what famous people do we know that play lurk Sup Forums?
What famous people do we know that play lurk Sup Forums?
Maggie Smith
And they were only going to ring him up once.
Hillary Clinton. She is a hardcore Sup Forums member and fully supportive of your [CAUSE/IDEALS], yo better believe it!
If she's browsing Sup Forums, why do you write this and not herself?
Yeah! Not like that dumb Trump! He looks like Hitler XD
Very few jobs will ever call you more than once.
It's not really a rare thing.
Pretty sure if he's the main guy on the casting list for the franchise reboot, they would at least call him once or twice again, it's not your average white collar job. But it only makes sense if he was the only one who they really wanted, if there was another guy he could have accepted the role after Cavill missed the call.
>plays WoW
I think he lurks Reddit more.
Truly she is destined for great things, sure!
He wasn't the main guy.
really? Who was the initial choice?
Great, now Sup Forums starts shitposting anyway even if the thread has nothing to do with anything in it.
And you wonder why nobody likes you.
What is up with this guy's hairline
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are 75% the same userbase.
>le pol boogeyman
What are you user a cuck?
This website belongs to Sup Forums. We ran m00t out of town and soon all you sissy liberals as well.
I know a few celebs who browse stuff like Sup Forums or /soc/ but I dunno about any that browse Sup Forums. Prob pretty small selection 3 or 4 - something like that.
''le Sup Forums boogeyman'' is nothing but another boogeyman at this point while you prepare your next post with a random pic from your ''nigger statistics'' folder.
According to Sup Forums
Everyone knows that people who focus their lives on politics want nothing out of other industries but to use them as a platform for their ideologies.
This has never lead to anything good, the right and left have only intervened in this industry to complain like pussies about it, or to outright try to ban videogames.
None of them have ever delivered anything good for this industry, or any other industry.
>people actually believe this.
Fuck off Sup Forums go back to shitposting on Sup Forums
So how does that justify off topic posting?