Was it really the TF2 killer it was said to be?

Was it really the TF2 killer it was said to be?

Not really. TF2 is still going with not that big an impact on its player numbers.

If anything, Valve did more damage to TF2 by driving people away from community servers.

According tto ur graph it goes down around same time as ow comes out... to an all time low.... fuck u overwatch won. Why is that a bad rhing?

It's too competitive to keep people invested like TF2 did, it's not a relaxing game at all, you can't really fuck around.

This user has never played an all-Bastion team with his mates before.

there's less of an overlap, then you'd expect. most tf2 players don't like abilities and the more casual aspects in general. Kind of weird that overwatch is designed to be a chill casual game but then blizz force all this esports mmr stuff, kind of made sense with hots at least a bit.


The game which has wall hacks, and auto aim abilities. Overwatch can barely be classified as hardcore competitve game.

note how it rose back up roughly a week later
that is people hitting the skill cap in overwatch and quitting

TF2 is killing itself anyway.

Yeah Overwatch didn't dent the numbers much for TF2 the games are actually a lot different than you would think at first glance and there are a lot of dedicated players who would never think to switch games.

Valve has done more damage to TF2 than blizzard ever could

What difference does it make when everyone has them? It's not the complexity of a game that makes it competitive, it's design choices and the scene that follows.

As with all neo-Blizz games it has no community features that bring the game longevity and replayability.
If this was made by old Blizzard it would have a map editor, a fucking SERVER BROWSER. Oh and Lan gaming.
Activision doesn't want to bring players together anymore. Too much risk of piracy you see.

I found it pretty boring compared to TF2. I like how vertical TF2 is with all the rocket jumping and airshotting and so on, that's something that overwatch just doesn't have.

OW has character with jump jets, graplings hooks, teleport up or who can climb walls
is anything the movement variety is one of the main diferentiators between the 2 games and one of the things that really sets OW apart

you mean dead

Blizzard doesn't show online players because they see how low they are.

I've said it again and again. If anything is going to kill TF2 it's going to be TF2 itself.

OW didn't make much of a dent in TF2. But it gathered a much bigger audience and it's doing quite well for itself and if both games can co-exist then I see no problem

>boring comparing to TF fucking 2 out of all things

You are useless.

>Placed 2700
>Platinum, apparently 'decent' players are set here
>Still get complete morons that cause stress on the game, making it unbalanced, and becomes a 5v6 slaughter.
>inb4 git gud

you can only carry so much.

When I played TF2 way back when, I'd do medic/heavy combos with a bud, and we'd fuck around so often, but had FUN. Legit fun, laughs were had while dominating, or even having a hard team to fight against. It wasn't always a complete slaughter.

Where as in Overwatch, it seems to go either way. You could have a decent team, then one round you get the bottom of the barrel retarded apes.

TF2 movement still feels faster to me. As far as I'm aware there's nothing quite like wall jumping or skipping in OW.

Peeking Corners: The Game turned out to be wildly successful so I'd say so.

didn't need ow to kill tf2


it's nothing like TF2 tho
shitposters roped when

TF2 had already been dead for years

it's definitelly faster overall
but in terms of movement abilities OW offer more options

this is the real tf2 killer


But TF2 was killing itself anyway

It's a lot easier to carry in TF2 than in OW. 98% of my TF2 career is me and my pocket carrying games with the vaccinator.

Dunno I think both suck imo

Nobody compares it to TF2 because of the artstyle, retard. People compare it to TF2 because they're both class based team shooters with 6v6 as the competitive format.