Game of the year so far

Game of the year so far.
Amazing, fast, fun and with sense of acomplishment.
Games like these are rare today

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I agree. It's also the only game I've played released this year

Nah, it wasn't that good. Was okay I guess.

I liked Uncharted 4.


Op here. Me too, but doom is better

I like people disparaging Doom so I don't feel so bad about myself.

Doom has the best OST of 2016 by far. No orchestral bullshit, just absolutely filthy bass dropping demonic beats.


You are doing it wrong. This benchmark program that features Vulkan API's meant for PC.

>mfw you bought it for the minigame.

Amazing. Fast. Fun.

And nothing like Doom.

But it's okay.

I bought it on XB1 just because when I was in the mood to get it, it was on sale at Best Buy.

I got it during the Amazon sale. It was alright, basically a $20 game. The fights felt super samey after a while, despite the movement and weapons feeling pretty good. I still prefer the old games and their mods.

I disagree, it's as DOOM as a modern DOOM game could get without just being a reskin of the classic games.

Doom 3 is an example of a game with the wrong name. What a crock of shit that game was, it was basically a spooky cover shooter.

>Nothing like Doom

what, antiquated and outdated?

It could have been more Doom if it had decent level design. There's no variety when every level has 2 or 3 of those "press a button to summon the horde while you're locked in a room" encounters, with the rest of the level design more or less being straight hallways between arenas.

it still sucks

Well not that either.

The good points:
-It's fast
-It has a decent amount of good weapons
-Nice graphics

The bad points:
-Trying too hard to appear oldschool while not being oldschool at all
-Linear corridor maps with a few arena parts here and there that you only pass once you killed enough respawning enemies
-Yet another new interpretation of DOOM that doesn't even try to meet the tone of the original because it instead hugs the flawed comic

It's okay. It could have been a lot worse. But it defnitely isn't a genre savior or outstanding in any way.

Yeah, metal fan here (fuck off, im not 16), and the OST is fucking siiiiick

>Maps are linear

This is some weird meme being spread here.

Agreed, OP.

The reason this isn't the dominant opinion on Sup Forums is because Sup Forums is a shithole full of stupid children.

I would ask what your favorite game from this year was but you probably think 2016 is shit.

is such a shame that Duke didnt get the wolfeinstein doom luck...heck i even believe they gona make quake champions good even with the weird stuff...but duke? godanmit...

>Trying too hard to appear oldschool while not being oldschool at all
>Linear corridor maps with a few arena parts here and there that you only pass once you killed enough respawning enemies
>Yet another new interpretation of DOOM that doesn't even try to meet the tone of the original because it instead hugs the flawed comic
holy shit what
literally nothing you are saying makes sense at all

Game of the year so far.
Amazing, fast, fun and with sense of acomplishment.
Games like these are rare today

I too disagree.

I think you could get much much closer to Doom.

Don't include jumping, for instance. Jumping's not a very Doom thing.

And don't have ragdolls. Do proper death animations.

And light up the areas you're supposed to see instead of that semi-darkness all over. That way, the dark areas can be proper dark in comparison.

And build some proper mazes for levels.

>doesn't even try to meet the tone of the original

I don't understand this.

Like, you can complain about literally everything else, but I thought the tone was the one thing they fucking nailed.

>mfw Doom 4 was way better than Dark Souls 3

Yeah it wasn't like the old games was it? I guess because it's 2016 and you nostalgia cunts get a really sore asshole when the developers you trusted so much don't give you the exact same gameplay you had when you were a spotty little, sock jizz wanker. Get with the fucking facts, guys. The target audience doesn't stick with us. We out grow it and it stays where it is. Think about it for fuck sake.

>Doom 3 is an example of a game with the wrong name. What a crock of shit that game was, it was basically a spooky cover shooter.

Time to make a spinoff thread.

That's still pretty linear. Just a bunch of hallways connecting arenas.

t. someone who played the game in full last week

>not even as good as DS2 vanilla

That's literally what the original game was.

Not him, but I'm with him.

The tone is quite far from the originals. It's straight up goofy.

I don't think anyone's arguing that it couldn't be more DOOM. There's always things you could do to make it resemble the originals slightly more.

You'd have to be blind, deaf, and severely deluded to not think it's still the single most DOOM thing to happen in about 20 years, though.

It's not a perfect recreation, granted, but it's still way closer than it could've been, and lightyears better than anyone had any reasonable right to expect

>fan map

Are you not even going to give me a (you) bro? Come on.

