Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem

>OP fucked up and didn't get healing items
>he began(and finished) a difficult fog of war level
>for once, the RNG protected him, and he made it through with no deaths
>In the end, the MC got knighted!

>What's going on?
I'm demoing a romhack of Fire emblem 7, taking inputs from you. You decide who I use and who gets stat items.
And of course, no resetting for lost units.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What is this?
This is a ROMhack of Fire emblem 7, created by an user named Tact.
>Where can I find it?
>Where can I find your version?
This version has a custom sprite for the tactician.
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>What game are you playing next?
I'm taking a break so Siggy can play Tear Ring Saga without interruption, then I'll be playing Radiant Dawn.
game over count: 3

wew lad

who's dead so far?


Where were you nigger

not for long i bet.

Alright, so I'm still super tired(my absence has been me sleeping through my playing times), so my thread today will likely be short. For the record, I've been up since around 11PM yesterday

As well, combining this with the fact my classes start tomorrow, today's going to be my last thread before I finally take an extended break. If Siggy shows up tonight, I want you to know I'll be taking at least a few weeks, longer if your threads last longer than that.

That all said:

What should I play when I get back? If RD wins, I'll play tacthack on my own during my break, because I really am enjoying this hack.

Or I might do some youtube videos, I don't know yet.

>That blue-haired woman

Goddamn, what a beautiful sprite. No joke, she is striking as fuck.

Hope you get a healing staff this map, or some of those pretty lasses are going to bite the bucket soon.

Is yellow a trap?

I think it's based off Eliwood's mom.
She always was a milf.

kill yourself

So that fighter apparently laid a trap for us.

And once again, fantastic job with the writing. Biting wit without being idiot with the edgy insults.

She's a girl, far as I can tell.

You sure got me.
>Pic related

I wouldn't even call her a milf. She's attractive in the way Titania is--a powerful, respectable way.

Is she a Paladin?
I always like female Paladins for some reason.

I just finished the hack a few days ago. To whoever made it, it was damn good.


This level has a secret

I hope that Nigger can see it

And it seems like we have a completely new set of units, none of whom are our old ones!

I'm not sure if we end up controlling the usual group this chapter.

Anyway, here's the first 3.

If he can't find a shop

He can't find secrets

Care to leave any comments on what you liked and disliked?

What could use work? What you liked?

And our fourth guy is a custom class, with a custom weapon!

...Is this level SUPPOSED to be a curbstomp?

...looks like my break wiped out my RNG luck.

>Using Vlad

Pay close attention to the enemies.


Wait, are your units red now?

purple are enemies, allies are red in this hack.

In Tacthack, friendlies have always been red

It is due to story reasons

Oh right, forgot, it's been a while.
Also, Elaine's battle sprite is really pleasant. Reminds me of Ninian.

None of the four are bad. They all have very good growths.

ALL of the crits.

I hope assassins are in this game, because this is a NICE growth.

Thief Crit Prank (GONE WRONG)

She gives me nice growths.

...huh. Kinda early for an earth seal, isn't it?

>even his battle sprite looks like he's hefting a claymore
nice touch.


How can matthew hope to compete?

It was a pain to insert into the game

One of the eariliest growing pains in the hack

wow, that level was fucking FAST.

the claymore or wayland?

is it a custom sprite just for while he's using the claymore?

Thieves being competent combatants is definitely a good change.

She nearly has 3x Matthew's skill.

Should have seen the sheer skill he had last chapter in saving people from the brink of death

Apparently Wayland's brother is a merc.


had volke not been RNG screwed know, benched, you'd have seen the terror that is a combat thief.


And we told you, this was a short chapter

Oh, they have a specific use in battle.

Compare their stats to everyone else

The story felt a little too quick. Like, everything happened way too fast to the point where I stopped caring for a few chapters, but then things got better after chapter... I think 10?

other than that, everything else is quite nice, and I can only nitpick a bit. The levels are nice and varied, the challenge is there without it being too hard, the new additions to existing classes and the "new" ones are a welcome addition. Though, if I had an issue, it would be that the main character classes are pretty awful. Specifically the Praetorian. I always had to bend over backwards just to get him to kill something, and he never tanked well against anything. Maybe I just got unlucky, but the "lords" of the game are worse than Eliwood. The opposite can be said the tactician, who had 20 magic before she hit level 15, and was nearly unstoppable. Sure, it could be luck, but I've never had so much of a struggle with the lords of a Fire Emblem game before, borderline being as bad as Roy. I consider this a nitpick because the regular units make up for what the lords are lacking.

I will say that it's nice to see a Fire Emblem game where Lances are the most used weapon, at least for most of the game. It was a nice change of pace.

