Is Sup Forums mad video games aren't for white people anymore?

Is Sup Forums mad video games aren't for white people anymore?

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You mean since the 1980s?
Get a brain moran

Video games are for everyone, games don't discriminate

Wait, I thought those guys were meant to be closer to giant slimes

Art like that is so comfy. Post more.

great bait

Then why is it such a problem to have a black protagonist in a game :')

I sure am.

Because there is an easy to spot difference between simply wanting the character to be black or making the character black for progressive points.

Isn't it funny how its only black people who keep bringing up racism and inequality. While white guys just don't even care anymore.

Because blacks are trash and should be in NO media.

But those differences don't make a difference to you you would bitch regardless

Video games were and still are to a substantial extent made for japs. How are you not aware of this?

The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. Niggers are mad that white people are totally indifferent to them and their "struggles" and are trying to force us to pay attention to them again. Negative attention is better than no attention. It's a subconscious need for is to control their lives like the good old days.

user you got a source on that artist?

Rugganigger, where the fuck is my double cheeseburger?

>You would bitch regardless
Battlefield 1: they're shoehorning in blacks for 0 real reason, thus it is for "muh diversity" cause they're making a "World War 1 game," but deviating in a really bad way.
Indivisible has a black main character, but thus far, she doesn't seem shoehorned in for "muh diversity." The final judgement still waits to be made, but thus far, there's 0 reason to bitch.

>More people complained about white Shantae in the new game before they changed it than any group has every complained about any gender/race of a main character ever

Games used to not cater to any race. You usually just played as a spaceship or some abstract character. Now most main characters are white men. I really don't care if people of different races are different characters.

I can't identify with a black man

Americans are dumb as fuck

This is from that one SCP, right?

>make something shit
>add women and non-whites to make it diverse
>people will defend it for social justice
The biggest corporate tools.


user as a non-american living on the other side of the world from the US. I can honestly tell you no one likes black skin or those who have em'.

From Nippons to Arabs. They all think black people are disgusting.

Not who you replied too, but did people complain about mafia 3? he doesnt seem shoe horned, but i think i remember some people bitching on Sup Forums

SCP thread?

I like to steal and rape white women, so I definetly like to roleplay as a chimp.

Everytime Mafia 3 gets bought up people bitch or spam the threads with "WE WUZ"

>easy to spot difference
>Sup Forums is still completely incapable to spot it
sounds about right

Yes. But Japanese games are for Asians and whites.

Don't care, post more cool art

I know there were muslims fighting in the war, I think I read somewhere there was an african company too?

I don't care about BF1 though so I don't know the details behind the black guy


There's always a bit of complaining, yeah.
But you do raise a good comparison point.
>Mafia 3 v. Watchdogs 2 v. Prototype 2
>Mafia 3 nobody cares much cause it's believable
>Watchdogs 2 had some pretty heavy complaining, but to me personally didn't seem a big issue
>Prototype 2 was a big issue cause he felt slapped in needlessly when a white, Mexican, or Asian would have worked equally fine
It's an interesting comparison I may bring up later in a new thread.


black ppl love fightan games tho

>making the character black for progressive points.
that's just Sup Forums eating away at what's left of your tiny brain.

they did it because they never planned to make a conventional ww1 game in the first place. if you read about when they decided on the setting of the game, you'll realize that a conventional ww1 game wouldn't even have gotten greenlit.


Think of it this way:
In the U.S., WW1, there was one squad, not battalion, or company, of blacks.
In Battlefield 1, something like 33% of the characters are black, when real life it was



Women aren't objects, they can't be stolen, check your privilege ape

So? In most historical shooters you aren't a god that can take down an army and shrug off bullets, it's a videogame