Underrated games thread.
Underrated games thread
you start
Seriously? That was a lackluster cover-based shooter. It was terrible. I liked the characters though.
you're mixing cult classics with underrated user
Imagine a world without pointless collectibles and audio logs. Imagine a world with gun violence and that's fucking it.
Kane & Lynch in a nutshell.
You're right, though. I should have posted the sequel instead. It's legitimately fucking awesome.
Contributing another one. This game's pretty fucking special. Everyone should try it.
I remember having some of the best fun I've had in vidya with this
I never played it. I'm not much into games that try to be funny or wacky.
How about this one? It really wasn't bad. It was only bad if you had a closed mind after playing the original three.
Sober the fuck up. At least explain yourself.
Sequel was so fucking bad
Man, Kane and Lynch would have been such an awesome game, if it wasn't such a fucking broken mess.
I had so much fun playing the multiplayer back in the day.
Dude, are you high? Dog Days was fucking beautiful. I don't know how anyone could play it and not like it.
The environments were so detailed and beautiful. The action was so fast paced.
Man, I'm so glad you exist, I've been trying to convince my friends Kane and lynch 2 is a hidden masterpiece of storytelling for years now, I thought I was insane by thinking K&L2 was great.
I fucking love it, It feels so deranged and gritty, it's like a liveleak video in game form, it's like if Gaspar Noe made a game.
I will defend the ending till the day I die.
I bet you never played it and just watched angry joes review, be honest, we won't judge you.
Man I liked Kenan and Lel 2 too, but masterpiece of storytelling?
With that ending? The whole story was about pissing some dudes off and saving Lynchie-poos waifu.
Dude, what's your Steam? I've 100%'d both games twice.
I fucking love Kane & Lynch 2. Makes me want to live in Hong Kong, lol.
Also, Lynch is my fuckin' hero.
Yeah, but it was just a straight up action game. I don't know how the ending could have been any better, outside of some God of War style revenge violence.
Kane & Lynch is so refreshing in a world of bullshit collectibles and crowded minimaps minimaps.
You, your guns, violence. That's it.
The MP was tight when it wasn't full of douchebags who would just TK as soon as the game started.
>tfw Kane and Lynch is one of if not the only game I've ever seen gamertags with zero rep on
I know that system means jackshit but still
>You, your guns, violence. That's it.
Right, and it was okay for that (aiming kinda sucked tbqh), but the story was just there (which is fine!).
I would love for them to make another game. K&L is good in the same way Hotline Miami is. It's you running around being a piece of shit who also happens to do badass stuff.
You tell me yours,
I hope nobody fucks with me, lol.
Anyone who loves the shit out of Kane & Lynch can add me.
I don't think they will, with the raging boner they have for Hitman right now. desu, I wish they'd just give up on that shitty series.
That fat faggy GameSpot reviewer ruined our hopes for a sequel due to his cuckness. "Waaah! There's too much cussing! It's so immature!"
All people remember is the controversy. Seems like public opinion is that Kane & Lynch sucked.
>Hitman is a shitty series
Fair enough. It's just not my cup of tea. I get that a lot of people like it.
I'mma dump my two good Kane & Lynch screenshots.
It's gotten shittier over time. Peaked with Blood Money.
Absolution was dogshit. Apparently the new one is a step up.
Kane & Lynch threads are like the tumblr ballpits of game threads.
Shame the multiplayer's dead.
I think it's fucking gross when a game has movie tie-ins that suck. Really makes me dislike the games.
Posting another underrated game.
Was originally going to be a Deus Ex sequel. Me and my buddy had so much fun with this one, even if it wasn't perfect.
I was so late to the party that I never even got to play the multiplayer. It pisses me off quite a bit. I watched some gameplay on YouTube and it looked fun.
When I said I 100%'d them, I mean that I got all the singleplayer achievements. I didn't bother with the other shit, even if you could play some of it solo.
It's not the story, that's basic as fuck, it's how it's told, the whole game feels completely tonally different from the first,
K&L2 has this really, really oppressive atmosphere, it feels so dark and gritty. The way the whole game after the first two missions takes place entirely in one night of pure hell, how desperate it feels, how evening turns to night which turns to early morning.
There are so many unsettling elements, like the fact that there's a faceless, unnamed character, who's presumably lynchs friend just filming the violence, regardless of how grim it gets,(most people say there isn't a third character, the game just looks like an amateur documentary for aesthetic, but there's points throughout the game where the characters acknowledge him subtly, like in the first cutscene, Lynch holds a door open for him to go through, which nobody seems to notice.)
Just that fact alone is really creepy and uncanny to me.
The fact that are random gaps in time that never get filled in, it just jumps around from mission to mission, often with no Immediate context. All the characters are so abhorrent with very little redeeming qualities, it's one of the few games where I'd catch a civvie in my gunfire, and not even feel like I'm acting out of character.
