Why don't people play Dead or Alive? Is it because of the "sexy ladies" meme?

Why don't people play Dead or Alive? Is it because of the "sexy ladies" meme?


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I don't really play fighting games but I wouldn't mind having one of those volley ball games on PC

Mai looks like an actual ordinary Japanese chick compared to the others.

More people just care about the girls and not the gameplay despite it being a lot of fun.

Tekken 7 is coming out soon, so no one wants to care for bootleg VF anymore.

Because DoA's astronomical levels of cheesecake make non-fans not take the series seriously, and rightfully so. Casuals don't care about the intricacies of a fighting game when there's titty monsters jiggling all over the place.

PC port being a bitch with the DLC and delayed terrible netcode put me off from the game.

I still love it, but I only boot it every few months for a few matches with friends.

I play it.

Now that Virtua Fighter is confirmed dead, quite a few people have jumped onto the DoA scene.

Fighting games are hard and I'd need people to play with.

Did they even port last round to PC yet?

Is it just for Japanese arcades or will this also be on console the 13th?

Yes, the girls are great

Techincally speaking, it is the worst fighting game i've ever played, coming out of say, skullgirls or SCV, it feels like a fucking trainwreck

Girls are 10/10 though

of course I did, user
you buy DLC, yes?


There's no "scene" for this mess, people group up and have matches but wew

how in the hell?

How in the hell what?

Not everyone is lonely sad and virgin like OP.

No one cares about 3D fighters outside of Tekken anymore.

Didn't the say they were never going to make a PC port again because of nude mods?

Dont forget SoCal

Though admittedly its been pretty under the radar for a long time now

I play their other games instead, because I don't have to rely on terrible netcode
That's my only gripe about DOA5, the game is amazing

Tips fedora

Yeah, the gooks cant make money selling lewd outfits if people can just cheat their way to the creamy center

Sucks to be them though, the models have already been ripped so i can enjoy my unlimited SFMs

Dumb gooks

>muh virgin weeb booby gaem is actually good, s-seriously!

>charge moves like the ninjas
>AoE move
Great, there goes the game balance
>inb4 lol balance

More like they're butthurt because PCfag never accept paying more than 50$ for cosmetic DLC, also the port is broken

Stay mad forever, sjw scum.

Really not sure what they were thinking. Of course there's going to be nude mods. People figured out how to get nude mods onto the 360 for fuck's sake.

Truly, this is the power of DoA.

>September 13th release
Muh dick is ready.

Does anyone who plays DoA actually play it for the fights?

Pretty much everyone I know plays DoA for the tiddies.

Wha? Tits are good

Gaemplae is shite

I love Nyotengu, Momiji, Rachel and Pai

It does though, and the game itself notifies you about them always

What is this image attempting to imply?

Other than that all four games are very good. Which I agree with for the three I've played.

Yeah sure, you totally judged the "Gaemplae" without assuming a thing from the tits

I literally thought that Mai was just a costume when I first saw it
Why do all DoA girls rook da same

It's so forced, very comparable to the HoTS "scene"

It just doesnt cut it

They forget to advertise the game as a fighter. All promotion is about cute girls now.

Back when oatmealface was in charge, the game used to be marketed as a hardcore, high impact fighter with tough guys and sexy girls. The over the top action was in proportion with the over the top sexiness. Because it was all about being extreme. Not only about wearing bunny and nurse costumes.

>I posted it again XD

That's this year's GOTY is a ""weeb"" game, 40% sempai

I own the fuckin game m8

I was excited to play it, and it was a let down

What an unheard of series of events, i know

Oh yeah, who do you main?

Because the range of deviation in a good-looking animu face is microscopic.

How it is a let down? Outside of the shit online it's really good

Because Mai is just a reconfigured Momiji model.

That's how perfection work

Is that a joke about the game's tagline?

When i played it, i liked Nyotengu, Marie Rose and the mma slut the best

It's so fucking frustrating to play, the movement and attacks feel clunky, the "hold" system feels unresponsive and attack conveyance is sooo bad, like i guess a spartan kick is somehow an overhead, and some jabs seem to ignore blocking completely, and im not a fan of how the combo system seems to be designed around mashing buttons while changing the direction of the control stick


Hahaha, holy shit. I'll buy the game but I'll pirate the shit out of that DLC.

Shame. I was S rank before Last Round came out and divided the player base. Also, I can tell you probably weren't that good. Mashing buttons in this game is the last thing you want to do.

But GOTY isn't necessarily what gets the highest review score on IGN. Different reviewers will give different scores and of course GOTY is probably decided differently from that too.

Also why you gotta use Odin Sphere and Valkyria to shitpost. Overwatch too but that's too popular for it to not have shitposts I guess.

Well every fightan feel frustrating to play at first, but I don't see how hold are unresponsive
Every 3D game combo can be done like that.

I don't play DoA, but aren't holds supposed to be a guess and not really feasible on reaction?

I get that, its not what i ACTUALLY did, but it looks like it was designed that way, i feel like the battle system is just a placeholder so they can sell a titty game, and theres nothing too wrong about that , but thats just the impression i got

It's not a shitpost, there's just that many peoples assuming the most retarded shit about any games featuring colorful nip art.
Odin Sphere bombed despite the score. It doesn't matter how you feel about it, it's definitely a great game anyhow.

Fuck if i know, they seem to work like 1 out of every 3 times it felt like

Not true, im a BlazBlue BABY but that game felt like butter going right in, at least compared to DoA

>it's a the game is bad because I suck at it episode
Business as usual.

Once you get pass B rank and actually play people who knows what they're doing, the battle system really shines through. Is it the best? No. But it's pretty damn good. It really feels like the closest to playing street fighter in 3D. Everything is about pokes and mind-games. You can't ever fully commit to a combo unless you know you can land it, and you always have to keep your options in mind.

