>Village 10/10
>Castle 5/10
>Island 3/10

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Just copped the PS4 version that came out this week, holy shit this game takes me back, I played it when it first came out on the GC.

I don't recall the island being that bad though.

I really dislike the start of the island.

After the first 3 areas it gets alright, up until the chopper comes.

Castle has some really nice areas to it.

Village is great all around, can't think of a bad area in it.

The village had great atmosphere and music, it also had the right amount of enemies and ammo conservation. It actually played like a horror game.

The problem with the castle and island is that they just start throwing waves and waves of enemies at you and it becomes a TPS. The level design is boring and not creepy like the village.

>Where's everyone goin? Bingo?
Who the best hero in RE is and why is it Leon?

What turned him into Edge McLeon? Was it the fact no one ever listened to him?

He became a huge cuck in resident evil 6.

>Ada killing everybody and fucking Leo in the ass
>she's good guys I swear!!!!

The village is so compelling because the fear of being stranded in a community full of religious hicks is truly nerve wracking. I don't know a single person who wouldn't be terrified at the prospect.

I'd give the castle a higher rating, I like the setting and it introduced shield ganados and the parasites bursting out of their heads, which means you can't cheese them as hard as the village ones.

Leon wouldn't.

Village 10/10
Castle 7/10
Island 6/10
island has plenty of boring areas but the underground segment with regenerators and shit is among the best parts of the game

>Controls: 1/10

underage get out

This game was not the revolution you all regale it as.

>disliking tank controls

why is this game so overrated? is it because the ballistics isnt it?

He meant to post this. I apologize on his behalf.

But he was right. In the most retarded way possible.

Yellow fever, blue balls, and neither he nor Ada are getting any younger.

The gameplay and setting of RE4 were pretty good but just about everything else was either bland or plain goofy.

Having standards means Im underage? I played the demo disk on the GCN. I'm probably older than both of you niggers.

RE has been pure cheese since day one. Anything else isn't RE.

nice b8
tank controls ≠ bad controls

better b8
Except for the fact that it popularized third-person shooters, inventory management and, qtes for a lot of the seventh generation.

>using the word nigger outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Castle would have been better if it wasn't linear. They had an opportunity to make it like the Mansion from RE1. Imo it would have been great if they dropped the island, and just had the rest of the game in the castle. The island was unnecessary. They could have still had the research lab in the castles basement or something.

do you know where you are

>mfw my friends made fun of me for liking a game where you couldn't move and shoot at the same time

couldn't they have just made fun of me for liking bad games instead of being huge casuls?

Look at this nigger

that would've been neat
first half of the game in the village as it is, and the other half in a exploration-heavy mix of the castle and the lab

My problem with the castle and the island is the drastic tonal shift. You go from spooky village to zombie napoleon midget.

>mfw my friends think I have shit taste for liking a game that's more than a decade old

How come everyone hates the castle? It maintains the creepy atmosphere and introduces new monsters

>the whispers and hums of the robed guys

RE4 doesn't require walking x aiming but other games do.

top bait

half the island is action shlock (above ground) which kinda sucked, but the underground half is great
castle had an interesting and scary aspect which was the cult-like guys, but the setting wasn't that scary really


no way dude, castle was awesome
7 or 8

Village: 10/10
Castle: 9/10
Island: 7/10

to be honest with you all

How old are you fags?

baka desu senpai

I feel like people only remember the 'bad' parts of the castle and island.

The fucking island has regenerators, man.

The castle had one of the best parts of the game for horror in the tense, dangerous sense when you're caged in with a clawed guy.

This. The village had the perfect atmosphere, and the castle's atmosphere was also great, but the island kinda lost the charm and became a bit too much like a generic shooter segment compared to the other two. It did have the regenerators and oven guy, though.

Did you even play the game.

It has a of annoying sections like the mines, the water room, the lava room, the knight room, etc.

yeah but white people do that to their ears

Post your Mercenaryfu.

the castle wasn't THAT bad

Why? Fucking why?

No, OP, you fucking faggot.
>Village 10/10
>Castle 8/10
>Island 6.5/10

Regenerators lose their scary factor when you discover how easily they are killed.


>Village 10/10
>Castle 8/10
>Island 2/10 fucking shit rushjob generic

When are those dudes gonna finish the remake?

But the castle is literally the best part of the game.

Regenerators put the island above the castle overall tbqh. Castle was good, but a bit too much filler.

>people still unironically believe that RE4 had fantastic controls

I figured 10+ years was enough for you retards to stop jerking off the same game, but apparently not. RE4 is serviceable at best in terms of control.

>2 years later and they are only half finished

well it is only 2 people where 50% of project is self funded.

I'm holding off on replaying RE4 again till this comes out.