Nvidia involved with the system.
The screen is around 6 inches (6.2 to be specific)
Thickness of NX prototype is closer to the bottom half of the New Nintendo 3DS XL.
The portable screen has a 720p resolution.
Multi-touch touchscreen (Haven’t heard anything about a stylus.)
32 GB of internal storage is on the NX dev kit. (They may increase storage to 64GB for the final retail unit, but I doubt it.)
There is an SD Card slot.
Games will be cartridge based and download.
Dock Station has at least 2 USB ports on prototype. Not sure about final product.
NX will support Unreal Engine 4 and Unity engine
NX is above Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in raw power.
Dev kits are region free. I heard retail units might be region free too.
Nintendo still plans to support the 3DS with software through 2018.
Other urls found in this thread:
And then user woke up
>stronger than Xbone and PS4
>a Nintendo console
>a Nintendo PORTABLE console
keep dreaming kid, remember the WiiU prerelease?
When will Nintendo learn that holding a giant square controller with a layout like that feels like shit
>>>>>>>>emily rogers
Where the fuck is female Link Emily? When is the mother 3 localization releasing ?
When was this """girl""" right about something? And no, the vague as fuck shit that's just common sense or plain evident shit doesn't count.
>Right stick below face buttons
Rogers confirmed a cuck again
It's Nintendo so it'll be comfy as fuck
Nah man, I hated the Wii U Controller.
I can't claw with that shit.
>emily rogers
>Emily "Mother 3" "Female Link" Rogers
I see this girl posted a lot her
Just who IS emily rogers?
>NX is above Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in raw power.
>says the falsflagging sonygger
imagine being so desperate for attention that you make shit up after being proven to have no source over and over again
i guess that's what being a female is like
>clawfag complaining about a controller
Can I get my 15 minutes of e-frame by drawing black lines in the vague shape of a game controller and pretending it's an NX leak?
>I make a post years ago detailing Blizzards MMO, giving some details and the project name (Titan) before anybody even knew anything about it. Also give details on what would become Hearthstone. Got these from a family friend who at the time worked at Blizzard doing netcode stuff and designing the new Battle net.
>"Lol my dad works at Blizzard as well" *blah blah blah* in response from everyone.
>Emily Rodgers is wrong on literally everything.
>People still believe her
>Wii U game pad
>GameCube controller
>Wiimote + plus nunchuck
Whenever I hear "Nintendo controller" I shudder with fucking terror. The only controller they've gotten right in the past decade and a half is the Wii U pro controller.
Nigga what
I like Nintendo. I just don't like their fucking controllers.
>b-but the n64 controller was good.
> stronger than xbone and ps4
It will come with its own external mobile power plant?
If not it wont happen because you cant fit in enough to power it for even 1 hour in this form factor.
Man, I can't wait to play as a girl in Breath of the Wild. Hope I finish the soon-to-be localized Mother 3 and Paper Mario Not Sticker Star 2 before it comes out!
>emily rogers
The N64 controller was bad. Literally every other Nintendo controller is god tier. The only games that warranted more than the Wiimote provided were comptaible with the Gamecube controller.
holy shit user, is that the NX controller?
>GameCube controller
Don't you dare diss one of my favorite controllers
>>Wii U game pad
>>GameCube controller
Literally nothing wrong with these two
Emily Rogers and Zhuge Ex threads need to be banned on sight
A nobody who makes shit up and gets people to talk about it because she's a grill and pretends she's a leaker.
>handheld as thick as half a new 3ds
>more powerful than a ps4 or zone
Lol no
These rumor shitposts always go too far.
>actually buying Nintendo products
>supporting the biggest jews in the industry who've stooped as low as ILLEGALLY TAKING DOWN FANART PROTECTED BY FAIR USE
Yeah, ok... So how long till we get NoA a golden turd? Cause that's what they honestly deserve.
Has Emily Rogers ever been right about anything that wasn't completely obvious?
>NX is above Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in raw power.
No, but people who make videos/articles for clicks can just ignore that, and when she's wrong as fuck, ignore the people pointing that out, because SHE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THAT ONE THING THAT ONE TIME REMEMBER?
