Best girl. Geralt should have ended up with her.
Well, either her or that one dragon queen chick.
Best girl. Geralt should have ended up with her
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Did you know that either way, invest will be involved?
>he didn't get the Ciri ending
I think he means banging her
She's his daughter, you freak.
Can you picture how OP half witcher half dragon babies would be?
You go on adventures for a while and then you end up with the boring redhead anyway.
Not related and she's still 100% better then Tris and Yen
I'm not super far into the game (only just got to Novigrad and am doing various quests around there) but I have yet to really care about Ciri. She just seems like DUDE I'M A GIRL I CAN DO WHAT THE BIG BOYS CAN LMAO and her playable segments are boring linear action setpieces, and the combat isn't fun when it isn't tailored to your personal playstyle.
No she isn't
>Well, either her or that one dragon queen chick.
I fucking wish Saskia was a romantic option.
Witchers are sterile. And I doubt putting a dragon through Trial of Grasses would be a very good idea.
When you got magic there is always a way user
>Witcher 4 with Ciri where you get to bone Queen Cerys will never happen
life is suffering
>Stealing your best bro's girl
He was a cunt at first, but he ended up being vegeta-tier
Here then. Now they're both happy
I never found him and Saskia romantic in anyway.
Yeah, without reading the books it's a bit difficult to really care about Ciri, since the games don't do a very good job of introducing her desu.
Iorveth wanted to bone her, but she didn't know. He begs you not to kill her when she goes apeshit.
Still a better Romance than Yen.
All women are an investment.
>He begs you not to kill her when she goes apeshit.
I just assumed he really wanted a kingdom free of segregation and discrimination to be a reality and it all hinged on her not being killed.
it was clear that in that universe they have an idea of how a fetus could be conceived. So why not save the young boys' sperms before they went through the trial of grasses and if they do pass the test, turkey bast those sperm in a woman to breed more potential witchers?
I wish Tris and Yen traded personalities. Yen is by far the hotter chick but Tris has a better disposition.
>So why not save the young boys' sperms
and how are they gonna do that. I dont think they know about freezing sperm and sorcerers dont care about sperm since they are sterile
Depends on the woman as well. Eugenics doesn't work if you don't know how potent the mothers side is.
And even if you did, it's much more efficient to grab 100 poor boys, push them all through the meatgrinder, and have the crème de la crème survive to train them into actual Witchers.
Then there would no reason to pick the other girl now, would there?
> Le Mary sue girl master of everything
Ok, I mean I liked Ves most before she got raped, but the series went to shit after the 2nd game anyways
>mfw The Empress ending
> Siding with ISIS tier terrorist
> Siding with nonhuman faggot
How could you do this to your biggest bro ?
To be fair, she is like a daughter to Geralt. Yet people still insist that he should have ended up with Ciri.
This universe has magic and shit. I'm sure they could find a way to make Witchers bread if they really wanted to.
Well in the books he ends up with Yen anyway right? They could have just done the same in the game instead of making it a choice thing.
>Implying Roch even gives a shit about you until at least half way though the game.
Yeah sure user.
> tfw no Emperor ending
>This universe has magic and shit. I'm sure they could find a way to make Witchers bread if they really wanted to.
yes and I mentioned why they wouldnt be likely to use magic. But gratz on cleverly hiding them in a mass reply
why is navy so fucking gay? that looks like prologue to a gay orgy
How is Yennifer in the books? Is she a cunt like the game or is she toned down?
Maybe Geralt likes that kind of bitch user.
fucking numale
He considers her to be his daughter, they just happen to have the same hair
I felt Like I was cucking Roche when I fucked Ves.
Sorry bro.
How many penises have entered your ass? Answer that.
What the hell is gay about that picture? You're seeing things that aren't there, user.
Witcher ending is in my opinion superior and in the end more satisfying.
I agree, they should have gone the Usagi Drop route with Ciri. She was hands down best girl.
The tutorial loading tips literally state that Witchers and sorcerers are sterile
Syanna is best girl desu. Cute little butt with cute short hair. Luckily for me you can actually bang her in the game FeelsGoodMan
Actually it would be better then Usagi Drop since Witchers don't age like humans do.
