Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

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Feminine boy

As a tomato

I play as a MAN

Girl. Or maybe girly boys.

I'm fond of watching ass.

Is that a stomach bulge?

I hope so

Depends, if the females don't look atrocious I'll most likely be a female. Sometimes if they're too pretty you'll be stalked and messaged disparately by virgins.

It's possible.


What's wrong with its eyes?


Man except Fallout 4

Only possible?

Mostly girls because I like to make cute girls that I can fap to. If I can create a cool old man I do that sometimes as well for the badass look.

I would love to play as a cute boy but you can rarely do that so i usually play as a girl.

Just kidding, it's totally a stomach bulge.

People tend to gravitate towards their own gender in games, because playing otherwise is a bit like virtual cross-dressing and has... concerning implications.

I think games like Diablo 2 got it down right- a game should have gender-locked classes that people will play just to get at the kickass powers those classes have. No shame in being a Sorceress if it means you get those sweet elemental powers or trick bow shots with the Amazon.

I bet you're the sort of person who would withhold the source, too.

A girl

>Concerning implications

There's nothing concerning about playing as someone cute!

Whichever one is cuter.

>say that wanting to crossdress means concerning implications
>in the same post confess that you loved D2 because it gave an excuse to crossdress

The only thing to be concerned about is my pants' structural integrity.

First person male, third person female.

and btw this is the only correct answer.

A dude always unless a class i want to play is female only

Same desu

Fucking sauce pls

>muh staring at ass
Why are you looking at the ass then? Who cares pay attention the game

Sakurako is a qt

Good taste.

I'll give you a different kind of sauce to make up for it.

A girl, because if I played as a boy I wouldn't be able to stop staring at his ass.

usually a girl


>Play MMO as a girl
>So many 'girls' in the Sup Forums clan. Maybe 7 of us.
>Ironic shitposting about this galore
>Turns out most of the 'girls' are actually cute traps
>Most of the guys are twinks and / or military
>The only 2 real girls are fat uggo hambeasts


Funny, I was thinking of that too.

There is not enough Gwyndolin porn.

qt kobold/lizard/robot grill.


In games with choices they often offer unique options that are cool, like sleeping with Benny in New Vegas being the easiest way to get the Platinum Chip.
In games with player character customization I like customizing girls more since I can make cute girls.
In games with pre-existing rosters like fighters, I gravitate to characters I like the design AND gameplay of, and I tend to like girl designs and mobile characters the most so usually end up with girls.
And ultimately they're just nicer to look at and they're less common than male protagonists in general.

my junior is hard as diamonds right now

Kasshoku Otokonoko DeliHeal no Erohon ~Yattekita Shimakaze-kun wa Daigaku no Charai Kouhai de――?! Hen



I'm glad you're receptive.

I just went over to an old friend's house to drink and play Champs of Norrath. I picked a female Cleric, just because. My best friend picked Female Warrior because she has twintails "Like Serena, from Sailor Moon" and my third friend picked a Female Shadow Knight because we picked females.
We all named ourselves variations of JohnCena because we want to win.
We kept dying, holy shit that game is harder than we remembered.

Whatever I want.
>lol girls, you are gay
I hope you realize that gays play as guys.

why isn't that finished?

Either or, depends on the character I want to play.

More often men, though.

I have sauce I need to share too, after all.

Especially in japanese games where girls have more clothing options. They have the boys clothes and girls clothes that are usually three times as many.
Also Saints row 2

I didn't play the Sorceress class to crossdress, I played it to blow up mobs with ice and lightning storms- and I know I'm not the only one.

I'm just saying if people really have any interest in forcing people to play their opposing gender, there better be strong and shameless incentives to do so in such a manner that people don't even consider the option.

I was told once that to create a strong female character in fiction free from sex-baiting SJW fem-power idiocy, you first write the character as a male, then swap her gender in an edit later, so that no one mentions, recognizes, or discriminates against her based on anything but her merit as a person. Same general concept applies to video games.

No one cares that the Sorceress is female because it has no baring whatsoever on the story or gameplay, and thus the fact that the role is gender-locked is entirely overlooked. In the meantime, though, you got some sweet spell trees to focus on.

That, in my opinion, is sex and gender in video games done right- mandatory application, irrelevant relevance compared to gameplay... and some awesome gameplay to compensate


Which mmo?

sounds like TERA

The only thing better than a belly bulging from a thick cock is a cum belly.

sounds like Runescape





>>because playing otherwise is a bit like virtual cross-dressing and has... concerning implications.
>being this insecure


I play as the gender I am IRL, which is the way God intended it.