Yeah. There was a Wii U Paper Mario in development. We all knew about that. And she was wrong about it not being sticker star 2.
I am so sick of these fucking gimmick consoles. Whats fucking wrong with just a regular controller connected to a regular fucking console?
That controller looks unwieldy as fuck
It's fake, we know literally nothing about the NX, and pretty much all the NX rumors are coming from a few known liars.
It depends, are you a girl?
If the control layout is like that I'm probably nto getting it. Deal breaker.
Reveal in October.
>emily rogers
>emily rogers
Nintendo hasn't had comfy since the DS Phat, and no the re-releases of the GCN controller don't count
This will never happen
>Wii U 2.0
Drop the fucking second screen Nintendo, nobody likes it.
>Ds phat
Honestly that's the part that actually sounds realistic.
>6.2inch 720p
sounds about the right level of abysmal
>Multi-touch touchscreen
I wouldn't be surprised either way.
>32 vs 64 GB
it'll be lesser rather than more, so they can just release the higher version at a premium the next holiday.
>NX is above Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in raw power
in meaningless paper figures, maybe, but of course it won't deliver superior performance in practice, in a portable form.
>Dev kits are region free. I heard retail units might be region free too.
never. nintendo relies on their market segmentation to make their case for third parties to spread their legs for 2nd-party style exclusive titles. they've also occasionally used it to keep out unwanted competition for their own brands. if this is true it's because it's a full-fledged phone, which all the 'leaks' so far seem to be point away from.
>Nintendo still plans to support the 3DS with software through 2018.
yeah no shit, considering NX probably won't actually release till holiday 2017 at the earliest.
so basically this is all a bunch of fucking nothing. good job.
"its not about specs" NX is practically confirmed to not be as strong as regular ps4 or xbone, the fuck is wrong with these leakers
It's all bullshit.
Confirmed from a rock-solid source that Rogers has literally no clue what she's talking about.
God, I'm not the only one who thinks this. I found everything after the original DS to be extremely uncomfortable after a while. 3DS XL is impossible for me to hold at an effective viewing position for prolonged periods. It works decently if I put a pillow on my chest and lay in bed with my head elevated.
I pray every day for Nintendo to finally collapse.
They are just another greedy company making gimmicks, and their followers are even worse for supporting their garbage.
6" really is the best size. I've used a 7" screen (android device) and it was slightly too cumbersome.
I've used a 5" screen and it was a tad too small.
it's like penis size or something. 6 inches is where it's at.
My penis is 5 inches.
>using dumblr which deletes porn blogs all the time
>not using based blogger
Also Emily needs to either fuck off or play video games with me.
I bet that the NX will be unlocked and someone will install Android on it.
Remember when Reggie lied about Metro: Last Light coming to Wii U and the devs called him out on it and said they tried to get it on there but the CPU was too low and all of the Nintendo fanboys tried to correct him 6 months before the damn thing came out claiming it was far more powerful than the Xbox 360/PS3?
>all that info
Holy shit, why is this not being plastered across Sup Forums? Why are we always the last people to know, for fuck's sake?
they're the only ones to offer something different
xbox and playstation are both garbage
pc has been contaminated by the cancer but still offers some great exclusives
and I never owned a nintendo product
>post gamecube nintendo
>comfy controllers
When was the last time you held a 3ds or wii u gamepad?
>nVidia involved with the system
Oh boy, I can't wait to see this logo every time I start up an NX game.
I honestly don't understand the point of lying like OP or Emily Rogers.
Lies that are funny, I can understand. Lies that help you get ahead, that makes sense.
But just going online and telling lies for no reason at all? That's just dumb.
Remember when Crytek was able to port and run Crysis 3 on Wii U but EA stopped development because they were mad at Nintendo?
> less resolution/dpi than vita
Wow its already outdated
>But just going online and telling lies for no reason at all?
Attention and fame.
>Emily Rogers
>some no name
>I got confirmation
Good bait.
The gamecube controller is pretty comfy actually, however it's ONLY JUST too small to be perfect for a normal adult male's hands, which makes sense considering it was probably designed for nips and their tiny fingers.
Wiimotes were just alright, but I didn't like them much since they weren't the optimal controller design. The gamepad is awkward, and the Pro Controller is a step in the right direction even if it feels a little cheap plus stupid control stick placement.
