Upcoming game that you've been hyped for ages now

>Upcoming game that you've been hyped for ages now

>Sup Forums is constantly shitting on it

What's her name?

Other urls found in this thread:


No mans sky


All of them


Be more specific.

I promise I won't laugh.

Jokes on you, user. The only upcoming game I give a fuck about is Deep Down, which will never, ever be released.
>tfw you will never explore some dungeons with your bros

I wouldn't say I'm hyped for The Last Guardian. I have my worries about it, but it still looks pretty good to me.

Even so, I've seen nothing but absolute shit on this game ever since the gameplay demo back in 2015.

Steel yourself my friend. It's going to revealed again 2 days from now.

Expect a lot of bashing from Sup Forums

It's gonna be tough. Trust me. But don't lose faith and don't let the hate-speech get to you.

Final Fantasy XV, but I just ignore it.

Every single thread is an exact copy of the last. Same imagine, same replies, same people every time.

Breath of the Wild
But they're desperate to hate on it so I don't care, I'm still hyped.
One of the guys hating on it even called the gameplay "a gimmick"

I've never played a final fantasy game(Other than xiv and it was ass) but this game looks cool

Let me guess... the age old "DOWNGRADE!!!" ?

The new pikmin game and pokemon moon

Most recently for me it was Doom, but Sup Forums quickly changed their tune once it came out.

OP here. Thanks for mentioning it. FF XV is my own answer as well. It saddens me to see how so many people purposefully want to see a game fail. I'm sure other anons have felt this way as well. I'll be avoiding any XV thread till I've finished playing the game and I recommend that you do so as well.

There are no upcoming games to get truly hyped over.

Come on don't lie. Give us a name. We're all friends here.

Right. I noticed how Sup Forums was fully expecting it to be a blunder yet there wasn't a peep after it actually came out and there wasn't anything for the hate-posters to grasp at.

yeah going into them is completely pointless

you'll just keep seeing the same bait pictures and people going off on the same rants


Breath of the Wild.

How could anyone hate on it?

This game stole the show at E3 and this is coming from a sonybro. I'm pretty vexed that I will probably never get to play it. Tell me what sort of "criticism" do they have against it?

Not even really a downgrade. It looks the same on a PS4 as it did last gen.

People are pissed that it doesn't look any better even though they said that Trico's AI was the main reason they switched to PS4.

>no google results

is this a leak?

>Getting hyped about anything these days
You deserve to be laughed at.

I don't want to see it fail. I just have no hope left.

You don't really believe this "leak" do you?


Graphical downgrades, complaining about the stealth and crafting aspects or just claiming that it will be shit.

Isn't XV-Kun a staunch defender of our game against all the shitposters?

It's anti-kun who posts the bait images every time.

Why are you misusing quotation marks like that? You look like a fool.

Why are you being retarded like that? You look like a retard.


Get off your high-horse. You're not fooling anyone. Come on share with us.

Kingdom hearts 3, last guardian and persona 5

What's the point of listing a specific game when Sup Forums wants everything to be the next TORtanic?

N/A, because I haven't been long-term hyped for a game in years.

You should learn to not give a fuck what Sup Forums thinks. A massive group of people like this and there's always bound to be a extremely vocal group of haters and more than a few shitters stirring the pot for the lulz.

You're a fool. I'm done replying.

smt ivf

>Upcoming game

pick 1

Is it me or is Sup Forums angrier with games this year than last?

I don't remember Sup Forums being this upset, even when games like MGSV came out. I distinctly remember Sup Forums loving the shit outta MGSV, even with the Chapter 3 controversy. At least then, Sup Forums still had hope it was just some 4D Chess ruse.

why is this cat so great

Scalebound, its got an open world Lost Planet 2 feel to it with giant mother fucking dragons

Every Nintendo game. Not even BotW is safe anymore. If it's Nintendo, expect shitposts. A lot of shitposts.

I wouldn't worry about the downgrade accusations. Remember Witcher 3? Didn't stop it from being the GOTY 2015. Besides it's not Uncharted. Zelda games have a lot going for them in the gameplay department and noone buys them for their graphics. Don't know about crafting but Zelda has never had any stealth gameplay has it?

Pokemon SM

I know some people praise it, but there are plenty of people who mindlessly hate it for whatever reason too.

Is this a trick question? Name me a single upcoming game Sup Forums doesn't shit on.

Hype is the worst thing you can do to yourself ever.

This goes for you both as well

>le cynical enlightened neckbeard faec *tips trillby*
Kys my man.

>Persona 5

Oh come on user. Everyone loves P5. Nothing negative is being spouted against it other than "NO DUAL AUDIO NO BUY". Just some braindead weebs wanting to play a game in a language they don't even understand.

He's multiple different people. He's both XV-kun, Anti-XVkun and Normua-kun. He is 3 different people.

this is now a kot thread, post kots and blini

*Stares at you*

*Judges your taste in videogames*

Hmm... yea even though I'm not much of an MGS fan I distinctly remember how innocently optimistic Sup Forums was for MGS V. People were posting their playtimes of the GZ and were discussing on which songs they would play insider their helicopter in PP.