The ending is great, it's anticlimactic, but it's just to prove how the two main leads are beyond change, their lives will always be violent, it's their way of life, also the fact it just hard cuts to black sells the whole, "black market snuff movie" feel really well.
Maybe I went to far in saying its a "storytelling masterpiece", it's just a game that's really different and unapologetically grim, the tone, the atmosphere, the sound design, the visuals, all come together to tell this really small scale and horrifying story, about two really bad people trying to escape Shanghai,
It's kinda like how mad max fury road has the world most simple story, it's just that its executed so well that makes it good
The only good Hitman movie would be one where you only notice who Agent 47 is the second time you watch it through.
Another underrated gem. If you can tolerate slow ass gameplay, it's pretty much the only Western JRPG worth playing. Game's fucking hilarious.
One of the few games I've lost my shit over, laughing like crazy.
Holy fuck. I love you, man.
Props for the third character shit. I never noticed that. I'mma have to replay it and look for that.
Add me on Steam. I posted mine earlier in the thread.
Anyone who likes Dog Days that much is cool in my books.
I can confirm its pretty funny but the gameplay is just so bad its not worth it
I have your profile up and I'm going to sent a request when the thread dies.
Yeah. You gotta be pretty bored to go back to it. Need the patience of a saint. I'd love to see someone mod that shit to bring it into the modern age. It's a fucking shame we didn't get a sequel.
This thread's on life support, but The Evil Within is also underrated as fuck.
People don't give it the respect it deserves. I don't know why.
Also in the trailer, lynch talks directly to the camera guy "my friend Kane is coming here tomorrow", you assume it's his Chinese girlfriend filming, but she calls to lynch at the end from the bedroom, so it's not her.
Also don't you love when trailers for games also act as mini prequels for the game itself, honestly this should have been the first cutscene in the game as well as the trailer.
I think he's talking to his girflriend. He doesn't even look at the camera.
They might have made a few nods to there being a camera man, just for kicks, but I don't think it's really a thing. Pretty sure it's just a style choice.
I can see how someone could get that idea stuck in their head, though.
The main grunt enemy in those games were fucking awesome.
Those knifeblade feet, man. The sound they made was so creepy.
Just one of the many games I was too scared to play as a kid/young teenager.
I think the hate is mostly because people went in expecting something different. Shinji Mikami was constantly going on about how it'll go back to the roots of 'true survival horror' and prior to its release the main section they showed off was chapter 1, which makes the game seem like a hide & seek game (I heard a lot of Outlast comparisons). But it you go in expecting Resident Evil 4 with slightly more survival horror elements like I did then it's pretty good.
Kane and Lynch 2 was good. Didn't get very far into the first one.
>arx fatalis
In my backlog
>shadows of the damned
Fun game
>quantum break
Gonna play it soon. Not expecting much, but I love Remedy games.
>evil within
Good game.
Just hacked into your firewall. Say goodbye to your games.
Witcher 3
the trailers are great too. Love the voice acting in this game.
>1 friend
I traded in Counter Strike on Ps2 for this game.
Best decision I made for that console.
Kane and Lynch 2 is subtle in its brilliance.
It's just so unapologetic in its presentation of the characters and their actions, its just really fucking raw in a world filled with a bunch of shooters that try to concoct contrivances and bullshit reasons for the heroes being killing machines.
Not this game, Kane and Lynch are not good men, and it makes no apologies.
first is shit
second is god tier
I also really like the style of this game, but i do hate how it ended and that camera, i always turn it off.
After applying the 60fps fix, this game quickly became one of my favorites. It doesn't do anything super exciting, but the style is all over the place and it just oozes that typical Suda 51 wackiness.
Kane and Lynch is one of those games that i wanted too like but the gameplay is too clunky and non responsive to be fun, which is a crying shame because it had a ton of potential when it came to set-pieces and story.
Kane and Lynch 2, while being mechanically better, retains none of the charm of the first and quickly devolves into shock value. Every levels ends up being "Kane and Lynch's situation get worse as they are backstabbed yet again" IT drags on and on and the cherry on top is the non ending.
They are pretty much the definition of wasted potential.
>all those implied dead kids in the trailer
>all because Kane ran towards a school
No wonder Eidos calls the protagonists "The Two Assholes"
The only Onimusha game I ever played and I liked it a lot. Tons of fun. Apparently it wasn't true to the series or something.
Recess was over
Every Grasshopper game after NMH was disappointingly mediocre. I wanted to love KID but I just could not.
Still better than Desperate Struggle and Lollipop Chainsaw I guess.
I just love how loud this game is. Gunshots, screams, all this shit.
Visuals are extremely stylish too. Censoring headshots was such a good idea.
Just this whole series really and I still want a third game damnit and no Betrayel doesn't count.
The lack of love for Underhell is criminal
It was fucking awful of a fucking game made fucking bad by fucking awful fucking devs.
The fucking script is fucking the word "fuck" every fucking other fucking word.
