I have an obsession with girls bigger than me. Post huge video game females.
I have an obsession with girls bigger than me. Post huge video game females
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Thinly veiled giantess vidya girl thread?
>tfw had a couple of dates with a new qt 3.14
>tfw she's only 5 feet tall
>tfw you will never date a 500 ft qt
Too big. Needs to be cuddleable.
Why is her left leg so fucking small?
Proportions of a barbie doll, her frame would break the minute she stood up.
same senpai
Good taste
This model looks so bad it hurts
>bigger than me
You mean with more muscle or just taller? Either way good taste my nigga
Monstrous women are my fetish.
Why the fuck is James from Team Rocket even in this picture holy shit.
Haven't played this game but Raijin seems a pretty massive gal here
>male:males only
He tricked us good, damn homo ruses.
Where can I find a genetically superior Amazon gf, Sup Forums?
Damn, i love this lydia skin
>that anatomy
>tfw 6'1 tall
If you're a manlet you can just find an average height fit woman, for me it's fucking impossible to live the dream
Unless I move to the viking regions, maybe there I will find some 7' goddess
Try the netherlands.
They're all big guys/girls, so they dont drown when the waves wash over their country.
still hot
I actually always wanted to live in a cold country, I hate summer
But I'll never be able to move unless I become wealthy
But who knows, maybe when I try my luck as a porn artist I might become famous and then live wherever the fuck I want.
>try my luck as a porn artist
I believe in you user.
Should all else fail, just draw degenerate furshit.
They'll pay insane amounts of money on their porn.
Just remember me when you made it big my friend
just out of curiosity are you a large man
I too share this obsession but I happen to be 188cm tall with 80cm shoulders
it seems more common
perhaps because it's destined to never happen
Both. I want to be overpowered by a girl.
>EU metrics
I'm like 5'10 and 170 lbs. Pretty skinny and a little tall.
you mean like everybody but the US, Liberia and Burma
Damn I really can't think of any big female actual characters other than the ones posted here, only games with mods that let you play as them
Have I got a woman for you.
Is Samus big and muscly? I know I like it when she's drawn that way at least.
As someone else who is over 6 feet, good luck user.
I never quite understood this. Are they mad that she's heavy weight when she's supposed to be cute! cute! or is it like even though she's heavy class she's still cute! CUTE!
Posting a personal favorite.
You have good taste. Fit, athletic, muscled Samus is so much better than thin waifu Samus.
The 2nd
How do I go about dating a girl more muscular/taller than me? I'm 185cm and work out regularly. Honestly I'd stop lifting if it meant being an amazons toy.
It's a reference to a scene in a manga. Think it's D-Frag! IIRC in the manga they're complimenting her and she's dying of embarrassment but I could be wrong, been a year or two since I read it.
>Soraka bullies you for missing minions
Fuck off, Bashar
Long live FSA
Sonya from Diablo, totally forgot about her
Then you don't.
I'm 183cm and the only woman I've seen who is taller was about 185.
She was hot as hell.
I just want a strong girl. Doesn't even need to be bigger than me, I just want some nice toned abs, strong arm and thick powerful thighs I can snuggle up to.
Though I think the best thing in the world is a really muscular woman's sides and back. Don't know why those muscles are just very appealing.
I also like hairy armpits but I've concluded that just about any girl who decided to not shave on her own is highly likely to be crazy, and to satisfy this fetish I need to find a not-crazy girl first and try to convince her to stop shaving more me.
Sauce me, famalam
My god that's all I want.
Tracer, Mercy and who is the one with round glasses?
widowmaker, yo
Atleast post the fucking Webmd of the real female russian weightlifter which your pic related is based off, scum.
I assume it's Widowmaker
>Tired and wondering why I'm still awake
>Someone links my gallery reminding me I brightened someone's day.
Goodnight user
I never bothered to make an ex account. Could I get a name? I bet I could find it.
>providing methonium content for free
You da real mvp, user.
It's a Spanish weightlifter she's based off you fucking weapon
Why no words in the word bubbles
The spanish weightlifter is only 5 ft 7 in.
[Methonium] Because It's You, Shorty
tfw this will never be real ever
>any girl who decided to not shave on her own is highly likely to be crazy
Why is this so true?
thanks, user
Why can't women pack as much muscle mass like men?
Because they have less testosterone and more oestrogen.
That's gay as fuck.
Fuck you.
People really need to start drawing Zarya with her blonde hairstyle.
>tfw wanted the American McCree
>only skin I got was the Russian Zarya one
Still pretty good.
>there are men who are intimidated/scared of muscle on a girl
Post the futa version
I want her to carry me.
especially when a man can blow them out of the water with minimal effort
don't be a fucking faggot, user.
>wanted Americree
>only got Lucioball
>went out to a bar with a bunch of acquaintances from back in college
>make smalltalk with some of the guys
>one of them pulls out his phone and starts talking about his brother's "gross bodybuilder girlfriend"
>girl was barely even as muscular as pic related, save for her biceps
>all five of them are talking about how grossed out they are
I forget how terrible normies are.
sure, but you're still picking up the check :^)
Sauce that's not a sad panda please?
>feet and inches
Learn to use the metric system you backwards amerikeks.
>saying a fit, healthy woman is 'gross'
those five guys probably had a lot of gay sex that night
lel, what check? you think a girl would go out with me? i'm saving up for a realdoll, you only gotta pay once
>into both tall girls and shortstacks
>the only girls interested in me are 5'7-5'9
I don't see your flag on the moon.
One day they will see the light!
An expected rebuttal from the Mars Climate Orbiter designer.
I would rape so many things as chicken tender legs.
I prefer a black dick in my wife's vagina over a flag on the moon any day.
OH YES. She has a bit of a masculine face here but I don't care
did she place in her weight category?
Yeah, she got the bronze medal.
She also got retroactively awarded the Beijing silver and the London gold because her rivals cheated there