Tfw fighting four of these faggots, 1 Lucio, and a pharah

>tfw fighting four of these faggots, 1 Lucio, and a pharah

How can you even counter this



You deserved it. Play a real game mode.

One torb

Play Competitive

roadhog hardcounters reaper, so four roadhogs.

gg EZ

Multiple pharah's reaper is next to useless against an airborne pharah or just play competitive.

even all bastion can counter that

1 pharah+mercy could literally kill that whole team by themselves

Google up 'Overwatch counters'

Mei or Ana might be good.

There's no reason for Reaper to even exist as long as McCree is around.

Good aim

Thats literally it, 4 reapers ain't great

If it was 4 soldier 76's then I honestly couldn't tell you a counter.

I'd play competitive but that's full of basically the same teams and people expecting you to align with them

I Don't do quick play for reasons like this. Wait til you face a team of 2 or more zaryas. you'll rage like never before.

counter with 4 76's
call of duty beats call of duty

6 D.vas perfect counter to everything. it's the best using defense matrix on a reaper or pharah ult.

3 reins, 2 reapers, and an ana would demolish that

6 Mei's

pick pharah then click shift and take literally no damage

Mcree and Reinhardt

>Quick play
>Hanamura defense
>Someone says "dude, everyone go 76 lmao"
>Three other people comply
>Figure fuck it, I still get experience points either way.
>We win

Playing Ranked

Hahaha what