What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

It actually has a very simple meaning, user.

>Hi I'm the guy who wrote Emi's path. I'm so creatively bankrupt that instead of actually developing what could be an interesting character/story, I'm gonna give her debatably the kinkiest sex scene, make it awkward cuz anal's awkward for people who've never done it, and proceed to give her the most typical route of any character in the VN. Byebye

She meant go back to your containment thread, you assburger.

she's cute though so it's all ok

You are the reason why video games are shit. No one else. You.

We're not doing that again.

>visual novels
>video games

If Heavy Rain is considered a game with the same amount of gameplay but worse writing than a middling VN, then yes, I am ready to consider them games.

>Heavy Rain
>video game

"he's anal about things like that"

That. Get your mind out of the gutter.

If Call of Duty is considered a game with the same amount of gameplay but worse writing than Heavy Rain, then yes, I am ready to consider it a game.

>Call of Duty
>video game


>Has anal with a guy she just met

complete slut and worst girl

Literally mispelled "Alan"

leave her the hell alone

>Heavy Rain
>bad writing


Not my fault your waifu is a slut.

Getting fucked in her ass.

that she isnt best girl
not even 2nd

Nothing. It's just a cirklejerky hugbox. Atleast it was the one time I ventured in there. And that's a few years ago

Best girl coming through

game ?

>Rape victim
>Best anything

>best girl

In what fucking universe

She is the best

She's actually better off when you go down another girl's route. Hanako was a mistake.

At getting attached to her rapist.

Who raped her?

Dont blame the girl for the author's shitty writing

I mean, if we did that Shizune would be the worst

those guys are right

and those are not

How can other hairstyles even try to compete with a classic ponytail?

She meant that you should follow her when she decides to be a little bitch and leave you and her mother at the dinner table.

Shizune is the worst though and we should have gotten a Misha route over the piece of shit that is Shizune.

I thought it was pretty good. I picked the protective boyfriend choices like I usually do in vns and it pretty much backfired on me. At least Misha was a bro and saved me near the end.

Also, Emi got Hisao off his ass and made him a better person physically.

And I'm a bit biased since my ex was also a hot runner.

Is she angry or does she want to fuck? I'm getting mixed signals here.


benis in poo hole

Who wouldn't

anal idol

Hey guys, how's it going here? Just posting Jumpy, don't mind me.

that's the face of a person who demands that you get the fuck out of their house apparently.

How'd she get those burns, an Agni Kai?


They actually drew straws for who would get what sex scene

>Madison falls in love with Ethan for literally no reason
>Aside from her kokoro going doki doki, she has literally no reason to do anything she does

That's she a major slut and likes dick in her ass



Sounds like a retard trying to say the name Amy.


Kenji predicted this future we live in