Final Fantasy XV

It looks fuckin terrible. WTF.

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Some derp in an earlier thread said he saw a 4 extra weapon slots in the Ascension menu of the master version. Can anyone confirm or provide thoughts on if this might be true?

>Commentator tries to pretend the driving isn't on rails

>that character pop-in

>Onscreen commands show no function for left trigger.
If there was an option to add four more slots, there'd be a way to switch to it easily.

That video is compressed as fuck, if a recording of Crysis was compressed that much you'd think it looks like shit too.
Not defending the environment textures shown off in the master version footage, but that's not good footage to use in illustrating your point.

How is that fucking terrible

[Active combat skills]
>AP is shared between Noctis and party members. Player can decide who to upgrade.
>A mid air stationary dodge by pressing X/Square
>a few "use link attacks with X or Y weapon"
>A skill called death drop, which is triggered by pressing dodge in the air from a long range.
>A skill called Airstep, which is described as: "take a step in mid air after attacking, one time only"
>A skill called Airstride, described as: "perform a second air step after a second attack"
>A skill called Airdance, allowing infinite airsteps after using an attack (still costs mp)
>Blink: phases through an enemy's attack without using mp by pressing defend at the last second.
>Phase: automatically evade attacks while holding down Defend
>Upcharger: raise the charging limit on charge attacks
>Warp Decoy: leave a hologram at your initial position after a point warp

[Passive skills]
>Rapid Regen: Increases HP and MP recovery while in Cover
>Equip 2 accessories
>Libra: lock on while in cover to scan for weaknesses
>Libra Pinpoint: Boost damage inflicted on scanned enemies' appendages
>Enhanced Libra: Scan for stronger enemies' weaknesses and ifentify daemon appendages that can be destroyed

>Lightning magic is conducted through metal, and you can electrocute yourself if you're not careful where you cast it.
>Dungeons have areas with water, metal, or rocks every so many meters which augments the importance of magic choice depending on your surroundings.
>Magic can be combined into quadcast Fira/Thundara, which quadruples the combined Fira and Thundara magic effect.
>Parry windows are longer/shorter depending on the equipped weapon

[general gameplay]
>Car is fully controllable in manual mode and can be damaged.
>SideQuest dungeon had branching paths, and some surprises like goblins pushing minecarts or a samurai knocking you from the 2nd to the 3rd floor.
>SideQuest dungeon had a lvl38 enemy while Noctis was at lvl17. Area could be accessed early game.

Who said anything about visuals?

FFXV is gonna be a kickass game, you faggots nitpicking the game just don't know how to enjoy things anymore. Sad really.

Well obviously the trigger icon would not be shown until it becomes relevant.

>>Car is fully controllable in manual mode and can be damaged.

This isn't true. You press a fucking button to do a U-turn and magnets pull you onto the right side of the road. You also cannot leave the roads.

Your shilling is showing. Protip: try being authentic when you write your posts. That makes it less noticable that your post was written for another reason besides getting a reaction fom people.

thread here

I meant there is an option that allows easy use if its added, you fucking morron I'm supporting the argument, not disproving it you dense fucking nigger.

looks fun desu senpai.

What the fuck was with that random Gladiolus model popping in and out around 2:11?

Please tell me that's fucking true.


Sorry, meant around 4:11.

Looks like a sort of leashing. He gets too far away or something from Noctis so he teleports straight to him. Common in games with AI partners.

He didn't try to go off road to prove his point.

>Common in games with AI partners.
Fuck off XV-kun this isn't common on any game.

>It looks fucking terrible
>Who said anything about visuals?

You completely dismissed what he said.

Tabata just had an interview where he said it's fully controllable now and there's footage from PAX that seems to back that up

Watching it again, it looks like the actual Gladiolus was stand to the left of Noctis. You can actually see part of him to the left. Probably a glitch, a funny one too. Hope they fix it though.

Please be true. I've heard nothing about this.

No there isn't.


can you not read?

