dab in the middle of the screen telling you about your 2 million shield

im thinking of getting back into this game. havent really played since wrath

whats better right now? lock or mage

a lot of people seem to enjoy it, i however feel cucked af for buying yet another lame expac that does nothing but remove more rpg elements from an mmorpg. The entire quest world is pretty much phased now, so the game (im assuming bigger pop servers will feel differnt maybe idk) feels like one big singleplayer game when not in a city.

enh shamans also lost their fist weapons so if your a troll, kiss all your cool mog sets goodbye.

My bet is still on two months.

Once people realize it's wod all over again, but instead of missions, or work orders, you'll be doing the exact same retarded quests for months, just to get shitty gear bellow lfr ilvl, and farming the current version of apexis crystals.

This game became idiotic, but I still like the combat, too bad the combat doesn't hold all the rest of the garbage that comes with it.

>mfw i used to play healer
>mfw they nerfed healers for the forth time since cataclysm
feels good not buying into the legion hype. 50 bucks saved. lol

One of the pieces requires you to kill each dungeon end boss on any difficulty.

What world are you living in where 1 out of 8 is "usually".

Thanks, that sounds good - I don't have a guild yet so getting into mythic dungeons is a pain.

>not having a healer or tank friend
baka senpai

>dungeons are cool apart from violet hold 2.0
>mythics mean you actually need to group up again, and make lfg and lfr irrelevant since they drop better gear
>world quests mean you can always do something useful, unlike WoD where you log in for your weekly raid clear then play something else for the rest of the week
>class halls are cool as heck and are full of other people so even when you're sitting in your 'garrison' you're not alone
Hopefully they don't fuck up the raids but they cant really do worse than WoD at this point

Mage, Fire works great, Arcane is ok and has a weapon that talks to you. Frost is inferior in everything.

Locks are kinda fucked right now. Destro is a mess and while demo is effective if could be handled by a single cast sequence macro.

You can restore deleted characters, I was able to bring back my level 30 hunter from vanilla

Mage for sure.

Keep sucking that Blizzard cock, you bunch of addicts.

Eye of Azshara makes me want to shoot myself.

Boring bosses except the last one, and the entire place is a long drawn out mess.

Other than that, sure, the rest of the dungeons are decent. Neltharion being a close second worst.

>Not sure what Warriors use nowadays
i dont even know myself

christ ignore pain gives so much value if you pick the choice talents
i just cycle between focused rage and ignore pain to keep my rage bar empty

i wish i fucking leveled as prot instead
it wouldve saved me dying from soloing some of the rares

Eye of Azshara is "don't stand in shit, but there is shit everywhere" the dungeon
It's AIDS as fuck

Can a level 110 solo WoD world bosses?

I still needed Drov/Tarlna for the Pepe achievement that gives you the toy whistle because nobody ever formed/joined groups for them near the ass end of WoD

Mages have always been the blatant favorite among the casters. SPriest, Warlock, and to a lesser extent, Moonkin, exist solely to pad the game's roster.

Just look at how much shit was gutted from Warlocks this xpac and given to mages, and I'm not just talking about spells.

>just to get shitty gear bellow lfr ilvl
Jokes on you famalam I already outgear lfr and raids arent even out yet. You can get normal raid ilvl gear from mythic dungeons right now

>Enjoying those world quests?

>Selling Felwort for 12K a piece.

Sure, love 'em plenty.

This is from a developer interview:
>Artifacts are something that will continue to grow and evolve so that Artifact Power matters for the entirety of Legion.
A reminder that it will take about 25 WEEKS to max out your main spec weapon without touching any offspec with daily world quest grind, and then you can do the same again when Blizzard will raise the cap of the weapons every time in the expansion, probably every single raid tier.

>Get back in to playing
>Make and boost a character on Kel'Thuzad, remember liking PvP servers
>Turns out that the alliance population is 13 times bigger than the horde
>I'm horde

Waiting for a GM to reply to the ticket I made yesterday begging for a server transfer.


you wont get shit idiot

hopefully the class hall shit is completable and not mandatory for the whole expansion like garrisons

The Kara 7.1 confirmation, along with Nighthold already means the game will have more content to do than WoD.

Although that's not really saying much since there have been content patches with more content in them than WoD.

>get a dungeon which is straight back to vanilla standards with mandatory trash clearing
>complain about it
Oh gee and here I thought vanilla was the very best.

Use my boost on my level 90, or level from 90-100 and save it? (Didn't play WoD)

You won't get anything moron
When you boost, it says Are you sure?
Then it asks are you double sure?
You are boned

I don't even have access to the account anymore. I just ditched it.

>I'm horde
You've already chosen wrong, so why bother?

Demo locks are one of the highest DPS classes in the game atm if you can get used to their completely unintuitive clusterfuck of a rotation.

Frost and Arcane mages are complete garbage.

>tfw I got two
>mythic warforged dungeon drops in a mythic dungeon run while my friends got nothing

>despise daily quests
So, time to quit, right? I've been playing since vanilla and I never ever had so little fun in this game.

level, you would only save maybe ten hours and it is decent leveling first time

>i dont know what theyre talking about
>but im gonna comment anyway

Yeah, I loved that Vanilla dungeon which was basically just a giant open space with nothing to look at and a shit ton of trash.

Oh wait, 99% of the dungeons in Vanilla were in some kind of building or cave, which the exception of Zul'Farrak, and even that place was interesting to look at.

Eye of Azshara is just Val'Shara except with elites. It's boring to look at and navigate.

>cheapest US copy if $45
>plus obligatory game time
Nah to the max.

I agree that the game should have come with a 30 day.

I doubt it will ever be optional, just for achieves and toys, for example.

No one would even bother with it if they made it optional. Judging by how they tend to withhold their shit, even with simple stuff like flying, by forcing you to grind whatever bullshit they want, like reputation, I simply doubt they would leave large chunks of "content" to be something optional.

I wish they'd reduce the cost of Demonic Empowerment since you literally have to cast it every time you summon a new demon unless you get the proc for free dreadstalkers and you have 4 shards to summon imps.

>banish demon in mythic
>all 10 of my demons start attacking banished mob
>tell felguard to switch targets
>as he is running he charges back to the mob he was originally on and ends up running an extra 40% distance
>all of my aoe locked behind talents
>need to spend 6+ soul shards to start my aoe or my single target damage while I start fights with one
>one of my gold talents does around 40k single target damage every 20 seconds
>have to stand still at all times or I lose all my damage

You could try contacting blizzard if you do want to play, I hear they're quite helpful it getting accounts back. You'll probably need some proof like CD-Keys or bank statements though.

>Being a Warlock

You deserve everything bad.

>I do less damage than a mage and don't make up for it by being able to heal or tank: The Class.

They completely fucked up the entire warlock class design. All 3 specs never felt this shit.

>Playing my Tauren arms warrior.
>Look up different builds online
>"Focused rage build? I thought it was shit."
>Try it out
I have become death, destroyer of worlds.

you're still being punished for MoP

why does this guy always come up when i log in?

he doesnt even do anything
and after a while he just dies

i consider collectibles and small amounts of gold optional

why do demo locks need to stand still? I haven't played for ages, I read this here a lot. Seems dumb.

I never asked for this you nigger. If they just left the class completely alone after MoP and didn't prune anything, it would have been awesome.
WoD was already horrible with the first pruning, but this is just too much.

Felguard tanking pretty useful in mythics if the tank dies. Plus I can solo a lot of stuff.