The fucking gameplay fucking sucks and is a fucking mess of a fucking story.
I know how to fix this game.
It needs to be like hitman, where you explore the environment and find loopholes in security. The objective is obviously robbing a vault/Moving cargo so that's self explanatory.
Basically the level is open-ended so that there are multiple approaches.
Kane and Lynch are split into two squads.
Both can have up to 2-3 mercs for hire in their group.
You can equip them prior to the mission.
Weapons, gadgets, and intel (Buy Employee uniform, hire an employee to leave open a gate etc.)
You can go in guns blazing, but there will be a timer indicating the response time for SWAT to intervene. So it's better to be quiet and silently take all the goods.
I can go on but you get the idea. Give players the impression that they're actually robbing a place instead of following a script and going through the motions.
Also, I forgot to mention, that the reason for the differences in tone between the two games is that in K&L1 you play as Kane, a selfish career criminal who cares about nothing besides his daughter and money.
In the sequel you play as lynch, the homicidal psychotic who murdered his wife during one of his homicidal blackouts, as well as countless civilians in the bank heist in the first game. Dog days really feels like your in lynchs world, dark, depraved, violent, hellish, whereas the first is a clean cut crime story, that's akin to reservoir dogs or something.
Dog days, despite being a much smaller scale story, makes dead men feel cosy as fuck. Dog days is relentlessly bleak.
Honestly, if they ever made a Max Payne 4, my dream game would be a max Payne/ Kane and lynch crossover, Kane literally feels like an evil max Payne. I know they're from two completely separate devs, but a man can dream.
Even if Kane and lynch were minor villains, maybe they only turn up for one level, that would be enough for me.
They would just fit so well in the gritty world of max Payne,
I wanted Kane and Lynch 2 to be successful. It is one of the most aesthetically pleasing games of all time.
>if they ever made a Max Payne 4
That would be the last installment because it's implied that Max does die (I've read it somewhere).
But I agree that both K&L and Max Payne can work well because they share a similar tone in their story telling.
It's S H I T
I can just imagine being max, throwing myself into the air in bullet time and shooting lynch right in his sick fucking head.
He has it coming.
And then fighting Kane in some QTE knife fight, which ends with max driving it right into his skull.
That would be pretty satisfying.
Obviously I don't want "Payne vs. Lynch: requiem" If they introduced as a duo of notorious killers hired by the whoever the main villain is, to kill max, that would be pretty metal.
What do you suggest?
We could probably have 47 with Kane and Lynch since it's owned by IO.
They already did lol
Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning
>because it's implied that Max does die (I've read it somewhere).
it was an easter egg in Alan Wake. Max does not die.
Shoot him.
Every last one of them.
You can shoot him, Kane is in a bar earlier in the game, he mentions something about a mission and that his associate is getting hardware for it, hence why lynch is at the gun store.
You can kill both of them, so that's a Kane and lynch 3 in a weird way.
It wuz gud
Y'all can't be serious. these are among some of the worst games I've ever played hands down, Shitty camera, awful goes no where story, poor game play, like fuck I can't think of anything it even does right.
Here's Kane.
>It's legitimately fucking awesome.
I felt the Phantom Pain at the ending.
Like, what the hell.
That's it?
This gem
My favorite RTS campaign right there
>non stop threads for a month
ahahha zero rep wow
To be fair an early post was Arx Fatalis, which I've never seen anything but lauded praise for. I haven't even played the game and I'm fairly confident its good, just because I've seen literally zero negative opinions on it.
That may sound like confirmation bias but on the internet zero negative remarks means we're talking something that cures aids.
>You can kill both of them, so that's a Kane and lynch 3 in a weird way.
Kane and Lynch flee to Peru, not South Dakota
game was fun despite the lore being a mishmash of several different cultures.
also the only bioware game where if you play your cards right you get both the waifus in a harem end.
Maybe they're doing business in South Dakota? That being said they aren't covered in a million scars from that box opener torture scene, so I doubt it's canon.
Those games are pretty much heist games, right? I'm surprised I haven't played them yet.
All of the enemies in the Suffering are fantastic. This game and Parasite Eve II have my favorite enemy design ever.
The first one has 2 or 3 heists. the second one is running around Shanghai shooting shit up.
There is a heist in the first game, but it's just a plot device. It's just a game about two maniacs killing mobsters, police and innocent people while trying to stay alive.
how'd they both even survive this
>Underrated game
No, K&L1 deserved its Gerstmann 5/10. It had a great flavor, but really lackluster shooter, and a lot of crappy missions. It derserved its scored.
The sequel had great atmostphere with its handy-cam presentation, but was dragged down by the crappy conefire guns early one and the body spam later.
Tis' but flesh wounds!!
They're superficial cuts, you wouldn't bled out from them, you'd be in unimaginable pain though.
why'd they throw the one of them in a dumpster while he was still obviously alive, then