Pretty sure the 4 weapon limit was a technical limitation so I doubt it. Would love it to be true tho.

yeah only 4 weapos sucks so much, especially since magic also takes 1 slot
Image tales of game with just 4 moves, that would also be really boring

Did he not have an interview where he said that you could freely steer and was there not a video where they steered into a rock, damaging the car after saying that you could? Legit asking, want to make sure I'm not imagining things

The game looks so bad. How can they fuck up this hard for this long?

A weapon has more than 1 move. But it would still be a lot better to have 8.

have you payed attention to Final Fantasy for the last 8 years?
FF15 being a piece of shit should be no surprise


Don't call me a nigger, nigger

FFXV is going to bomb harder than The Order 1886.

„FF XV“ started as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, a sidestory game of Final Fantasy XIII with 3rd person action combat, and probably due to the high amount of money they've already spent on the game somewhere during development, Square Enix had to change its name to "Final Fantasy XV" eventually.

Somehow, Square Enix let Nomura reign free with his vision of the game for 10 years. They should have canceled the game 7 years ago, when they realized their vision was heading into the wrong direction and started a new Final Fantasy mainline title from scratch.

By changing the name, making it open world, changing the battle system to 1 button QTE bullshit as well as changing the main hero cast to a kpop fuccboi fantasy group, Square Enix effectively threw the franchises identity away and gave all those millios of core Final Fantasy fans who just wanted them to get back to their roots and develop a worthy mainline Final Fantasy title a big middle finger.

Final Fantasy XV, this failed experiment of an open world game - some might even call it an abomination or bastardisation of the Final Fantasy Franchise - simply doesn't deserve any success!

Sqaure Enix deserves a huge failure with FFXV for completely fucking over their fanbase by fundamentally changing what a Final Fantasy mainline title is supposed to be deep down: A JRPG instead of a half-assed, badly-executed "me too" 3rd person open world game.

FUCK OFF Square Enix!

Sup Forums just stop please, game will be great, and you know it. No need torture yourself.

Wanna know how I know it's PC Cucks complaining about graphics?

You know that outside of Sup Forums most fans are really excited for this game, right?

enlighten me, fampai.

Sour Grapes

You talking to pasta, why even bother?

I'm sure FFXV will sell well, but will probably have a critically bad reception among fans.

Critics will love it since they've been paid to.

The combat, story, textures, and character animations look worse and worse with each new demo they show off. It's just comical at this point.

You mean facebook and reddit? because every gaming site hates this game.

Weird. I think the opposite. They heavily improved the visuals as we have seen, especially on the Xbox One version. Combat, story, and character animations are great. Are you on drugs?

name two with a source for each that shows they hate it. IGN loves it.

>facebook and reddit
are you fucking retarded?

>This poll
IF that is in any way representative of the end result then I fear for the world

>Thinks the visuals look improved.
>Claims I'm on drugs.

>s-see it's not on rails
>doesn't drive off road

Even ignoring that, the combat is rubbish. What do people see in this sluggish shit? Also what the fuck do people like about games with constant chatter? I don't want to hear these other useless AI retards talk every time they do something or you do something in battle.

>wow noct that was great!
Are you kids so fucking pathetic with so low self esteem you need some computer game to talk you up for pressing X?

It looks fun :/

Why is Sup Forums so down on this? Is it literally just another case of "popular game coming out so it's shit?"

You sure want another world war.

I don't understand this combat, how does it work? Haven't been keeping up with it much. Is it still an RPG?

>Why is Sup Forums so down on this? Is it literally just another case of "popular game coming out so it's shit?"
Yes, also nostalgia glasses.

it's just kingdom hearts at this point

>all those words and graphics on the screen just for attacking
going the pachinko right, eh? its obnoxious and just covers the screen so you cant see whats going on. probably because they dont want you to see that enemies have no physics or reaction to being struck and that its a poorly coded mess.

he said it looked good which is absurd. so its safe to assume hes either a shill or just autisticly

normies are always hyped because they have no discernment. once its released and reviews and word of mouth spreads the sales will be lackluster

>its obnoxious and just covers the screen so you cant see whats going on
I think it looks dumb too but that's nowhere near big enough to actually cover anything.

