I just want a sexy video game character thread.(please mods, let me have just this one)

I just want a sexy video game character thread.(please mods, let me have just this one)
Post sexy video game characters. Both men and women are invited. Only stipulation: in-game and official art only.






When did this happen?

If you're worried about the thread getting deleted, just go to /aco/ or /trash/ next time

Where have you been?


Diddy Kong Racing DS

Wow, digging deepish user?

Yeah, I don't have a lot of images. But I just happen to have some quest 64 babes saved. The game was full of them.




Oh, is the thread autosaging? Dammit...


Dunno if I triggered an autosage by something I said in the OP, or if a mod set i manually. In either case, I'll take this as my cue to go play video games, or something.
Bye, y'all.


my one great weakness