So is anyone else pissed off?

So is anyone else pissed off?

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They sacrificed graphics for map size and game length. Deal with it

I'm more pissed about the lack of music than the graphical downgrade tbqh senpai

I have literally no hype for MGSV Sandbox Zelda


Name me a single game that looks like it's announcement screenshots. You will always ALWAYS be dealing with a different product than the one they first showed investors.

It's a fucking wii u what did you expect

Top is NX version

It's ok when Nintendo does bullshots



>tbqh senpai
wow, what a nice change. I smiled.

.....Theres no background music.
On a Zelda Overworld
Not even a dynamic theme or something atmospheric that changes.

Just... silence.

Trailer theme is great and all, but thats not enough to interest me in the game.

Battlefield 1, Battlefront, Splatoon, Overwatch,

That's 4. Want more faggot?


Its zelda so people act like it doesnt matter. Nintendo fans are the epitome of aspergers fedora mommies little good boy

Fanboys tryin to defend it. So sad.

It's been 2 fucking years. You really think they can't bump up the graphics even a little? This is just sad and you're all going along with it.

You don't remember the downgrade threads about battlefront? For fucks sake kiddo, take your Ritalin.


it's expected from a xbox 360 tier hardware.

Yeah I was really upset when the nip said they're doing something new with the music but he did say that music/sound development wasn't finished yet so there is still hope.

refer toAbsolutely zero downgrade. The low contrast screens just make it appear so.

>that samefagging


>piss poor console peasant's Witcher 3

Fucking pathetic

Where did they confirm that there won't be any music?

>it's okay when Nintendo (or anyone else) does it!

The dungeons and bosses likely have music. I expect towns to have too. I don't really want to hear the same music again and again in the overworld. Ambience works well there

I'm actually thrilled, i've been working on a game for the last 3 years that was pretty much on par with the initial reveal in terms of technical and artistic fidelity and it utterly crushed the studio when we saw it.

Now we know Nintendo's final product is going to look and run like garbage with some of the worst lodding/pop in and texture downsampling imaginable on very ordinary handheld hardware it feels pretty good.

>but he did say that music/sound development wasn't finished yet so there is still hope.
There isnt. They said it themselves that theres no Traditional Overworld theme.
There wasnt any music when they were in a snow environment.
No music in the desert environment.

It was just quiet nature with occasional piano quips every 8 minutes or so.
There was no music. There won't be overworld music. In a fucking Zelda game.
In a Zelda game where the overworld the focus this time.

They didn't do it though?

I like the lack of music and use of ambient sounds. My favourite part in OoT was always night time when you just heard the occasional wolf howling. This one they use a lot of piano tunes when entering new areas and shit.

Dark Souls and Ico benefited from this method as well.

Someone was playing the game beside that famous nip dude making the game and he talked a bit about the music if that helps.

>Ambience works well there
It works worse than overworld themes. Like are you retarded for even suggesting that these songs were ever replaced with -nothing-?

Prove it. I remember differently.


So this is the power of N64.

That's you though. Due to the size of the overworld, I don't want music. If they make sure it does not get tiresome, they would have to compose multiple tracks, which takes up quite some time and effort. I would rather have environmental sounds take over

But dungeons on the other hand...I expect stellar pieces.

>spend 90% of the time in overworld
>hear hyrule field tune for the billionth time

It's not ok, its just a fact of life. Always been that way, people want to hype their product as much as possible


>elder scrolls, witcher, any massive open world rpg
>should not have music
Literally kill yourself you fucking retard.

Those areas are significantly smaller though, and it's a preference of mine. You would be spending much more time on the overworld in BotW, making the music tiresome.

the colors in the treehouse stream were shit but the real game is bright as fuck.

>cherry picked photos from a shitty youtube stream
The downgrade isn't even that big at all.

>Absolutely zero downgrade. The low contrast screens just make it appear so.