Holds used to be able to be done on reaction, but now they really are a guess in DOA5 and up. They can still turn the tide in a fight if used correctly though.

>t-the gaems not bad, y-you're bad!

Business as usual

>not King
>Mai already looks too similar to Kasumi

Yeah, now it's not about playing fast, but playing smart. The amount of match-ups you have to know is ridiculous. If I lose to a character badly, I'll usually go learn their moves so when I fight them, I know what their options are and I can counter it.

Back in the day people actually gave a shit about DOA's fighting mechanics, between DOA2 and DOA4.

After DOA4, the franchise just kinda withered. Granted, I personally believe DOA5 is pretty solid, but now the franchise is much more known for titillation than the rock-paper-scissors game play.

Say what you will about Oatmeal Cookie, but the dude knows his mechanics. See: DOA2 and Ninja Gaiden.

I don't play it as much anymore because there's very few people online, and it's boring just fighting the same people

>it's a copy the other post and re-word it because and think I'm clever for doing it episode crossover with the blaming a game for my own inability to play it episode
You tried.

>im not a fan of how the combo system seems to be designed around mashing buttons while changing the direction of the control stick

>says this and wonders why people think he just sucks at it

>damage control: the post

Try harder

>Is it because of the "sexy ladies" meme?
i'd say yes. i bet there are even people not playing SF because of some of the girls.
i'm not sure what they're thinking when they make these kind of decisions. fighting games are multiplayer games. ideally they are games where you get your friends to play them with you.

with this kind of shit it just gets harder to introduce to new players.
there is a fine line between "sexy designs" and "unecessary bullshit".

>it looks like its made like this and its retarded = i tried playing it that wrong retarded way

Came to this conclusion how

>>damage control: the post
You mean like

>even MORE damage control

Keep it coming

Because almost all fighting games are dead and DoA5 was released four years ago.

>now the franchise is much more known for titillation
That is sadly due to the SJW shit.
They even tried to reduce the sexy as much as they can in the alpha version of DOA5, peoples reacted strongly against that.
They worked hard on 5's mechanics, but because journalists are focused on the problematic stuff it seems like TM doesn't care about gameplay when it's the episode with the most changes and fixed 4's shitshow.

Ridiculous. Next peoples will argue that Ninja Gaiden gameplay was never good if NG4 has female characters, just watch.
Peoples don't care about the substance at all in the end.

What damage would I have to control? The only one here doing damage control is the one crying damage control over and over. The game is good. Don't blame the fact that you suck at it on the game.

i have literally never had a friend complain about sexy designs in vidya.

> Back in the day people actually gave a shit about DOA's fighting mechanics, between DOA2 and DOA4.
which alternate reality did you come from? DOA was always tits first, gameplay distant second

>have a great fighting game
>completly kill it off for people who arent sad permavirgins by turning it into one huge fapbait for kissless otakus

I miss DoA4. It had both, fanservice but still a reputation as a good fighting game. I know it was widely known for tit physics since the first game, but they really went all out with 5 and are milking it to this day with tits and DLC for hundreds of euros.

>the three-wheeled car is good, dont cry just because you cant drive a three wheeled car as well as i can

Im juuuust not seeing it

I's sch a shame because it's probably one of the most balanced current fighting games. We even host weekly tournaments of it.

You're retarded just like everyone else. A visual feature has no bearing on a game's actual mechanics. Do you thing games are made by a single guy? That taking time making sure the tits look good is somehow eating into the system/gameplay development time?


>I miss DoA4. It had both, fanservice but still a reputation as a good fighting game.

I'm gay, I've been playing for the gameplay for over 10 years.

You can do them on reaction.

>I suck at driving this car so it has three wheels
At least you managed to avoid a food analogy.

Holy fuck you are out of control. Calm down. All I said was no one cared about DOA's gameplay "back in the day," at least not anymore than they do now. It's about public perception which is what the post I replied to was referring to. Like
>but now the franchise is much more known for titillation than the rock-paper-scissors game play.
Do you honestly believe this load?

>its meant to malfunction you just suck

Yeah no

DoA is still fighting to be considered an actual fighting game. Even with company sponsorship at FGC events it still is mostly rejected by the FGC. Luckily the community keeps coming out.

>a game about rape of dangerous bodies
i'm glad it's dying

The fact that you were able to discuss the actual game here and the lobby threads are prove for this. Now each and every thread turns into a virgin circlejerk thread with picture dumping and without any form of discussion of the game at all.

>I suck so it's malfunctioning
And so we come full circle.

cucks everywhere

If no one cares about the gameplay why was it such an arcade success?
Fuck "public reception", if a game has cute female character and it will definitly be know as a titty game and TM know that, that's why they stopped caring. Meanwhile peoples who play the game will enjoy the gameplay.

>no u

And thats as good as it comes, i presume, too bad

I don't remember us ever discussing DoA4. We had fight lobbies for 5, yeah, but not for 4.

well did they play FGs before? because i'm more talking about introducing someone who is new to the genre. there is definitely a stigma there that makes it harder for new players to be enthusiastic about trying these games.

when you know nothing about what makes these games fun and see a lot of tits and sex, you may assume that tits are the main reason people like these games.

now thati think about it, this applies to many other games as well. unecessary fanservice will undermine the gameplay in potential players eyes.

What's the startup on holds?

To my understanding casuals dont care much, the PC version of the last game fucking sucked plus apparently the community around Dead or Alive is held hostage by dumbass autists that make Mew2King look sensible. Plus now that very same community wants to censor all the cheesecake in the game in hopes that will bring new players to their community, while they do not realize its their own shitty community which prevents people from joining.

Not fooling anybody, homo bro. You're playing it for half naked men.