Why /hype/ here?

We haven't had a good vietnam game since Battlefield Vietnam.
rising storm/red orchestra thread

Other urls found in this thread:


It's because they have to make the Americans lose the war but it's difficult to express losing a conflict due to congressmen getting tried of dealing with people protesting and pulling out instead of suffering a defeat on the actual battlefield.

That's because no one really gives a fuck about nam, the only reason devs do them is so they can put 60s music and soldiers acting like degenerates.

>it aint me starts playing

You mean Creedence Clearwater Revival: Fortunate Son as there isnt a "it aint me" titled song

>getting hype
>for anything
you do realize you're only setting yourself up for disappointment, right?

Are you meta-shitposting or new?

Fuck Nam I want Yugoslav wars vidya

I want to be a dirty commie hiding in the bushes waiting to ambush the American pig dog with my poorly maintained AK47.


>Red Orchestra 3: Clash at Chechnya never ever

I want to see some of the battles of WW2 they never cover, fictionalize it a little if you gotta but like

>Japanese Invasion of Alaskan islands
>Soviet-Japanese War

I'm fucking bored of Berlin, Stalingrad, and France, man. I know those were the important parts of the war but we've SEEN them already.

How about the fuggin Winter War

What happened to his mouth?

Explosive bullet.

I wouldn't really be against it but we've already had a bunch of eastern front games and I'd imagine a winter war game would end up pretty similar

Soviets in Manchuria and Japanese in Alaska ain't never been done, though. If it has, I'd like to see.

Bad photoshop skills

Bullet happened

>Soviets in Manchuria and Japanese in Alaska
Both can be played in Battlegroup42 (BF1942 mod)


Actually we don't have a French vs NVA FPS yet right?

I played Rising Storm 2 at PAX EAST. It was alright. I played RO1 and RO2/RS for roughly 900 hours between all of them. The brought back fixable bayonets in RS2 and it's some pretty decent gunplay. The skirmish gamemode or whatever we played kind of sucked, I wanted to play territory.

vietnamese here

im hyped như lồn