The contrast absolutely did not help and it looks gorgeous, but there absolutely is a difference in terms of draw distance, geometry and textures between the original reveal and what we've seen since.

Is there a direct rip of the theme yet?


Isn't it all ambient sound?


They actually improved the graphics, it's just video compression.

I am, but apparently you aren't allowed to criticise the graphics anymore for some reason.

Yeah I don't play most open world games and I don't want to hear constant music. Stay the fuck mad at opinions and preferences bro.

There's plenty of open world games that have multiple tracks that play when you're not in a dungeon. It's just laziness on their part.

music is only good to put a tone to a scene but in open world, walking around doesn't need music.
Silence and natural noice is what define exploration the best.

>Top one is obviously a pre-rendered reveal trailer with 0 (zero) gameplay.
>People expect the game to look exactly like that

Do you have a brain tumor?

I don't think there's is a difference in textures. Draw distance maybe, but you can see that the land is significantly flatter in the screenshot. Not sure, we need to go to the exact place to find out

You would all gobble down this shit no matter how bad it looked.


>much graphics
>muh pop-ins
>muh open world

These are the literally the only criticisms I keep seeing in these threads. If that's the best you nuts can muster up then I'm afraid you are just going to have to nitpick harder.

The game is going to be a huge success wether you like it or not, let's not kid ourselves here.
>the random piano chords, oh so emotional

Which is why I'm extremely concerned about the desert environment and snow which too were silent.
There doesnt need to be a blaring overworld theme, it can simply be low key and very dynamic

games like Killer instinct and Mario Maker have shown they can make very ambient sounding music which changes over time or changes instruments or even the phrase and passage in Ocarina and Twilight princess Though the Enemy renditions got annoying in TP, I'll admit. Never got to hear my favourite part when an enemy is in the area

The droning is unreal. You realize that BOTW is one of the sub 1% games that have a lack of music while exploring, right?

>they didn't
>posts video proof that they did.

Yeah, but they are rare and all high-budget.

As I said, it is a preference. Music can break immersion for me, especially when it randomly starts or incessantly loops

>its my first e3

I'd argue that the NX version *might* have graphics on those levels, but seeing as its Nintendo I doubt it.

I see, if that is what you prefer, I can't argue with you as opinions are subjective. Anyway, here's to hoping that the dungeon music will be good

>You realize that BOTW is one of the sub 1% games that have a lack of music while exploring, right?

Yeah not like Dark Souls or SOTC had that. You know games people happen to like.

If Zelda isn't considered high budget then what is? And if music breaks your immersion so hard, just turn it off in the options.

i-i-its o-okay w-when n-nintendo does i-it

>open world
>not a valid complaint

Fucking frog posters, I swear. In order to criticize the content they actually need to show content instead of trying to impress us with the open world meme.

>Anyway, here's to hoping that the dungeon music will be good
Well I heard nothing in the shrines.>I can't argue with you as opinions are subjective
More like you have nothing to fucking say because music is an important part of the experience and getting rid of it because it's tiresome is a stupid decision as MK64 literally had a mute button.

Top = NX Bottom = Wii U

But I don't want it to be silent either. It's never silent outside. Meh, as I said, you can't change my mind, I can't change yours, so we might as well drop the topic.

>still expecting the game to look the same as in the trailer

WOW Zelda looks like THAT?!?!!?!?!

I played music over Dark Souls because the silence became droning.

I lost interest in the series after 2 because of the lack of enticing music. It really killed the memorability it had. I remember areas only because I played a certain Castlevania or FFTactics song over it.

There are clearly ambient noises like wind and birds and shit. The fuck are you on about? Did we watch the same footage?

After TW3 the bar for open world games is set too high and Japan has a record making average at best open world, see XCX and mgsv

The map size was the same, as you can see in the screenshot. You're a fucking retard, no wonder they call you nintentoddlers.

I don't find music as important as you say, and shrines != dungeons.

