Hey, I'm going to the Bear Pits tomorrow. Ya wanna come with?

Hey, I'm going to the Bear Pits tomorrow. Ya wanna come with?

Other urls found in this thread:


What are some good Dark Mod missions?

Nay, I'm going to Mynell. I heard he has great steaks.

Volta and the Stone is a new one that's supposed to be bretty gud.




I remember one glitch exploitation playthrough of Thief 2 where they got a guard to stay in one place shooting arrows at Garrett, but the arrows stuck into the edge of a tree. This went on until parts of the level started disappearing in order to make more room for more arrows.

Marvelous, that's really endgame

>the fucking tile floors at the bank

It's not a glitch, but in Return to the Cathedral I managed to stack up boxes and jump over the last large gate into the mission complete zone.

I fucking hate the Bank. It's a bitch to navigate



Penny Dreadful series is a must play, closest there is to Thief 1
William Steele series
A Score to Settle
Full Moon Fever
A House of Locked Secrets
Return to the City
Behind Closed Doors



Awesome. Thanks, broheim.

This one is even funnier. youtube.com/watch?v=MfBEzbk5EgA



>couldn't pinch my nipples hard enough



The shittier maps are the best.

Is that Ambush? I fucking hate that mission

All the maps are pretty good

Install Ultimate Difficulty

Only problem is, it's a bit TOO hard on the hardest difficulty, but playing on a lower difficulty removes some gameplay options.

Thief 2 maps are much too detailed for my taste (also yes that's Ambush/Trace the Courier).


can't stop imagining strong bad as the first guy

I like that mission. At least it doesn't have zombies in it.


How bout I just lick you Bare Pits instead

My hammer awaits thee, mmmm.


what the fuck

Acid Trip for Thief 2

Should I replay Dark Project and Metal Age yet again?


>Mage Towers, Maw of Chaos, Masks, and Casing the Joint
>God tier

>Haunted Cathedral, Bonehoard, Lost City, and Framed
>anything but High tier

Is there any mission more mindblowing than The Sword?

>Thief 1
>Great Old One tier
Song of the Caverns
Break From Cragscleft Prison
The Haunted Cathedral
The Sword

>God tier
The Lost City
Return to the Cathedral
Down in the Bonehoard

>High tier
Lord Bafford's Manor

>Good tier
The Mage Towers
Thieves' Guild
Into the Maw of Chaos

>Mid tier
Strange Bedfellows

according to an user in a different thread, thief isn't a stealth game
is he right?

>Thief 2
>Great Old One tier
Life of the Party/The Unwelcome Guest
First City Bank & Trust

>God tier
Trail of Blood
Sabotage at Soulforge

>High tier

>Good tier
Running Interference
Shipping... and Receiving

>Mid tier
Precious Cargo

>Low tier

>Shit tier
Casing the Joint
Trace the Courier


there is no mission in all vidya gaems more mindblowing than The Sword

there are no shit tier missions for T:DP and T2:MA. They were introduced in Deadly Shadows

Kidnap, Casing the Joint and Trace the Courier say hello.

You're being bamboozled.

You must hate the entire game then.

I wish all of Thief 2 as as good as the bank, Blackmail, and Life of the Party.



them strats

It's more fun to bounce off conscious guards and then blackjack them as you hit the ground.


What's up with all the thief threads lately? I'm not complaining, they're my favorite games, but we've had like 5 solid threads since the one that hit post limit last Sunday. I've been visiting Sup Forums nearly every day for almost half my 24 years and I've never seen this many thief threads, let alone good ones.

What's happening Sup Forums? This can only be an omen.

Thief threads are always the comfiest. Even trolling in them is all good fun.


I made like half of the ones this week. That thread got me playing FMs again, and when I play Thief I like to talk about it. I suspect they'll become more common again once Black Parade nears release, but that's far off.


I wish disabling texture filtering didn't fuck up the shadows.

You and me both, taffer.


It just looks right.

The funniest thing is that turning texture filtering off in DromEd (with the command set_2d_tex_filter) doesn't mess up the lightmaps but it doesn't work in Game Mode.