Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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No sequel.

The camera controls are less than ideal and I personally don't care for how Mario moves around.

Sunshine fixed those issues.

QPU misalignment
Forced Ax presses on Bowsers Fiery Sea

Dire Dire Docks

not enuf parallel universes

Actually a pretty decent level

Jolly Roger Bay is the shit one


Awkward camera, quite common in early 3d platformers. Thats honestly about it. I'm so used to it I'm honestly not bothered by it.

/thread at first reply

there's qpu's mario can't access due to float coarseness, -1/10

All the water levels are shit in this game.

You can't discuss the game without people bringing up that autistic, yuri-loving weeb who talks about QPUs and Scuttlebugs

It's Mario and Mario is fucking stupid and childish.

Have to wait 12 hours for any meaningful progress and need to have at least a masters in physics in order to understand the game.

Water levels are shit in every game.

I will...



>tfw will never graduate with a thesis on Applied Mario Theory

This is your hero, Sup Forums.
Not only is he a weeb but he also likes yuri

Wet Dry World is the worst level

I don't get this shit meme. Who the fuck is "Henry"? What did he do?

Does anybody know if high resolution versions of the skyboxes exist?

I find them amazing and i would love to have them as wallpapers

a man of refined tastes

What that that have to do with "Henry" though?

Just watch the first 5 minutes or so.

Why wasn't it called Super Mario 3D?
Why's the flying so shit?

Skip to 1:08

The terrible camera

>I don't get this meme but i somehow know it's shit
Fucking Henry, how about some subtlety next time?

>likes to dissect M64 until his eyes start to bleed
>likes YY
What a surprise

>an a press is an a press you can't say it's only a half

That's all he said? He's completely correct, the definition of the press is literally just pressing the button down. Who cares about the release of the button when the action registers immediately when you push down on the button. 0.5x press is fucking stupid just say 1 press.

>le terrible camera maymay
>Why's the flying so shit?
This, why do people never mention this in these threads?

In an IL run, you'd be right, but in full runs, 0.5x is correct.


Please credit me if you're going to use these again in the future. Thank you.

Why is it called Parallel universes because they are no where close to anything of that caliber. That's the most try hard name for wanting to sound intelligent that I've ever heard.

fuck off

>I personally don't care for how Mario moves around
>i'm so shit i need the fludd to adjust my jumps
Jesus fuck, why do i share this planet with such plebs?

>complaining about legit flaws are memes

Kill yourself Mah man

Parallel universes are just a theory though but we've already seen that parallel universes exist in SM64.

It disgusts me that im from the same country as him


Jesus, Henry it's been a year. Give it up

Any pics?

Wtf I love pankek now!

>legit flaws
Name 64 games from 1996 who had a better camera.
In fact, name a better 3D platformer.
You simply can't.

>refined tastes

>Parallel universes are just a theory
A GAME theory

google, The Netherlands


>look up his posts
>90%+ of them are from that subreddit

>a press consists of 3 things, pressing and two other things

Yaoi is worse than Yuri tho

It's not pic related

Take it back. Take it back now.

Controls are worse

Apart from the awkward controls, DS improves on 64 a lot.

Just my personal opinion man, guy x guy just doesnt get my dick hard, idk i'm not gay or female

So much wasted potential.

Apart from the character unlock levels

I honestly went back to it a couple of days ago and it feels so much better on a 3DS, but still not perfect - the extra content is great though.


This made me chuckle

>You have to be gay to enjoy yaoi

You still have to hold a button to run.
64 remake would've been better on 3DS

No Mario/Peach sex at the end

the classic games and super mario 3D land have a run button too

Crash and Spyro

That was hard

>you have to be gay to enjoy gay sex

Sounds pretty gay to me, fag.

Nothing gay about reading some good old fashioned "dickin' the shota"

Good thing there is an arrow in that image to let me know that the post on top has some relation to the image on the bottom


Most PUs are literally inaccessible.

Samefagging failed cause of the name fagging fuck up.

>you have to be a pedo to enjoy loli

it's very gay and lewd

>classic games

Oh, I wonder why
>3D Land
It wasn't a smart decision



Fuck off.

Ah well anyway, it just doesnt expand my dong, so thats why i dont like it

Funnily enough, i know alot of straight girls that like yuri for some reason

Mario games are a meme and you're all blinded by nostalgia, there I said what needed to be said.

confirmed for being a 0.5 A presser.

>Jesus fuck, why do i share this planet with such autistic sperglords?

That's because all girls are bi

The Home and the World by Rabindranath Tagore

How many A presses does he have left?

my best friend is straight, still likes yuri because "its cute"

But would she kiss a girl? Probability 100%

First of all, the first Spyro game came out in '98 and somehow looked worse than SM64. Secondly, Crash came out in '96 and was pure shit. If you disagree with me you're a retard.
The Mario franchise has by far the best 3D platformers, with Super Mario Galaxy 2 being the best platformer if all times.

Oh, no.. It's retarded.

The fanbase

>If you disagree with me you're a retard >:(
>SMG2 is the best 3d platformer ever

You're underage is showing

Truly the hero Sup Forums deserves

>Secondly, Crash came out in '96 and was pure shit. If you disagree with me you're a retard.
I don't even like Crash but to say it's pure shit is just stupid

Object collector, not an actual platform game.

That's why Galaxy>SM64

>The Mario franchise has by far the best 3D platformers, with Super Mario Galaxy 2 being the best platformer if all times.

Jesus Christ, how is it possible to be this much of a nostalgia blinded retard.


it is if you're underaged

How is it not an actual platform game?

I dont know