Combat works like this.

You have four slots. Each slot you could put a weapon or a magic in it. So say I have a gun, a short sword, a broadsword, and a fire magic equipped.

When you approach enemies, you are able to do a warp strike towards them which is basically a teleportation to them and an attack at the same time which is different depending on the weapon used for a warp strike.

You hold the button to attack the enemy (which could be switched off to just tapping instead of holding) and Noctis will do combos which also depends on stick position. So if I have the short sword equipped and I am attacking the enemy and pull the stick back, I'll do a backwards flip attack which would also be sort of like a dodge/evade. While attacking, you can switch weapons to combo with them. So attacking with a short sword and then switching to a broadsword would continue the combo.

Depending on the weapon, it could create different effects. (broadsword staggering) And weapons have different abilities, such as if you had a Dragon Lance you could do a Dragoon Jump which is a special attack that evades everything while you're high in the air and come smashing down.

Switching to a gun will put you in a 3rdis first person POV to aim and shoot. If I switch to my fire I need to hold the button to cast fire somewhere or I can do it directly and automatically on the enemy I'm attacking. Spells can be created by combining items and other magic, they also effect the area. (fire on grass will great a fire pool, fire on wood will burn it down).

You can dodge attacks by manually dodging (warping away and back, dodge rolling) or dodge by holding the button (this is really an advanced technique that uses MP and should only be used when you have no other way of dodging the attack like someone shooting bullets at you). Different dodges and attacks work better for different enemies and so on.

You can get team up attacks which is when your party member comes and helps you.

No it isn't. Kingdom Hearts is at least somewhat enjoyable and responsive. This, is a huge fucking mess, created by futilely attempting to satisfy two opposing camps, rather than fully committing.

You're worried about sales or about game being good? lol.

>They heavily improved the visuals as we have seen,
do you have a brain tumor? How can you sit there and say shit that is not only false, but literally the opposite of what everyone else sees?

Holy shit who did they hire to play the demo? He sounds awful.

You can tell your team mates what to do, and you can even switch to their POV to do an attack which requires timing.

There are special instances where a QTE may pop up, similar to Kingdom Hearts 2 if you remember the battle between Sephiroth, at the start of the battle you have to press Triangle, or he will take away a lot of damage.

Other people can add on, you can also combo in the air.

i agree with this

Because those of us over the age of 12 have seen it get raped over the last decade into being an ugly, generic, downgraded and streamlined qte fest

You might be blind if you don't see that the game has been improved since Gamescom.

>better foliage
>better lightning
>better draw distance

Just stop fucking being in denial and accept it for once, they're doing their jobs.

Have they shown off any gameplay of guns being used? The Areana footage shows one equipped but it was never used.

neither. i know itll get mediocre reviews and underperform

>i know itll get mediocre reviews and underperform
Then sure you're braindamaged if you think so.
He "know", geez

Mind if I borrow your time machine, mate?

A pc version MUST come. We need to mod out all this bullshit.

fuck off nigga

They have shown very little of it, but we got how it works basically. If you remember from Versus when Prompto used to be playable and you could use his gun, it's like exactly like that except with Noctis. But there are other weapons that could have scopes so you could snipe, and weapons categorized as "machinery" like chainsaws.

The HUD is really clean, I like it. Doesn't look all crowded like FF12's did.

So use the right-stick to aim and the circle button to fire? Hoo boi. Or have they made the lock-on button the fire button when using guns?

I really can't tell you how. I know what you mean with FPS having the shoot button like R1 or R2 so I don't know how that works but I know you could aim just like any third person shooter.

>d-driving is not on rails, guys!
>can barely turn and car instantly automatically turn back
Isn't this No Man's Sky level of false advertisement?

>s-shitposting guys, am I f-fitting in yet?
The latest PAX gameplay shows and confirms you can drive all around the road and crash into other vehicles. You can U-turn swiftly with the push of a button and drive off road where there is dirt. Kill yourself.

Sounds good enough to me I guess. Thanks.