The DS lite, DSi, and 3DS were all terrible, and the 3DS XL is tolerable but could be a lot better.
I love how you don't bring up the fact that this comes from
Emily Rogers.
>Elliot Rodger
As much as i hate my wii u they're probably the only company selling a console that isn't just an overpriced sub par PC with a sony/microsoft logo slapped on it.
But it all comes crashing down when they're proven wrong and any subsequent lies are followed with "Shut the fuck up, you dumb ass stop lying."
And what about anonymous posters doing this shit? It just confuses me.
>they're the only ones to offer something different
They made a shitty tablet with buttons on it Oooo WOW. Also their online is still absolute trash and their game selection is fucking dumbster trash. Then they proceed to push the limits of gimmicks by releasing Amiibos, and to top it off the battery life on the Wii U's controller is horrific. It's almost as if the top executives want the company to fail.
Sadly not with Emily. When she is proven wrong by actualannouncements she hides for a bit then comes back. She also has a shitload of mindless drones who will believe and defend whatever she says.
>Wiimotes were just alright, but I didn't like them much since they weren't the optimal controller design.
One thing I really enjoyed about the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo was that I could spread out my arms as I'm playing unlike a normal controller. I had a big comfy lounge so I could have one arm resting on the armrest and the other by my side for maximum comfort.
It doesn't make up for it's faults but I really enjoyed that about the Wiimote/Nunchuck.
>Emily Rodgers
>article posted June of 2010
It's actually the least realistic despite how unrealistic the rest is.
RUINED. I wont be buying it. I cant fucking handle it when the sticks aren't aligned with each other.
The 3DS actaully was gonna be tegra, but it couldn't live up to the promises that Nvidia made about it so it they went to DMP
>emily rogers
My sides
>>Wii U game pad
>>GameCube controller
Both very comfortable
Not really, pretty sure either Iwata or the new guy said they were looking into making the Wii U region free a while back.
This is fucking retarded
Young people already carry around big phones, laptops, textbooks, and lunches. I dont want to bring around a big bulky thing just to play games
The small detachable controller is a great idea but it should be able to go into the latest iPhones and android phones instead they already have good screens and everyone has one. 1 detachable controller for simple games 2 for more complex games and they could have some processing power. Market that with Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, and Pokemon.
If I can come up with this so could they so I have no idea why they are gonna put out another huge failure
>For Nintendo … NX is not just the systems, consoles or whatever… it is more an idea … An idea to change and save the video game industry. Trying to go in a new direction with a concept others will ‘steal’ … but that’s okay because all the thoughts are for saving the industry’s future… That’s always what I’m thinking of… and that’s why I have a problem with that when I hear that NX should be a PS4-like console… because NX stands for a concept… not only for a thing.
Motherfucking what? How arrogant is this Nintendo shill and his made up source?
>Like Super Meat Boy was cancelled for WiiWare years ago… they talked about not-enough-memory … while the truth just was that the ‘Homebrew’ piracy channel totally destroyed the Wii market so no one could ever make any money with it… that is also why no more big titles have been released there but just random mini game mixes … because those people who have small kids and play those mini game mixes do not have installed that piracy channel.
Thanks, Sup Forums.
hes gone remember
>Emily Rogers
NX confirmed to not even have a controller
I'm hoping for at least a lot of 90's gameplay concepts (side scroll platforming) with unreal and unity graphics. I'd pay $60 for a balls to the wall Donkey Kong Country with Mario Maker-tier difficulty.
I thought about buying the xbone finally now that the slim is out, but there are no games I want to play. I just don't care for the games today. Too convoluted or complex when I no longer have the patience to play fallout scaled stuff.
I pray it gets hacked
and is also a phone
>its an Emily Rogers shitrumor
oh boy, I better take her """""""""""""""""""sources"""""""""""""""""""" seriously this time.
>trusting anyone with a Chinese cartoon as profile pic
>girl of all possible sources
101% fake.
>I dont want to bring around a big bulky thing just to play games
Neither do I. I'll be using it as a home console, the second of the two options.
Just play multiplayer to shoot some stuff.