Other urls found in this thread:

... and I have too

Nah, I'm calling 0-800-BULLSHIT


And who is jonathansuwhatever@gmail anyway?

Actually, I don't care.

>stock photo of halloween costume

come the fuck on, at least try a little


>Red Dead Retribution
Bullshit. They'd have to be retarded to have that name.
What next, Red Dead Return, Red Dead Revengence?

Red Dead Rape-Machine

It's not real. This has been floating around for awhile for a couple years.

>it's a whites should feel guilty about their ancestors accidentally killing native Americans with disease while the native Americans willingly traded their land for bead and trinkets episode.

Red Dead Revenge is the simplest route to go but for some reason it just has a visceral ring to it.

have some industry damage leaks

I'd play Red Dead Revengence

I know it's fake but can you imagine the absolute shitstorm of rd3 had a female protagonist?


I think it would be kinda bad ass and that Rockstar could pull it off without being incredibly gay about it.

red dead redistribution of wealth

Red Dead Revengener

Don't forget the white womyn protagonist

would she be
A). White
B) Mexican
C) Native
D) Indian

Not only that, but most "white" Americans nowadays are descendants of either krauts, micks, or wops, none of whom had a single fucking thing to do with the Native American genocide.

Daily reminder that, regardless of your political beliefs, if you buy the subversive, inane identity politic bullshit of "white guilt", you are fucking retarded. Especially if you're a non-Anglo, German-Irish-Polish-whatever mongrel.

>I think it would be kinda bad ass

I think you're kinda a cuck

>that horrible art
>expecting them to recycle the same logo

SARS blankets are not accidental brah

Red Dead Retarded

There's nothing wrong with women and guns. It's when a woman is physically superior over every man in the work of fiction is when it's gay.

I'll believe it because it implies the protagonist is a minority female, can't have a fucking white male represent your games anymore.

>''I'd be fine if it didn't feel forced!''
>nothing known about it
>first reaction to anyone thinking it might be good is calling them a cuck

Go away, reverse SJWs.

>play as a female
>get to only fuck men

Based rockstar

this thread has been made 3 times today

it's a fake from reddit

fuck off

I actually agree with you, I just like that you are saying
> The Germans did nothing wrong


>Go away, reverse SJWs.
really made me think

>>The Germans did nothing wrong.
Besides contributing to the collapse of one of the greatest empires in history, being the cause of 2 (TWO) World Wars, and opening Yurop's floodgates to a bunch of shitskins.

All the past 20 years are washing away like tears in the rain...

He's right. Our world is going away.

But the pendulum will swing back around. And oh boy, will it swing back violently.

Red Dead Reeeeeee why do i have to play as a female and not as another middle aged white male


>a game coming out from rockstar has no marketing

If you gonna make something at least make it believable. They're gonna just gonna release something without hype first. At least say 2017 or something.

this f*ck the whiners

>implying I am not a nip-kraut-mick-norsk-injun mongrel from America
I am as far removed from an Anglo as a spic from a Spaniard. Fuck off, Chaim. REEEEEEEEEEE.

>same color scheme for new game

Doesn't matter RDR most overrated game last gen and that's why it didn't make it to PC because we have taste.



>Starring a womyn
>Womyn strong!

RDR was boring. Womyn won't fix that.


Your underage is showing.

It's a real picture of a fake poster you can easily print at Kinkos. Why do people fall for this shit? Just because it's a real pic doesn't mean anything. Did you gullible fucks not learn anything from the NX controller leak?

you don't fuck anyone in Red Dead, retard.

Fuck off with your Bioware dating simulators you stupid faggot.

Please be fake

Really if you think about it, SJWs have ruined females in video games. Before, it was just another character, now they have to be developed into some pandering crippled obese lesbian trans dragonkin that's 3 minorities at once. I would welcome a female lead for a new RDR if it was done well, but the main problem is that these days, it's difficult to make a good female character, because someone in the marketing department demands that they be made black or some shit.

Their artists are way better than this fake ass shit

>female minority protag

yeah no, I can't support rockstar for this

Its fake, some faggot made it on reddit and mailed it to rockstar.

At first I thought 2016 and thought definitely fake and gay. But if it were a 2017 release date maybe

>Really if you think about it, SJWs have ruined females in video games. Before, it was just another character, now they have to be developed into some pandering crippled obese lesbian trans dragonkin that's 3 minorities at once. I would welcome a female lead for a new RDR if it was done well, but the main problem is that these days, it's difficult to make a good female character, because someone in the marketing department demands that they be made black or some shit.
Name 10 examples of this

Red Dead Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

>not having faith in rockstar not giving a shit

What's wrong with strong women in vidya user?

>not wanting to stare at a qt ass the entire game

Name 76,499 games that do this

>This is what conservacucks believe
Shouldn't you be posting on Sup Forums's Facebook group?

It's funny how racist the OP picture is and the SJWs will never understand why.

Red dead resolve
Red dead revenge
Red dead revolution
Red dead renegade
Red dead resolution
Red dead rogue
Red dead return
Red dead revival
Red dead runner
Red dead restoration

I think I'd kinda jam my bbc up your white boi ass and give you aids.


>Shading stops arbitrarily on body parts
>Shading style is different on every prop
>Female protagonist

>female lead
>in a rockstar game

yeah no

>first game was called Red Dead Revolver because the protagonist's name was Red
>subsequent games are called Red Dead X because...?

Rockstar hasn't changed their promo/cover artist for years. That alone should have told everyone that this is fake.

I'm fine with this.
White women will get banged by Tyrone, birth a mixed baby and then raise it alone. Don't worry, the government will gladly help her out with taxpayer's money
He means no more sexy ladies in vidya right? That's fine. Genderless blobs will be the norm. Can't be offending anyone now can we?
Let it become normal, let em marry, who cares. AIDS is still out there but now we have something else trucking along to smite the degenerates. Zika. When retard babies start being born en mass or, better, yet, when women go get screened, find out they have it and are already pregnant and start aborting babies left and right I will laugh. Laugh I say.


red dead revengeance confirmed!!

Ow, the edge

>fundies using Sup Forums

Underrated meme

That's right. You better watch the goddamn fuck out.

I work beside the Rockstars offices in oakville. They come into my store all the time. What should I say next time I see one?

You seem to be posting on Sup Forums, when tumblr is

NEO exclusive
PCfags lose again

I'd buy it.

Looks fake but I wouldn't be surprised given the way devs have turned into spineless neo-progressives pushing their shit appropriation and STRONK WOMYN meme protagonists.


Sup Forums BTFO

When is RDR coming to PC?

That's what you should ask them.

Wew, such a victim.

>When is RDR coming to PC?
Next year


That's a progressive buzzword.

They're announcing the RDR remaster for PS4 and PC on the 7th dumbshit.

Red Dead Retarded

Step in front of a runaway Mummy...
Just to taste the tendies again...

Nope, just what you are

You said it yourself
>Red dead retarded

Christ, just ban Sup Forums and all the scum already. Every fucking thread. Vermin can't keep to their own cesspit.


That's an awful fake.

Didn't this guy die of a coke overdose 2 years ago?