>play the demo
>dude i am such a badass i smack the screen while the guy on the other side of the phone talks boring bullshit
>enemies turn into discoballs if you hit them a few times to show the player that they are ready for a press X to kill animation
>key cards being a thing with the key card being only a few meters away from the door
>secrets that you get for walking into a clearly visible open wallcrack

DOOM feels like it wants to be what normalfags view as ''oldschool''


SotFS > DaS1 > DaS2 > DaS3

>It's not a perfect recreation, granted, but it's still way closer than it could've been
It's a dumb thing to hope for though. No game -not even Quake- has perfectly emulated Doom's feel except for Doom 2 and Final Doom. Why expect a sequel 20 years later to do it perfectly? That said, Doom '16 is fucking incredible.

Doom 64 happened 19 years ago.

Later in the game, you get forced to listen to the exposition and story. One of the cutscenes locks you in a room for a couple minutes while you listen to a robot talk about whatever the fuck he was talking about.

>It's straight up goofy.
Exactly like the originals, then?

Doom 3 tried to un-goofy everything and it was the least Doom Doom's ever been

Well I'm not saying I expected it to be like the old once. Just pointing out that it's another case of recycling a known brand.

And it's okay.

>It's fast
Enjoy your game but don't fucking lie to me, just because you actually think that's fast.

Single player was fun, but multiplayer was a absolute joke.

Is it Titanfall, Halo, Doom? You may be surprised at what the answer is!

I will agree with this 100%

>It's faster than any AAA FPS made in the last 15 years.



>You'd have to be blind, deaf, and severely deluded to not think it's still the single most DOOM thing to happen in about 20 years, though.

I think there have been quite a few more doomy things. And I don't consider myself deluded.

And I don't agree that I don't have the right to expect certain things.

>Exactly like the originals, then?


I don't understand how you can hate the story of DOOM 4, considering it makes perfect sense after the events of DOOM 1 and 2.

>Demons can't kill Doom Guy
>They lock him up in some limbo sarcophagus instead
>Hell creates stories and tales of the "Doom Slayer" to their kids because he was that hardcore
>They even make up myths like how his Praetorian suit MUST have come from hell because he was that strong
>Even going as far as brandishing his helmet with a hellmark
>Centuries pass
>Humanity fucks up again, keeps Doom Guy as a back up plan for just such an event
>Doom Guy gets to kill demons again

What a fucking terrible year for games.

Nice try Zim, but we both know your attempt to badmouth Doom is doomed.

Doom was never that goofy.

Goofy is like...Duke Nukem.

This game is like a protagonist who doesn't give a shit trapped in a very serious situation.

Doom Guy gives a shit about the demons invading his world again.

What he doesn't give a shit about.

>Morally ambiguous excuses from scientists
>Energy that comes from Hell, even if it can solve the energy crisis

I agree the OST is great, but why would orchestral be shit. Look at Bloodborne, or Nier. Orchestral music is awesome.

I think it's more that orchestral scores are horribly overdone at this point and it's getting old.

is it ok to play it with a controller?


It's a single-player game, you can get away with it.

How are the snap maps?

Technically it has a multiplayer mode and even a map creator but it's cripplingly mediocre and at least on Xbone nobody's online not even on Team Deathmatch.

The multiplayer modes are bad enough that they aren't worth bringing up. Doom 4 is a single player game.

Yeah but it's replay value is a joke. Too bad the multiplayer sucked. While the sp lasted it was super fun but once it's done on ultra nightmare nothing more to do ever.

Snapmap is balls B4 u try m8

It was ok. I had to mute it sometimes when it got on my nerves.

Serious Sam is quite doomish. Fun as fuck too.

I agree, actually. Even a disappointing souls game is still goty. Goes to show how great the games are m8.

Even though doom 4 sp was more of a blast it was over way too quickly and didn't have the replay value of das3, which itself has low replay for a souls game but is still better than doom 4

>decent sp
>trash mp
>snapmap is trash
>no mods because lol denuvo
>they wanted $60 for this

It was well worth the $20 I paid for it. Was worth the wait.

Have to agree.

I paid full price for Black when that was released and never regretted. I can say the same for DOOM.

>using brand loyalist cover art for OP
>first of 4 things in google images when searching "Doom 2016" is the cover art without console brand placement
I wonder who's behind this thread.

>Wolfenstein gets a great addition to its legacy.
>Doom's reboot was better than expected.
>Quake 1 gets a neat fifth episode for free and Champions looks promising.
>Duke is now trapped in the hands of a twat who made shitty songs about people who triggered him on Twitter.

This is what he gets for being a meme.