I mean WTF right?!?
IRL a sniper rifle is a bitch to use in CQB. WHY THE FUCK do game devs persist in having unlimited turning speed?
Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY is this still a thing???????
I mean WTF right?!?
IRL a sniper rifle is a bitch to use in CQB. WHY THE FUCK do game devs persist in having unlimited turning speed?
Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y y Y
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY is this still a thing???????
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It isn't hard to turn, just maybe slighly harder to point due to the longer and thicker barrel.
But that's all dependent on the type of the weapon, for example handling a precision AR with a 20" barrel is not significantly harder than lugging around some milled receiver AK with a shorter barrel. Aside, of course, from the actual length, which may make it impossible to use in tight spaces.
t. knower
that's what i'm saying, in a building i'll be sneaking up on some bushwookie bastard with my smg and he spins around fast as shit. IRL that would not happen.
Fuck that noise!
You're not playing IRL, pussytits, you're playing videogames.
Because having your controls gimped for the sake of "muh realism" isn't fun.
movie sucked ass
This is seriously something I've thought about implementing in a game. Having turning moment of inertia depend on the weapon you're using is something that more FPS should use to make weapon balance more interesting.
you and i have never played an FPS like that.
It would be fun u fuckwit!
Sub Rosa did a good thing, making guns physical objects that interact with the walls and stuff when u rub up against them.
Problem he made was trying to suck too many dicks at once. Game is horribly optimised and runs like dogshit on a hot summers day on even the best i7.
Just need an FPS with 1 good new mechanic to get people into the new idea. Then AAA devs will follow suit.
What's preventing him from doing that though? Precision rifles aren't THAT heavy.
it's unweildy. Much easier to aim and shoot a short barrel over a long barrel, especially if it has a fucking scope on it ffs.
Mainly hating on no-scopers that would get fuckin raped irl.
You don't even aim when you're across the room distances, just point shoot.
What i am saying is this; a player who is using a sniper rifle should not be able to turn around, scope in to aim and kill me before i shoot him with my smg/pistol/shotgun WHEN I AM BEHIND HIM. It's fuckin cringey as fuck.
Immersion breaking BS.
Well that should depend entirely on how quick you are to pull the trigger.
Sure have, just play with a controller.
Because videogame =/= milsim
I love Arma, but if every FPS would have been as clunky and without an ability to simply pass through door sideways because you're holding a long rifle, I'd kill myself.
You were behind him. If you haven't killed him in the first moment you should stop playing with live people and train with bots some more.
Arma is a shitfest.
Optimization > innovation
Age old problem. Excellent idea, poorly executed.
You need quicker reaction times and to not be a retard. If you've got the drop on him like you say you do then there are LITERALLY zero situations in where you should die.
tl;dr you're a retard who makes too much noise and has shitty reactions
It has nice ballistics and it's clunky as fuck, doesn't make it a simulator. It doesn't simulate anything
Of course arma is shit. But there is simply nothing better on the market right now. That's why you are using windows right now.
It simulates ballistics and long range encounters well. I wish CQC was better.
>simulates ballistics
>doesn't have wind
There's more to shooting that arma can't simulate. There's more to infantry combat that arma can't simulate
>it's unwieldy
You're autistic 300lb ass ins unwieldy, when it's being handled by a gay nigger rapist.
A rifle is literally a shorter, lighter quarterstaff and people used to fucking club each other to death with quarterstaves in melee combat in the past. If it was unwieldy, nobody would be able to use it effectively against swordsmen, which was not the case, since some of the most famous (English, IIRC) duelists ever used quarterstaves.
>m-muh immershun
fuck off faggot
A-10c module for DCS doesn't simulate the IFF panel. So DCS is not a sim anymore? MFS doesn't simulate a shit ton when it comes to flying. It's not a sim too? No sims simulate EVERYTHING, it's physically impossible. You can't have a model universe of the same size in the same universe.
DCS isn't the perfect sim but it's a damn sight better at simulating what it wants to than Arma.
Arma is literally just clunky battlefield on a big map
Enlighten me, how much do I miss out on infantry simulation when I play arma 2 or 3 with shit ton of infantry based mods?
BF1 on hardcore will be better.
Snipers actually hurt at range now. Just hope to fuck they make vehicle health realistic.
I mean 3 stinger hits to kill a helicopter????? Lazy fucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, but bullets fuckin kill faster