If you play as a girl in games while being a guy irl you are a gigantic faggot and I would like to personally come to your house with a 12 inch knife and slowly cut off your dick and slice you the vagina you wanted before carelessly cutting you in half, still alive, bring you to the meat factory I work at, and toss your screaming upper torso into the active meat grinder and watch you become mince meat, then i'll make a good burger out of it and sell it to your family and watch them eat it

It's not worth it. Play as your gender in games.


what game is that

God Eater 2: Rage Burst. On Vita and PC. It came out recently and it's in English.

Original came out in 2013 for PSP but that was untranslated.

looks like some god eater

Ayano best.

The cute little girl.

Varies. The first time, it usually depends on which has a better looking model/sprite, but sometimes I walk into an RPG with a character already in mind, which could be either sex.

Shit, man, what society are you living in? Because mine is doing everything it can to eliminate notions of masculine, feminine, male and female.

Insecurity is the appropriate state of being now. No one is straight, everyone is varying degrees of gay, and gays are faggots.

It's a disturbing time to be alive.

Yui best girl

I will hack your IP address, find out where the fuck you're sitting, drag your ass out of your house and throw you under the street

Try to escape? Your feet are getting cut off and sold to starving muslims

I will grind with righteous fury your fucking face against the pavement. But I won't kill you. No no you aren't gonna die, I want you to witness first hand what it's like to be in the middle of the meat grinder.

It will feel so good. Perhaps you can take haven in knowing whatever STDs you have will be inherited by your family members when they eat your burger.

>hack your IP address
>sold to starving muslims
>take haven
Waiter, my pasta's overdone.

I am NOT someone you want to fuck with, you understand?

I thought we had something, user...

I'd say you're trying too hard, but I guess a (You) is a (You), so congratulations even if no one will take this seriously.

If it's a game where self-inserting is encouraged, such as an MMO or some game like Persona 3 where the game expects you to self-insert, you should only play as the gender you identify as in real life or you aren't getting the developer intended experience.

I don't understand these closet transgenders, I really don't. They're a threat to our society and way of living.

Being gay? Nothing wrong with that. If you understand that being gay ends your family's DNA tree, and that being gay only serves as a means for population reduction, feel free to be gay who cares

But transgenderism? It's a threat to straight people. It seeks only to damage what we perceieve to be Man, and what we perceieve to be Woman. Gender roles are being put into question and that's fucking dangerous. There's no need to change society in that way. There's no need to be transgender, knowing that's scientifically impossible with the way chromosomes work anyway

daily reminder that brat is shit

>Don't Hug Me I'm Scared anime remake

Why do you only post anime girls when you have a penis in real life?

Why would I want a folder full of men when I am one?

Deep inside we all are cute 2D girls with penises.


>penis in real life
What's a penis?

>gender you identify as

Whole lotta faggots in this thread here.

the patrician's choice

I promise you won't get a girlfriend with that kind of mindset.

When was the last time you played a videogame with an actual girl?

I make one of each.
I mostly play male though.

I'll show you.

You seriously think some dude playing a girl character in a MMO is the equivalent to cutting your dick off and saying you're a woman now? Are you an idiot?

I'm straight. Gay people seek only to lower the world's population, but Transexuals seek to CHANGE what it MEANS to be Straight

do you realise how that is dangerous?


>Sup Forums
>playing with anyone else at all
Pick one, faggot.


its pasta

Why would I want a girlfriend?
Real girls are icky.

Why is Sup Forums so gay?

Sup Forums is prison gay.

it's a choice.

>You seriously think some dude playing a girl character in a MMO is the equivalent to cutting your dick off and saying you're a woman now? Are you an idiot?

I don't think you understand the self-inserting mindset.

When a player is self-inserting themself into the videogame, what is happening in the videogame might as well be happening in real life.

People's morals are put into question.

This isn't a simple case of "Guy plays as girl because they want something cute on the screen", i'm talking about "guy plays as girl because they want to be a woman"

Two entirely different scenarios, and in the later, it is indeed the equivilant of cutting your dick off and saying you're a woman

The later scenario is more prevalant in MMOs like final fantasy 14 that build communities, rather than single-player games like Skyrim.

the only pasta is going to be your intestines if you don't shut the fuck up