Germany being lead by anybody other than Bismarck

>Germany being lead by anybody other than Bismarck

Civ VI is going to be shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Germany lead by someone that made the biggest crusade and drowned in a river before even reaching the holy land


was this back when germany was still a bunch of tiny jobber countrys?

>Germany not being lead by our great lady Merkel

why are Civ VI devs such racist shitlords?


>non Germans thinks he knows German history


They are never gonna put in Hitler. But hurr durr, Stalin and Mao is okey dokey

Odd choice.

Like making Caeser the leader of an italian Civ.

Generally they were quite clear when it was a state and era they were representing

Mao and Stalin led governments that the West is currently attempting to recreate. Why would they not be allowed?

>tfw Civ VI is actually looking really good

>tfw Cao Cao is never going to be the leader of China

Larger genocides, but I guess because they weren't the holy people they're forgiven.
I'll never understand this whole "erase them from history" angle people take.

>Not Sima Yi
Wei shitlords.
Jin rules all.

>devs can never try new things

stalin and mao created regimes that lasted for 50+ years rather than like 10

Hey that's bretty gud
Captcha: Select the river :^)

nice meme

Too bad Jin fucked everything up after they united China

>Germaboos being this upset

Please leave

>Took Germany from the richest country in Europe to the fifth-richest in Berlin

>Took a post-civil war failed state and turned it into a nuclear superpower a few years away from space travel

Look, Stalin was a giant asshole and mass-murderer, but at least you can make an argument for him being in the game.

This is the first game I've been tempted to preorder in like a decade

I just don't know if I can hold out this time

Stalin and Mao were both fascists

dumb trot-poster

>he doesn't know about Stalinofascism and Marxism-Leninism

kill yourself

the first reich was actually pretty cool

why is the german white???

Frederick is fucking amazing.

Plus, he looks great in game as well. And their uniques, other than their ability, look amazing. Going to be like Mongols mixed with England.

Burger King

Italy will never get a Civ because of Rome. The closest we got was Venice in Civ V, led by Enrico "I cast a pox on the Eastern Orthodox" Dandolo.

I'm going to pre-order just for the Aztecs, and play exclusively them in online games.

They added multiple leaders back.

Why no hitler? When you think "German leader" aside from merkel, who do you think of?

Also, as bad as hitler was, Stalin was literally ten times worse. But for some reason people see Stalin in a different light, even though Stalin was a shit leader on top of being pure evil.

>imgur filename

Young Stalin was a hunk.

I hope they have Ireland, if fucking Belgium gets a cig, I want one too.

Make Michael Collins the leader.

Because they did things. Hitler did nothing but suck, die, and ruin his country. No one wants him but edgelords who think worshipping Hitler is a revolutionary act



But seriously Ireland is grandfathered into Celts. Same reason we have a million viking civs and a Brazil civ, but just "india".

But Irish aren't celts...

Hitler's a hottie too and the superior history husbando

He's not Genghis but still nothing to be ashamed of

celts in Civ means the insular celts, which the irish are.

That's like saying Portugal is grandfathered into Rome.

>celts in Civ means the insular celts
>Brennus in Civ IV

The Irish were in Ireland before thousands of years prior to the celts arriving.

But portuguese are moors

And the Irish are actually anglos.


Either you are very mistaken, or subscribe to some Graham Hancock tier historiography here

That makes no sense.

I don't even care about the Aztecs, don't even think they're that overpowered.
Only reason I'd preorder is for the preload. I'm just anxious to play the game ASAP for some reason

The preload is what I'm excited about too. I can't fucking wait, but it's only a month and a half away.

>45 days

We'd sooner get Romania.

They found several bodies in Ireland that predate the celts, but are largely the same as modern day Irish people.

>45 days away
Hello Europe.

well no shit, the same is true of most euro nations.

It's a worldwide release m8. Oct 21st

Can't wait till he fucks off to his tower after his inevitable loss.

Yes, but it's still September 5th in America.




Does that mean we're not getting Rome this time?

Can I not just use a fucking reaction image without people shitslinging politics?

>the might of germany will live forever

oh child


Trajan is leading Rome this time. Their facecam is in the way in that screenshot, but we know that we're getting Trajan, since we've seen a beta screenshot of him too.


Not until December when people forget who he is
regardless of who wins the US election

eh, could be worse

They even added the suffix Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation later after they lost Italy to avoid confusion kek

dead leaders only

(((Real Clear Politics)))


Who should I choose?

McCain was a long established statesman who was also a war hero. For a lot of people not having military experience is a nonstarter to vote for them.

He was one of the "five good Emperors" who got Rome to the maximum size of the empire. Id love to see Constantine or hell Cincinnatus, but yeah you can do worse than Trajan.

The Celts arrived in Ireland too recently.

>it's not breitbart
>it must be lying

Nuts to you Scythians, pirating until the Mongols come back.

Byzantium. Give yourself a challenge senpai.

user plz, the only place that has suggested he Scythians are replacing the Mongols has been baseless shitposting on Sup Forums.

Please only use echoes for Israeli sites. The tears shed around the globe for the 7 million will echo through eternity and you are deminishing their heroic sacrifice. Thank you for understanding.

Who do you think (in real life) was the best Civ 5 leader?

Augustus is the only correct answer by the way

Infowars is an Israeli site though

well the game isn't you just yet

How are we weighing the criteria senpai? This is important.


was this the most nonsensical comeback in Sup Forums history?

This dude was one of the greatest leader of history

dude it doesn't get more israel-loving than infowarsh (buy water filtersh plsh)

Washington is probably better than Augustus. Sejong also created a writing system and was an amazing ruler. Ditto Ramkhamhaeng, who ruled over one of the only civilizations to never be conquered by Europeans.

But Genghis and Alexander are obviously above all, if we're taking their conquests as the sole measure.

see you want to buy the water filter so you have some clean water to wash down the pills he's also selling you.
Gotta protect those telomeres

Be thankful Germany is even in the game


William, cause dat trousers boi

At least this Scythian did something besides getting BTFO by Rome.

Yes good thing those pills are only manifactured in non Bilderberg-controlled factories. They are completely safe go- I mean guy, we totally aren't controlled opposition ;^)

Which is fucking nothing.

t. beady eyed anglo

Fredrick barbarossa and the

Meme started by the French because they didn't get the Emperor's crown from the pope lel

go to workshop and download nepgear civ