Other than playing games for free, is there any other shit I can do with a hacked 3DS?
Other than playing games for free, is there any other shit I can do with a hacked 3DS?
Screenshots, Record gameplay, Force N3DS clock, Language patches, Reigon free
custom themes
downloading any game you want straight from nintendo's servers
region free everything
homebrew apps
cpu overclocking
save backups and editing
free & custom home menu themes
injecting whatever games you want into VC
game patches/romhacks
You can jump off a building with it
>downloading any game you want straight from nintendo's servers
I was skeptical as hell but I download freeshop and holy fucking shit, how has Nintendo not stopped this yet? New life has been brought into my 3DS.
Sony uses the same system with PSP and PS3 games. Presumably all their systems.
play MGS3ds at 26fps instead of 25
>downloading any game you want straight from nintendo's servers
Because they can't. The system they use is fucking retarded so the games you buy is linked to your console and not
your NNID like a sensible company would do. Freeshop just gives you every game ticket so the server can't tell your pirating anything.
Do you still need double the space like you would with classical installation from files on your card? Because that sure as fuck would be handy.
see there's a homebrew app called freeshop that mimics the original eshop and lets you download any game you want, including updates and dlc. much like with cia files, the 3ds can't tell the difference between these games and actually purchased games, so everything works just like it would if you had bought the game (online works 100% and you can even update the games with the normal eshop and your 3ds won't suspect a thing)
I still have no idea what Nintendo has against proper account systems and licenses. Not only is this per-device bullshit retarded but also god forbid if something happens to your 3DS.
>Do you still need double the space like you would with classical installation from files on your card?
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you ask if you'll download separate CIA and then install it?
I wish I wasn't technologically impaired. It seems like I can never get homebrew to work.
> Force N3DS clock
Isn't this unsafe?
Then why was it downclocked before?
Is it safe on the 2DS?
You misunderstand what it's actually talking about.
No. Using the word *clock anywhere to describe what the feature does is also wrong in a sense and I blame the devs for that.
The n3ds doesn't use all it's processing power unless it's playing older games, it's running at o3ds speeds. Only when it plays n3ds exclusive games like xenoblade will it run at full speed. The CFW setting just tricks the n3ds to always run at full speed regardless of the game.
It reduces lag in games that normally lag like fuck such as pokemon, smash, etc.
This might cause some problems for some games like FFEX but you can always turn off the setting.
>unless it's playing
when it's playing