Kind of tragic really... don't think we'll ever see a game as universally loved by Sup Forums as this one.

why does he look so sad?


Acceleration of Suguri 2

Good one. Idiots are shamelessly bashing on it for not being "cuhrazy" enough. But they don't understand that it's suppose to have a different sort of feel compared to Bayonetta and MGR. Like Dragon's Dogma for instance.

You can customize your Dragon-bro and ride it in an open world fantasy world. What's not to love?

God I wish it wasn't exclusive to Xbox.

Pokemon Sun/Moon seems to be held in high regard from what I've gathered.

Hmm... I haven't seen any hate directed against Nier Automata and Gravity Rush 2.

Mount and Blade: Bannerlord


fucking russians and their faggot cats

I have had this theory before as well. But their posts seems to be too close in timing to each other. Unless he's posting from his phone at the same time as well.

Because the game he's excited for has been garnering a lot of hate lately.

This is why I just ignore most if the topics here. Sup Forums is just shitposting central now a days. It's really sad that people come on here not to discuss games but to just shitpost on purpose.

That image is false. XV-Kun debunked it by posting a picture of his arm (not black).

In fact I'm 99% sure that you're Anti-Kun since he uses this exact same filename whilst arguing with him.

Ni no Kuni 2.

What games are you looking forward to pally wally?

Don't think so. These are safe for now. Even if they are hated as you suggest it's nowhere near that of most popular upcoming games.

Forza Horizon 3
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
Titanfall 2

Well you can try.

If I were you I'd wait a month or two and see which one of these two FPS accumulates a larger playerbase.

Had loads of fun with the Titanfall 2 beta so I don't see the necessity for buying COD as well since mechs are hella epic.

Go away XV-kun. Keep your cancer in XV threads.
Nobody has said anything negative about XV yet, just how shit the threads are.

I want to buy COD:IW for the single player for the Xbone. Split screen is also a major plus as COD always makes for an awesome party game.

He is a shitposter in the way that he falls for the same bait in every fucking single thread, and turns it into a flamewar instead of ignoring it, therefore ruining threads. He's an enabler.

I'm not XV-Kun.

Pokemon, Zelda, KH3, and Shantae off the top of my head. I'm mostly just working on my backlog for now.

nothing upcoming now, but people shit on Legion and Overwatch and I was hype for both, and I'm very happy with both*

*so far...

Although quite a few people don't shit on it as well.
>Literally late this month/early next

I heard that IW won't have co-op for the campaign. But why play COD for this reason at all since you'll be getting GOW4 the ultimate co-op game pretty soon?

Sure thing.

You'd better get to work here

Naw nigga, it's that 4 way splitscreen deathmatch where it at. That and zombies if we're getting it.

Had some of the most hektik games on my old 360 with Black Ops 2 back when i was still in the military.
Sneaked into the briefing room at night with my mates and plugged the console on those huge projectors, it was glorious.

Honestly, you should be satisfied about the reception for Overwatch. Not my thing personally but I've never seen a Multiplayer FPS game become so popular here. It definitely has a strong following since its got its own general and there are multiple threads about it every day.

Any other game would have been forgotten by now.

>Upcoming game that you've been hyped for ages now

>Sup Forums is not shitting on it

Feels good man.

Hmm... can't argue with that even though the shitposters are at fault as well for trying to spread misinformation.

Because gaming is fucking on it's last leg

I wish I knew that feel.

Name pls? Promise it'll be just between you and me.

>my absence of face when I thought this is that fictional 2deep4u game made up by Sup Forums
What was it called?

Sun and Moon
All the new stuff (except the music) has made me rather excited.
Other than that I'm pretty excited for a lot of 3DS games but no 3DS thread can exist without
>lol u kids play nintendo
>buy a vita
>implying I buy games
>nintendo is doomed I tell you
>3DS is dead
>3d sucks lol so do 2 screens
And instead of discussing games and ignoring them people let it take over the thread.

They're mostly ignored anyway. Especially now with the new footage and shots showing that the graphics are improved.

Your underage-tier cynicism is cringeworthy at best.

>graphics are improved

Well that's good to know. Seems like they're utilizing the extra time well.


Have you seen the PAX footage?

The XBox version still looks like shit, but the PS4 version is improved. Performance is decent too.

The next thing may sound meme to you but I just canceled my preorder. I dont have any evidence to show you, but who cares?
I did it because of the DLC. I couldnt stand it. The worse is that I had preordered the steel case with the movie but if I had to pay a fucking season pass I will do it when it is already out and I know it is good.

If I were you I'd consider going over to /vp/ in order to discuss Sun/Moon then. Unlike most of us you've got a whole board all to yourself.

What other good 3DS game is upcoming?

please Sup Forums

I don't know that feel, since I don't get hyped for AAA trash