There's already dragon witchers. They defend other dragons from... witchers for example. And just like real witchers they booze around and fuck everything that moves.
This is canon from the books.
I prefer henriettas looks.
fucking numale
Then Geralt x Saskia would fit right in with the book universe.
Neither of the bitch sisters are particularly attractive, but at least Annarietta is a manageable bitch.
Saskia was fucking nonhuman rebel scum slag
I'm pretty sure Saskia was a virgin user.
>particularly attractive
what a fucking bizarre statement
What is attractive then?
It's in the original post, retard. Women that aren't bitchy.
She fucked all the dwarfs in her army
Your mother sucks dwarf cock.
>Implying regular humans don't already do that to female elves.
Say's who? You're headcanon?
>Witchers are sterile
>He didn't do the quest in Witcher 1
Theyre fictional, lets focus on sexual attractiveness instead of "would I start a family with her"
Not even Ciri can resist Yen's sex appeal.
she says so yourself you sperg
>yfw you find out Geralt thinks Dwarfs are cute.
>>Witchers are sterile
>>He didn't do the quest in Witcher 1
What did he mean by this ?
She's like a female Geralt.
It would be like fucking yourself.
plus, I enjoyed cucking Dettlaf kek
That wouldn't deter Geralt. He loves dwarf's. Thinks they're cute too.
bitchy women are shit in bed. selfish lovers.
Says who, your headcanon ?
Wait wait wait hold the fuck up.
I've only seen the anime adaption and that one ended with the guy ending up with the mom of Usagis childhood friend while Usagi is more into her little buddy.
I thought that's the canon ending.
What the fuck happened?
It always pissed me off that you can see the chicks everything but you can never see Geralt's cock.
.t Virgin
Not him but I remember the same thing. Not sure if he says it or not.
Fucked up the name of the girl since it's been too long don't mind this okay
This. I like the idea of fucking a "respectable" "pure" queen.
>She's like a female Geralt.
>It would be like fucking yourself.
>Implying that's somehow a bad thing.
> actually fucking linking to rebbit
fucking rofl
if i was hot, i would do it
Not that guy but that link 'does' answer the question.
only a virgen would think bitchy women make good partners
perhaps you could stay there, plebbitor.
exactly as the picture describes rin went with daikichi
There's nothing wrong with linking to/searching reddit for info. There are often in depth and more informative posts on just about any subject than you'll ever find here.
If you automatically reject a post/person because it contains reddit material due to some internet site rivalry then you're a fucking retard child.
Uh, no. I don't know from what part of your ass did you pull that out of, but the only "defenders of dragons" mentioned in books were there Zerrikanian amazons.
Stop spreading your false fanfiction, pleb.
Just get out of here you fucking clown
>Asking a stupid question because you're too lazy to google it
>user spoonfeeds you
>Sperg out
Fucking millenials.
Also, stop spoonfeeding retards.
You might as well ignore the idiots trying too hard to fit in. they might as well qq "oh look at that googletor finding info from google, what a newfag"
>Zerrikanian amazons
I wan this
>they are proud redditors
You people haven't been nearly shamed enough recently.
Witchers being sterile is canon, thats the whole balancing downside of them becoming coldsteel superman
you do realize that when Borch (the Golden dragon) said he is in a way a "witcher" too by defending the female dragon from the rabble, he was just making a parallel, right? He's not a literal witcher.
I don't even know why we bitch about reddit anymore. Sure, redditers are fucking cancer but going apeshit about them isn't going to stop them from coming on Sup Forums or make reddit suddenly disappear off the internet. It' just a waist of time to bitch about it at this point.
user, it's time to go back.
You have to be 18+ to post here
You are in luck. They were actually featured in TW3 as well, but only on Gwent cards
I let Roche die in 3. I alt+f4d and didn't touched the game for 2 days.
So what, I'm a redditor because I'm too lazy to tell them to fuck off back to their site?
>no nude texture
Why even bother?
A time skip happens and after your typical high school shenanigans a 18 year old Rin realizes that she's in love with Daikichi. He's completely against it at first, but eventually comes to terms with it. So after she graduates they end up together as husband and wife. That mom got married to some random guy off panel during this time skip.
This is where it goes user. I know how you feel.
Though its kinda sad you learned it from a random image.