...Ok, I just remembered another problem I had. I think you introduced way too many characters within a short time, which lead to possibly making the game give you less units to take with you onto battle. I had to drop certain characters I liked because I had no room for them to bring with me. I think it would be best to add maybe one or two filler chapters, or just lengthen the story so far to allow more chapters. Too many things happened at once, and it felt a little cluttered. This could also possibly allow one or tow more character slots per chapter, so you have a bit more freedom of who to take with you.

That's all I can think of. I hope this pseudo review helped.


Fire emblem 7 has both legault and Matthew.
Fire emblem 8 has an abundance of options
FE 9 has volke.

If tacthack user is here, my game froze when unequipped Weyland's weapon to buy enough time for the thief to steal the earth seal. Weyland's sprite still had the sword in his hand when combat started. Just a heads up, not sure how these things work or if it's a bug you're probably aware of.

not sure why I called him Weyland there lmao

damn right it was.

ALL of the skill.

100$ skill.

That is a bug we found because of an user here

We did fix it, but I don't have the updated ROM that has it

Yay I made it in time for the FE thread

>expositing the tactician actually gathering information and research into areas he's never visited
magnificent. Don't have a 'legendary tactician who has a healing touch and can see the future' situation here!


this joke will never get old.

The original punctuation was a period.

You probably got really rng screwed with the lords. All three of them have excellent growths.

Darin grew a damn fine mustache after Lyn and Hector butchered him.

apparently Algimas was hired by the qt to lead a revolution against the current king!

Nigger is against it, but we're now under attack.

fuck em up nigger



For those curious, this is the entirety of my current stock of healing items.


Sven does not look happy about your stock of healing items

that is a possibility. That's why I didn't make it a gigantic flaw. I probably got super rng screwed for them. I don't like to point out how shitty a character is in a Fire Emblem game, mostly due to how rng dictates a lot of it, but it really stuck out there.

Someone is going to die, better pick a unit now to ease the pain.

>Al has greater strength growth than Ike
>Still gets screwed by RNG

Mind showing off lords?

any party changes?

It was pure luck that he didn't lose anyone last map.

Oh man, it must sting to have to bench the healer for the next few chapters.

Replace negu with Gerwulf

you have no idea.

Plus side, Tact beefed up healing XP, so she's not really falling behind.

>screw up during the mission where you get the two cavs and left my qt healer in range of a horse at the top of the map
>think I'll be a cool guy like op and go on without resetting
>only have like two uses of heals going into the map after this one and wipe out

That's all of the game I've seen, this should be interesting to watch.

Bring in Sven and bench Ernst. Ernst is still a few levels ahead, right?

>tfw stuck on chapter 10 of conquest classic hard

I've been able to get to 3 turns left, but after that at least 1 character dies.

Should I just pussy out and set the game to normal?

any other changes?

shes fast!

Bring mph champ sven

At this point I'd try to fuck you over by suggesting weaker units in place of your strong ones, but you're pretty much fucked either way and I don't like to kick a man while he's down. Good luck, Nigger.


i got your back homie


Are you pulling all the way back to the squares you need to defend when you reach the last few turns? That worked for me, iirc.

What's this secret? Stealing the Earth Seal?

selena on left side with the axe users, effie/mc on wall duty, or silas depending on how bad your corrin is def wise, and a band of units on the right to hold the ballista from enemy archers, if you have 2 archers its even easier. Camilla can take care of retainers/any pegs that make it close to the green tiles. Though only Oboro has any real chance to do serious harm.

Its just a puzzle map, so long as you didnt get a buncha people killed prior its perfectly doable, putting CQ on normal just takes all he fun out of the route, well unless you enjoy bad plots/writing

glad to see I was able to contact you.

I feel like it's kind of egotistical, but I almost feel like I'm giving you permission to play, when in reality I'm just another fellow LPer letting someone else finally have a turn after hogging the spotlight for so long.

Didn't you play this siggy?

the demo only came out a couple weeks ago.

this is like the first game I've beaten someone to LPing.

The man, the legend himself has returned!

Trust me its cool. I remember years back when schedules kept colliding and everything got messy. Enjoy your break.

yes actually. I'm happy this hack is still around. That was an earlier build.


>yes actually. I'm happy this hack is still around. That was an earlier build.
well fuck me. will RD really be my first original thing?

Al got some damn good level ups on the last 3 chapters, but through most of the game, he was not getting much done. I did notice him getting almost nothing on a level up, but out of nowhere, he got nearly perfect level ups 5 times in a row

Wayland was strong, but during my entire playthrough, about 60% of his attacks missed. Somehow, he always kept dying in every chapter. He quickly became my most unreliable character.

Depends on if you finish it.


You would be surprised by how many times we missed it due to the boss ALOHA SNACKBAR'd

Holy shit, Siggy is actually alive.


Alright, here's the stage. Due to my healing item....deficit, I'm going to turtle up in the corner until I have the area mostly cleared.

siggy's been active in my threads this whole time, I think he just keeps his trip off to avoid accusations of attention whoring

Tacthack user too.