You must post ITT if you're butthurt over the shade of skin in a fucking video game

You must post ITT if you're butthurt over the shade of skin in a fucking video game

You'd probably get more replies on Neogaf faggot, they hate the white male protags more.

I don't mind negros and all but black german soldiers in ww1? I know it's just a game but for fucks sake.

Liberals love to bitch about whitewashing, but apparently forced diversity is ok.

Fucking Swedish pussies.

Not to forget that many of the classic examples of "whitewashing" (disney princesses) are terrible examples
>one black, one arabic, one gypsy, one native american, one chinese
>but when the majority are white (majority of stories are european) it's whitewashing
>even Elsa, who's the queen of winter is whitewashing

I was mad about it at first but kind of stopped after realizing two things:
>There's probably going to be character customization like Battlefront so you can choose your player model
>There's so much shit in the game that's more ridiculous and unrealistic than this, like the cavalry firing one-handed lever actions with perfect accuracy like some kind of war-cowboys

Why is there no asian representation?

>Not forming an all-black squad
>Not being the KANGZ battalion

I look forward to the day that Sweden crash and burn, call me edgelord as much as you like, these cucks are the plight of humanity, they will pay the highest price for their foolishness.

I do enjoy the irony of the fact that Sup Forumstards get literally just as triggered and use the same excuses as SJWs.

It's like pottery.

I am.

>there are plenty of other more glaring historical inaccuracies in BF1 but Sup Forums only cares about the ethnicity of the soldiers
This is your brain on alt-rightism

I have no problem playing as a black guy in the battlefield games but this is just retarded.
It's like playing a game of BF4 where the CN soldiers are black. Doesn't make any fucking sense.

Get ready for them to vehemently deny that.

imagine an issue like this actually mattering to you, seriously causing a change in your emotional state.

Let's just rewrite all history boyz. Black men built everything and fought the wars, and took in the lazy ass white people under their wings.
I mean we already teach common core and have racial quotas for schools and jobs. Go Ameriga :DDDD

As long as it's not broken at launch it'll be fine.
And even then, DICE LA did a great work fixing up Battlefield 4.

this is the kind of feels vs reals bullshit that alt-rightism spreads like a fucking viral infection.

I like more the fact that conservatives complain about a liberal medium like videogames being liberal.

You are aware that even if his skin was white his anatomy would still be that of an African? I'm sick of people spouting that it's only the skincolor that's different between races.

If everyone is gonna be black they just should have set it in Liberia or Congo where it belongs

Problem is nobody cares about what you think.

what garbage are you writing

Lol common core. How does Rush Limbaughs cock taste?


>all these libshits itt
At least we can all agree that BF1 is a shit game, right?

why are all guns automatic in a ww1 game


>Liberal medium
>Video games are typically made with millions of dollars by teams of hundreds following similar procedures production-by-production

You fucking idiot...

No, it's fun.

It's an enjoyable arcade shooter. A little worse than BF4 in the movement and shooting department, maybe.

>be black
>want to buy bf1 so i can will a lot o white people as a black hero saving the day for white cucks
>turns out dice just made everyone black even nazis

come on black nazis? what were they thinking im not buying this shit

you have no idea what youre talking about do you?

Just wanna talk about videogames, user.

Fucking casual.

How about the Nigerian civil war in 1967 where 2 million Africans died of starvation because of their own bullshit

>Video games are typically made with millions of dollars by teams of hundreds following similar procedures production-by-production

So are movies and television, you want to say those aren't liberal mediums either, retard?

I've played Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Quake 2, System Shock 2, and Star Control 2, among some others.

Battlefield 1 is a good videogame.


If they were using a fictitious setting I would accept it, but they are using a war that really happened in our history to push characters that more than likely would not have been in that time period for unexplained reasons. It's rewriting history to appeal to groups that reject reality and instead want their version of reality to be accepted. As someone who respects the major sacrifices people have done during all major wars in our human history, it just rubs me the wrong way.

>Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Quake 2, System Shock 2, and Star Control 2
Literally Sup Forums-core

Get out of here with your prescribed taste.


I have nothing against blacks. Sure, some are niggers that need to get lynched, but there are some good folks around them.
What I hate is forced diversity from white SJW cucks who disrespect history.

I'm just trying to appeal to what I assume you respect, famalam.


That's not history

I just hate the blacks.

omg it's just a video game REEEEEEEEE

>pol boogeyman


And that's exactly why you're a casual.

I'm a mudskin and would proudly serve in the Reichs army.

That don't even make no sense.

>Everyone is running around with automatic weapons and Mark V's run faster than a Ferrari.

It's not just the color of the skin, though. Look at the nose and lips.

You're gonna have to put together another post a great deal more intelligent than that.

In the Hollywood mode they are definitely not liberal either (you fucking idiot). They are also mass-produced for a mass-audience to reap maximum income while following strict guidelines in their form and content. Economics are first priority.

There are other forms of media besides the commercialised ones you grew up enslaved to, you know?

First COD's were mostly historically accurate.
It was part of their charm.

