>When reaper uses his ult he's in wraith form
ITT: Make changes to a hero so that they become more balanced
>soldier76 ult gives headshots
>mercy can use ress even when dead
>Make D.Va's ult the nuke from Modern Warfare 2
I can't tell if this thread is a meme about making characters ridiculously over powered or OP is shit at the video game
>lucio can heal across maps and through walls
>roadhogs hook goes through shields
mccree ult can now shoot through walls
>zenyatta transcendence radius is doubled and now also deals damage to enemies
Zarya ult gives her instant maximum charge
Widowmaker is naked the whole time
Tracer has unlimited blinks and whenever she kills someone her recall's cooldown resets
>widowmakers ult is now 10 minutes
God damned, this.
Reinhardt's Earth Shatter causes a worldwide earthquake that kills millions of people in real life.
>Pharah's Ult now locks onto the enemy team, does not require LoS
> mei's ultimate now freezes the entire map
>Genji's ult is now 4 second and he can be knocked out of it with a McCree flashbang
>McCree's flashbang now lasts 0.2 seconds less
>Genji's ult makes him function the same as normal, except when he throws shurikens he throws katanas instead, each equivalent to a Dragonblade strike
>Nano-boost now lasts twice as long and applies to your entire team simultaneously
>Ana's ult now boost entire team, including herself
>When shooting a teamate as ana, completely refill their HP
>Ana's grenade's radius is now doubled, recharge time is reduced by 50%
>Make junkrats riptire unkillable and triple the blast radius
even better
>It goes through walls
>Junkrat's riptire levels the entire building the battle is taking place in
>D.Va's ult fries the servers
Tracer's recall has no cooldown and can go for as long as you want if you hold the key
>Reaper doesn't have extra shotguns so he can only fire 8 times once per life
>roadhog's ult shoots hooks instead, dragging everyone it hits to him
>replace junkrats riptire with a car bomb which destroys the map
reaper has infinite health
>Bastions ult destroys the enemy team's spawn room shield door so your team can go in
>Widowmaker's ult allows her to shoot through walls (also applies Soldier 76's tracking)
>mei's cryofreeze lasts twice as long and can give it to her teammates by shooting them with her left click
and her ult lets you see through the enemy's clothes
>As Widowmaker says her ult line, a visible bulge appears in her suit.
>reinhardts projectile doesn't have a cooldown
>its another "Lets Bitch About a Hero Who is Easy to Deal With" thread
>have kids with genji so hard you die
>receive oral from tracer while your friends watch
>Reaper can one shot almost everyone
Oh wait
>Marry Pharah for 1,000,000 Dollars
ill do it for free.
>Force feed shit to D.V.A everyday for the rest of your life
She deserves it.
>Junkrat now puts himself on the riptire for double the effect
>Get dominated by Mercy for $1,000,000.
>give every character the exact same ass
>doesn't feel as nice because there is no "best butt"
>get fisted by torbjörn then murder him
worth it
>have children with genji then murder them.
>Have children with Mei but then you wake up
E.Y.E multiplayer already has that.
>Forefed shit by
>Every day for the rest of your life
What the fuck
>Get raped by Winston for 3 days straight
That's already in the game though
>Genji's ult makes him turn into a hack and slash character for the rest of the match
>he deflects bullets as long as he is running
Bastion right-click will lob gel grenades which slow down opponents, heal allies, and deals corrosive damage which multiplies over time. Each grenade will refresh in 2.0 seconds to not overshadow other healers or break the game. By holding shift in sentry mode, bastion grows tank treads like his ult allowing him to move with stability. Additionally, these tank treads can climb walls and cling, but if you let go of space bar you fall. You can't hold shift while falling and catch the wall, that would be silly.
Junkrats primary fire will not detonate unless touched by opponents, cap at 45 projectiles. Projectiles fired while holding down the mouse button will stick to any surface.
>Give rimjob to 76 and my dad joins in
>Get fisted by Bastion so hard you die
>Give oral to mercy so hard that you die
Where do I sign up senpai
>Get raped by mercy for 3 days straight
It's not rape if I want it
>Rape D.Va for 3 days straight
>get fisted by winston and livestream it on twitch
>Give anal to Winston and then murder him
No one must know
>Get dominated by Rein so hard that you die
If it was Roadhog I wouldn't have minded.
>get creampied by reinhardt every da for the rest of your life
thank you
>Fuck McCree and then fap to the memory of it
It'd be nice if you COULD headshot manually in his ult. He'd be OP as fuck (And that's obviously the point of this thread) but it is actually frustrating that while you automatically hit people in his ult, you can't still aim for a headshot. There are times when I see a character about to stun/kill me that I literally cannot stop in time because the ult prevents headshots.
>get raped by mercy every day for the rest of your life
not a bad way to go
>bastion's ult gives him a jetpack
>recieve anal from mercy for 3 days straight
>Fuck winston then wake up
les go
>Have children with Ana for $1,000,000
Would she even be able to have children?
Unless it's young ana in which case I'll gladly be Pharah's daddy
>Cleveland steamer Tracer but then you wake up.
>Give oral to roadhog for $1,000,000
I'd have to mortgage my house and get a second job to pay for it but it would be worth it.
>Get fisted by Roadhog and your dad joins in
...That's actually really hot
Can we trade? I got Reinhardt, you probably like him better right?
>fuck phara and you enjoy it
I want the whole hog.
>When widowmaker is sniping, getting shot shakes the scope
>Have children with D.Va, then murder them
But...but Reinhardt is more conventionally attractive.
Youd have to be insane like me to pick these gross moobs over Reinhardts pecs.
>250 total HP, 200 being health and 50 being Shield
>slightly increased speed while using hover jets
>nerf pill splash damage from 80 flat to 65 flat
Soldier 76
>Ult now increases Helios Rocket cooldown to 2 seconds while Ult is active
>Deflect hitbox nerfed so it's no longer the size of Reinhardt's shield
>Have Children with Cinematic Trailer Kid And Livestream it
Serious question. Would bastion be op if his ult gave him his minigun in robot mode for 8 seconds instead?
Tracer's Ult is an enhanced form of her rewind and pulls everyone back in time to the start of the match.
Wait a minute... that's not a tail.
total HP, 200 being health and 50 being Shield
armor instead, to decrease the overwhelming threat of characters like Mcree/Soldier without giving her a free self heal
Fine, we'll split the cost and share then.
I said the WHOLE hog.
You stay with your dusty grampa.
>Get dominated by Genji but then I wake up
Why did it have to be a dream?
>Receive head from mercy, then I wake up.
Do you idiots not know how to read?
Armor is only going to affect 76, McCree is unaffected by Armor. His damage is too high.
Winston's bubble either had a lower cooldown or can absorb more damage.
Roadhog's hook only stuns briefly, not the entire duration of the pull so people will be stuck but they can still shoot.
>Get dominated by Widowmaker while your friends watches
If you're above people you'll headshot them, but it's not very consistent. Soldier always aims for CoM so their head would have to be in between you and their COM (basically right on top of them)