>that game you wish you could experience for the first time again
What's it name Sup Forums?
>that game you wish you could experience for the first time again
What's it name Sup Forums?
World of warcraft,
Warcraft 3
Any game that i've become too good at.
Shit on me all you want, it was fun.
Morrowind and Yume Nikki (all fan games included)
Kill yourself homofaggot
As stupid as it may sound, but the alliance-side intro to howling fjord. Then again, I also came back late to WoW for LK, around the time Ulduar went live, so there was practically no one else there and it was just me facing down that constant assault of vrykul.
Just for you, senpai.
That IS as stupid as it sounds!
Thanks user!
Dark souls 1. DS2 and DS3 don't give me back that feeling...mostly because of the fast travel and linearity. It sucks when your favorite part of a game is removed from later incarnations, like it meant nothing to them.
mass effect series
Paper Mario: TTYD or M&L:SS
I like Mario RPGs
im shitting on you
I'd give anything to play Pathologic or The Void again for the first time.
I agree. It really was best on the first playthrough.
MH3U. It was my first monster hunter and the story really got to me
Pretty sad that I just mash A through all the dialog in Generations now
Melee, learning to play with pressing a button to jump instead of pressing up. LITERALLY impossible to relearn, and I think it's holding me back, pressing up.
Final Fantasy VII
World of Warcraft.
I remember questing in Teldrassil. The most magical moments I've ever had in vidya.
Silent Hill series including American ones
all Gothic games
bf2, 1942, 2142
probably some more
Dead space 2
I pirated that game but the final fight had a glitch error were you push E nonstop
Give up and watch the ending on youtube
Elementary School, especially that one mission where I ate pizza with my friends and stayed up past 10:00 o clock
and here i am dissabling tilt up to jump in smash 4 because of 15 years of muscle memory using Y to jump
Humans are weird
Ghost Trick
Baldur's Gate series.
Just not as fun after the ~30th run.
the rape scene in Yoshi's Island
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Final Fantasy X
Grew up playing this game as a kid in 2002. I'll never forget the wonderful nostalgic memories that the magical OST, weird goofy dialogue, the awesome story of a kid on a religious pilgrimage as a protector of a hot chick, and the gameplay brought me. Plus, playing this as a kid just blew me away. It was the first 3D RPG I had ever played at that time, and the graphics were insane. Plus, hearing jecht's theme for the first time was SO FUCKING METAL!
I still go bust out the HD collection I have for PS3 every now and then. I even got around to finally playing FFX-2 not too long ago. Not a bad game, just nowhere near the greatness that is FFX.
half life 2
I want to see if it stacks and it's really good or if it was my inexperience in the genre that made it seem so excellent.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Super Mario 64
Mario kart double dash
I just want to sit there with my three best friends until 4 am again is that too much to ask?
The Dig.
What an experience. To play it again blind would be so great.
>Thinking its just a meteor
>Thinking Brink's fate is certain
>Finding what happened to the race
>Deciding how to handle Maggie's fate
>Saving Maggie from that spider-thing