DICE seriously fucked it up with this one (excluding France out of the game as an example, or the introduction of 'black' soldiers as common on this conflict. Yes there were French/N-African soldiers in this game, but they were still mostly minorities)

Seeing as how Battlefront and Hardline had character customization I'm 95% sure that the game will have character customization in the final game so I'm not as pissed off about it as I was at first.

Fucking five star post

>Play game about crusades
>The christian crusaders are native americans

Anybody who is bothered by this, is a fucking racist shitlord. It's not a historical game, even if it pretends to be! Video games are what-if scenarios. They are about empowerment and Inclusion, so why should native americans not be represented in the struggle of the crusades?

Secretly I admire the Nazis and fantasize about being a soldier. I'm Black also.

Yea, drinks maybe LOL.

Yes, it does.

Saying 'I played X,Y, and Z, ergo A is a good game' shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is to understand videogames.

So you played those games, and? Treating certain games like they're required qualifications on a resume just shows you're following guidelines set by someone else on what it means to have 'good taste', instead of making up your own damn mind.

I haven't played any of those games mentioned here , and to me BF1 just seems like another mediocre shooter cranked out to fill a slot on a release calendar.


I've played all of these too.

Battlefield 1 is the worst battlefield, judging by the beta. It's atrocious.

>Make a game where the key appeal is that it is based on a historical event that is rarely done in games
>Get the history completely wrong.

This is the problem.

>Complaining about inaccuracies in a Battlefield game

Battlefield has never been an accurate representation of warfare, be it historical or modern.

I'm right-wing as fuck and I think it's a good game. I'm not basing my opinions on it because of the skin color of the soldiers.

>WW1 IMPERIAL German army
American education, everyone.

i honestly cant think of a more liberal medium than hollywood movies. you literally do not know what youre talking about. are you confusing liberalism with libertarianism?

It's not because the dramatically shitty AI of HOI IV over commit to Africa that the other game companies should do the same.


The fact that you call it HIStory tells me enough about your opinion. Why is the only "valid" version of "HIStory" the whitewashed one? It's a fact that black people fought along humans in the trenches. Why should they not be included?

Dude video games lmao

I'm guessing you haven't played BF4/Battlefront if you're calling BF1 a "good" game.


I feel like I should be annoyed but I'm not because I stopped expecting any amount of decency from EA.

Also the game is shit anyway

>In the Hollywood mode they are definitely not liberal either

The key appeal is the fact that it's a Battlefield game, not because it's WW1.

They're over-represented.
Almost all of the millions of soldiers fighting in WW1 were white European men.
Germany never used colonial troops in Europe yet they still have blacks on their team in the Alpha at least.

I've played Battlefield 4. It's a good game, even if it took two years of patching.

Why not make it all women and replace Europeans with Asians. Since there were Asians fighting as well and most definitely a woman or two


Thanks doc.

For multiplayer no, it's like playing with action figures so you can do whatever you want.
It's the single player that needs to receive criticism on that front for they are depicting an actual time in history.

> I want, as a black man, kill the nazis and save the day!

Black education, everyone.



I am. Those niggers need to get out of the game

If that's the case, I'll bet 99% of the soldiers you see in-game will be white. Then you'll have a tiny minority of LEL SO EPIC xDDD trolls who pick blacks just to annoy people.

You guys realize there were a TON of colonial troops from places like Northern Africa, India, etc. that fought alongside the allies, right?

thanks doc

Its just fucking lazy. You can have niggers in a WW1 game once you just have the proper setting. They weren't fighting in the fucking Verdun, they had their own battles in Middle-East and North Africa in the meantime. Those wouldve been probably interesting historical settings too since we dont see that so often but fuck it, lets just make shit up, lets have people jump from zeppelins with parachutes and fight with fully automatic experimental weapons because realism is boring. Lets make them ride rainbow unicorns too.

>a TON!!!!!
>less than 1% non white
>lets make 80% of default characters black and put a nigga on the cover


Not true, they brought African troops and Indians into the Western front too.

>even Elsa, who's the queen of winter is whitewashing
she should be a slav desu.

>Not forming a clan called The KKKangz

More than 95% percent of soldiers that participated in Combat were not colonial troops or black. This includes of course Russia and France and the other european powers that for some reason DICE didn'T care enough about to include

of course they dont. theyve never heard of the east india company or any of the many many other colonial regiments

BF1 and Battlefont are exposing the outdatedness of the game model. The maps could and should support 100+ players, and almost everyone has good internet now to allow it. Huge maps in BF1 feel empty even with 64 same with Battlefront

Ok i am posting

>only 4 days left


what am i meant to play after


Good games.

It's an "all right, I guess" BF.
It's SHIT WW1 game, and it still would be even if everyone was white.

Are seriously three out of four soldiers in the british army non-white? And why is that clown wearing a fucking cowboy hat?


Tumblr didnt cry about Elsa. They cried about the Sami boy being white, even when Sami tribes have been white for hundreds of years and even thanked Disney separately for including a Sami character in their movie.

Then Tumblr started excusing "its fiction so who cares, make him black!" and "you cant be racist against white people!", when Sami tribes were oppressed for centuries by the Swedes who forced eugenics programs and starvation on them. Just goes to show SJWs are racist fucks who dont know anything about history.