As I said, I don't want it I have no sound at all. I want environmental sounds, you idiot. Silence is much more immersion-breaking

>One is a cinematic using the full power of a console for a short video
>One is a full game
You're a retard if you thought the graphics would be like that

I'd say the textures have absolutely taken a hit...but honestly, that's not at all unreasonable.

The fact that Nintendo have even managed to get something like this running on the Wii U is fucking phenomenal, and given all the dynamic lighting and generally systemic world that's going on underneath as well it's still looking pretty damn good.

dont tease me

>two different areas look different

>map size
The map size looks the same.

Okay, now I see.

Maybe the NX version will be better.

Yeah again, it's going back to preferences. You act like its common knowledge or ideal to have music flood a lot of the quiet moments games can potentially have. I think some games benefit from lots of music and other don't.


>People still don't realise the NX will actually be less powerful than a Wii U.

To be fair anything in the OP's top shot would probably look like that if you swoop the camera inches away from the textures. It's a thing in every open world game. So it's ok if everyone does it.

>the fact that it was delayed to make their next plastic children's toy look appealing

When are people going to stop falling for this scam?

Please, even the X1 (rumoured card) is stronger

Of course not. Nintendo can't do anything wrong. It's a law of the universe. If Miyamoto slit your mother's throat and fucked the hole while she choked to death on her blood it would be the best thing for gaming. To say otherwise makes you a paid shill Sonypony.

What the fuck are you going on about? I'm just saying it will probably look better on the NX

MGSV looked identical to all the trailers, graphically at least

Not them but remember what you're saying after its released and find ANY area that looks like that shot with the grass

>no overworld music
>HP bars
>runescape tier crafting
>slo-mo out the ass
>cinematic anime shit cut scenes



Do people not knwo what bull shots mean anymore?

The trailer where the top screenshot is taken is quite obviously cinematic, with the spider boss fight and strange angles. Not once did it claim to be gameplay footage

A true bull shot is when you put the top screenshot and claim that it IS infact gameplay footage (see: watch dogs)

>I don't find music as important as you say
>in a fucking zelda game

Compared to downgrades some other games have gotten, MGS:TPP wasn't too bad. PC version looks pretty damn good at max settings at 1080p.

>quiet moments
One playing the Zelda series knows damn well for a fact that even it's quiet moments and areas generally didnt last as long as exploring an overworld, there was generally always something riding in the background to form the texture and tone of an area.

If you enter a desert area for the first time, and expect something beautiful or earwormy and addictive as Gerudo valley, only to be greated with the "sound of nature", I can expect a lot of people to be terribly disappointed.

There's nothing wrong with quiet time in games, Theres nothing wrong with it in Zelda, but a dull open overworld with silence, I don't know, that's kind of deviating too much to the point they're making the overworld a mindess forgettable romp.

They've cemented, you're going to go through this overworld in silence, youre not going to remember any music or motifs and this game won't have a flavor of it's own.

Great sea played for hours and it remained addictive, Night themes are a thing, Ocarina introduced different motifs that play, songs can calm down, change, it doesnt have to be a huge marching Hyrule field theme, just give each area it's own character.

When I think TP, I think Ballad of Twilight
WW, Great Sea,
OOT, Hyrule Field,
ALTTP, Darkworld
Hell, even Skyward had alright themes

But TP?
>emotional piano cuz ppl liek emotion

It was pretty fucking huge kiddo, they removed the entire PBR pipeline and many other effects. Learn your lesson and move along.

Yes, I don't. I hated hearing the hyrule field theme every fucking time I walk in.

I can't imagine how tired I would be in such a large game

And music does matter in a Zelda game, but only during bosses and dungeons, and to a lesser extent towns. Otherwise I find it annoying, especially if I have to keep revisiting the area or spend an extremely long time in it.

They do have piano though, or is it not enough? How much is enough?

Top could be the NX.

>all these people defending it

Holy shit, "It's okay when Nintendo does it." is real.