Is this the new low for Pokemon franchise?
Is this the new low for Pokemon franchise?
you're a new low for your parents xD
why does pokemon always make improvements but takes them away the next game
it's always one step forward two steps back
I think the fanbase defending it can bring it down lower.
>alola forms
Seriously, they are defending reusing assets because of lack of creativity.
You know regional differences are an actual, real life thing right?
They should have did it earlier if anything.
This is an actual breed of turtle though. Atleast post the sand castle pokemon.
>fairy type
>z moves
>alola forms
There's no saving Pokemon anymore.
Look up a Mata Mata turtle, it looks like what it's based off of
Hate nature if you don't like the design
Looks like a fucking Megaman boss
They should've recycled or expanded on the first 150 while slowly introducing new ones. The fact that they just throw away one universe just to make a new one shows how they have absolutely no fucking creativity
>the fact that they make new stuff instead of rehashing the same stuff over and over shows how they have no creativity
>not wanting to deliver explosive pizzas
>not liking a mon that is giving you a thumbs up
shit taste OP, go back to jacking off to garbage mons like Delphox, Serperior, and Zangoose
We've had pokémons looking like animals before. The old and continuously low in the franchise is Diglet, a turd with shit nuggets for eyes and a bellend for nose. It evolves into Dugtrio, a combination of 3 turds, 6 shit nuggets and 3 bellends next to each other.
>Introducing regional differences 20 years after the original game
>Introducing those regional differences based solely on Gen 1 pokemon
It's lazy and a lack of creativity. If they would have introduced grey meowth long ago it wouldn't seem like them scraping the bottom of the barrel to pad the new list of pokemon coming out.
show me the real turtle looking this offensively shit
It takes more effort to keep something relevant and fresh than just deleting everything and starting over
Fine, you win.
Read it in random japanese guy voice.
what is this
a Fire/Water turtle?
not remotely the same
>>Introducing those regional differences based solely on Gen 1 pokemon
I would've liked them a lot more if they didn't stick to Gen 1 just for genwunner pandering
>it's a "these designs suck!" thread
Why would it be a water type.
Thats oneof the better gen7 mons
It's fire/Dragon.
Dat ass
Their artwork suck through.
It might have been a bit more acceptable, but it's more than obvious this is just filler because they're running low on ideas. You don't introduce such a rehash concept like this because you want to make people happy.
>everything I don't like means they're running out of ideas! Fuck everything they say, I know the truth and it's always what makes me most upset about everything!
You people have been belching this bullshit since Gen 2, no one cares about your psychosis.
they really wracked their brains, huh?
coz... it's a turtle?
>You people have been belching this bullshit since Gen 2
no nigger, I've been playing pokemon up until X&Y when the series took a severe nose dive and I stopped playing this shit. Strawman a bit harder.
Don't be hating on snowshrew man, he is cute as fuck.
Why would you design a pokemon after an insanely ugly turtle?
gen 1 pokemon took animals and made them cool and attractive. Nu pokemon are just ugly, like the irl version....
It's a tortoise.
Because it's cool.
TURTONATOR is definitely going in my team.
Fucking this, gen 1 had god-tier designs and intentions
>epitome of design
It's like they're not even trying anymore.
This just reeks of Yokai Wach.
Last gen had a LITERAL GARBAGE POKEMON how can we ever say something is worse?
Don't forget about this ball of personality
How so?
If I didn't have an eye for Sugimori's style I literally would not be able to tell this isn't a gen 7 mon I haven't seen.
The alola forms clearly look like new models. Definitely Vulpix and Marowak who have slimmed down proportions.
Here come the cherrypicking autists who cannot defend new designs. They can only attack old ones.
Because the first gen had a literal sewage pokemon and people still love it.
GameFreak pushed those shit ass 3D models just so they could edit the geometry a bit here and there and call it a new pokemon, they had it planned all along WAKE UP MAREEPLE
okay, tortoise
still a water dweller
>Nintenyearolds defend autistic explosion of colours
Wow I am so shocked
Nintendo could shit out any design and the fanboys will defend it.
Nah, the real one looks like a spooky, sudowoodo turtle.
Pokemon one looks like a bipedal stegosaurus with a straw hat.
Where you in a coma the last five years or so that you push for more brown n' bloom?
Boy who cried wolf.
>Mata-mata turtles live in swamps
>TURTONATOR lives in volcanoes
They both match their habitats.
That looks like shit too.
Ladies and gentlemen, the first generation to have two meme rats for no actual reason.
Bewear is such a unique design.
wtf is Yokai Watch anyway
seems gay
That looks cool but we already had gyarados for an interpretation of chinese dragon.
How does that make a garbage pokemon not shit?
At least you had the excuse of being a child at the time when grimer came out.
>I just had a baby and I need to remove the sharp edges from all my furniture and my pokemon
>Say no more
>best design not posted yet
Grand finale.
Call me when the starter finals are revealed, I'd be happy to laugh at them.
>actual defined muscles
>not just balls on the arms
>has an expression that isn't one of a serial killer
It has some atleast
>mfw nintendo actually managed to make a pokemon worse than the car keys pokemon
We go through this shit every single new generation.
I want someone to draw what a Gen 7 Geodude would look like.
>A perfectly round grey ball with eyes and balloon arms
Fuck, top right looks so good.
This is probably one of the few designs I like past gen 2
Why does every fucking gen have to have a not-Pikachu
jesus fucking christ how do you fuck up this hard
Oh look. It's this thread again.
>Kirby Skipped leg day.png
>Now they look like this
Correction, now they look like this.
They've been leaked for like 2 months now.
You've got it all wrong. We Neverending Story now.
Voltorb, Throh, Magneton, and the mushroom are ok. Rest is shit.
Gen 7 is wet fucking dog shit, stay mad.
Pichu was okay-ish but I don't understand Plusle and it's worse-off brother. I don't know any other pikachu clones
>It would have been original if they did the same thing earlier
What the hell are z moves