The Tester Season 3 was 4 1/2 years ago

The Tester Season 3 was 4 1/2 years ago

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I miss those videos.

I miss having fun. Now I'm just over here all Betty Spaghetti.


Someone for the love of god share the video archive of these. Some user said there was a mega link floating around.

what went so wrong?

egoraptor was never the same after this. it changed him

leather pleather



Arin is an interesting bird.

- Dropped out of high school
- Does animation during a time of unrivaled competition via Newgrounds circa 1998
- Uses the popularity of his animations to feed his traffic to his Let's Plays along with another guy who does video game reviews
- Uses the traffic he built from the Let's Plays to start a music career and voice acting
- Animation left behind in the dust, what got him there to begin with.

Epilogue, gets married to a girl who is using him for his fame and current financial gain.

Too pilled up to see that happening

ninja is best boy

>that time when Ego came on Sup Forums and answered questions about the show

>that time krystipryde stabbed a guy that tried to break into her house

>music career and voice acting

but his voice sounds like shit sliding down a chalkboard


...and now

Where is this qt redhead at now?


>used to unironically like egoraptor
Did he change, or did I?






>I would go to playstation home to watch the Tester
>My friends would group up and watch it together
Life is suffering


I don't understand why people would go into a contest for a fucking video game tester job. if you live in the los angeles area those jobs pop up on Craigslist all the fucking time. they aren't even that good

I made a Sup Forums banner with this image I don't know what I did with it, wish they were taking submissions for Sup Forums


Who /kotn/ here?

I honestly had the best time watching this shit with Sup Forums. Too bad Sup Forums is shit and nothing good will ever happen.

This was a beautiful time

>can't watch King of Zimbabwae or The Tester in a nutshell in their entirety



that... that is actually perfectly on point.

I'm actually impressed.


It's probably wrong to feel nostalgia just from watching these, but fuck. Gets me every time.

I don't like Arin, but I agree that if I had the choice of taking a year to make one single animation and get literally nothing out of it, or make tons of easy videos of me just having fun and playing video games and getting a ton of money I'd choose the latter. Animation is stressful as fuck, not even the act of doing it either. The program itself can be a real pain in the ass to get working sometimes and if something fucks up all your work is gone. There's a lot of factors that just kill your motivation for animation and make you give up.



I have never heard that nerdy looking dudes voice but holy crap that's not what I thought he would sound like.


SkyDiddy was too cool and he looked a metal clown


you probably sound worse

Is he our guy?

That stupid ass skit where he loses his breath for no reason was funny as fuck.

>I slam my ham in blueberry jam.

>3 years ago
Where does the time go

First post best post.

Playstation Home would be so much better on PS4 instead of PS3.

>tfw the rest of the videos were taken down and he hasn't uploaded them anywhere else


betty spaghetti

Used to have so much fun messing with people on there

my sides

How can you not love SkyDiddy?


He sounds p good desu. I don't know I have a good enough voice. Works for my podcast :^)

this soundbyte is forever ingrained into my brain

I miss Nicole

Playstation Home would be better if it was nothing but erp, furries, pedophiles, autists and middle aged women. Oh wait.



Some user met Betty spaghetti himself earlier this year

I'd love to shag a female clown, suit, make up, nose and everything. I bet it would be a blast.


Jenna Brooks Clown Porn in Google friend.

>it changed him
I met him at the time at AX 2011.

"Hey, aren't you–"

still mad

lol you're a bitch boy

Looks like he lost weight but still looks like a creeper.

I guess I'm watching these again now

He had to lose weight after his heart exploded.

Does he have a pig heart now?


Who do you think fugged while they were staying at that place to film?

Betty Spaghetti fucked them all, especially the men

None, I would have tried for Krysti.


>heart exploded

Are you okay? It was clearly a joke you retard.


What was her name again?

lil fiery redhead

lil pale gothic chick always sets it off

Queen bitch

Lauren Faust

you knows asians are at the top of my boat

My name is Explorin Lauren.


That one girl from the tester has been going places

>yfw Burn is now married, has a kid, and is not a redhead anymore

LOL thats me
Cant believe someone saved this

Namely the tattoo parlor it seems

That's a terrible way to look at art.

I saved it because people like me haven't seen him since the tester. He's still active on twitter, recently 100%ing the metal gear trophies

shes also an anti-trump, coalburner who refers to Anita/Zoey as heroes of the industry

Yeah, he works in a walgreens in the BX. Gf goes to a medical school there and I tracked his location down after he mentioned something about it. When I saw him I dropped his tag and we then chilled outside for over an hour. He even asked if I wanted to smoke, but I wasnt feeling it. He also encouraged me to get on Tester 4 if there is one since he said he liked my personality.

Proof or is this just a ruse?

>Look it up
>It really was 4 and a half years ago

What the fuck man, what the fuck

she constantly retweets Hillary/Obama funny posts, called numerous black athletes "cute" during the Olympics, and was very outspoken during the whole "GG" meltdown in favor of Anita/Zoe.

I dont have the time to go surfing through years of tweets

>see your post
>go look up her twitter

It was only a matter of time I suppose.

y'all jellly