Banishes dragons to the other side of the world

>banishes dragons to the other side of the world
>magic starts fading way
>realize she needs dragons to keep the magic there
>kidnaps a ton of baby dragons
>magic returns
>okay now that i have all these dragons and the magic has returned i'm going to kill them all
What the fuck was she thinking?

spyro thread

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She was going to make a potion out of their wings for infinite magic or immortality or some bullshit. It's explained in the cutscene that screenshot is from.

Real question is, why is Lofty Castle the comfiest world in the series?

Wasn't she also a dragon? She looks like a dragon.

Why was Hunter such a little shit?

> Spyro needs Orbs to stop Ripto and eventually go home.
> Hunter finds lots of them by himself
> instead of handing them over to Spyro or the Proffessor he keeps them and forces Spyro to help him with random jobs he's been given or even worse indulge him in asanine games and challanges

She needed their wings or something.

She's a grade A cunt

she didn't bring the dragons back to bring the magic, he just wanted immortality. The world still had magic it just wasn't all over the fucking place.

Autumn forest or Evening Lake would like a word with you


That's not tree tops

Tree tops was shit

>kill dragons
>get wings
>is now immorrtal
>still has to deal with the fact there's no magic
great plan

Spyro 2 in general does a shitty job motivating the player.

At peast it's not as bad as ripto's plan
>gets sucked into a portal
>lands somewhere with no explanation
>"okay now i'm going to conquer this place and then the world" he said, and failed, and also died

she has her own magic, she doesn't give a fuck about unicorns and all that bullshit

Better question would be why the dragons didn't just say "fuck you". She can't even beat Spyro. I get the feeling all the other dragons are pussies.

because Spyro was the only one that could fit down the hole

Avalorians are either the biggest pussies on Earth or Riptos wand (Which his rhino thing ate) made him God Emperor of the planet.

Probably the former.

That's the plothole in every Spyro game. There were a fuckton of dragons available that could have easily beaten any of the villains in the games (except malefor, cynder, and maybe gaul)

>why didn't they just rape her to death
>Spyro was the only one that could fit down her hole


>what is flying to the other side of the world
>what is taking a portal

I was never into the Tony Hawk games and those skateboard segments were hell.

No I mean in the first place.

I can understand in 1. There are dragons that went to face Gnasty but just got encased in stone again. Spyro's too small for the spell to work. In 2 obviously there were no dragons around. In 3 he was the only one who could fit down the hole. But I just mean why did they leave in first place instead of just killing the Sorceress?

She casted a spell and teleported them to the other side of the world

flying to the other side of the world takes too long, they were probably on their way when spyro beat her

The portal one is a good point but we don't really know how they work, the game did make a point of saying that portals only work when there are dragons nearby so perhaps that's why they couldn't just warp there

The Dragons in the first game are useless prats but you do see a couple of old dragons in the final world which implies they tried to go stop Gnasty and dun goofed.

It's so weird to read about spyro's story.
When I played those games I couldn't understand a word in english so I got to make one myself.


>portals only work when there are dragons nearby
then how did the professor get one working without any dragons around

the power of the orbs I guess

He tapped into the magic on the other end of the portal where there were dragons. Then again they could do the same thing since all of the baby dragons were there along with Spyro.

What was his name again?


trouble with the trolley eh?


IS the single guy the Alchemist?

Because I know who I'm running over.

>needs baby dragons for magic to be there
>doesn't just kidnap and rape Spyro for eternity

I don't think dragons work like that, there are no female dragons after all

So how did all that Egg Thief art became a thing

Dragons can breed with anything user


also for some reason I thought Ember was in 3. That's fucking weird. I put her in a game when she's from a game I've never played. I should replay 3. It's the one I remember the least.

>>"okay now i'm going to conquer this place and then the world" he said, and failed

You mean succeeded, right? He was doing well until the people of Avalar brought in an outsider. He'd still be sitting fancy and drinking cocktails in Sunny Beach if it wasn't for him.

Avalar wasn't a united nation, it was a collection of individual self governed micro-states who didn't really care what the others did. Each world had its own problems, and exactly 0 of them were caused by Ripto.

Some were due to their own ineptitude at dealing with local problems, and others were problems caused by another world antagonising them. Ripto did nothing except declare himself king without actually visiting any of the worlds. The populace of Avalar probably didn't even know he existed, they all had thier own problems to deal with.

When I was a kid I had a crush on Sheila.

For the life of me I cannot remember why.

What's that? There's someone trapped in a cave immediately to the left? Hang on let me take the most inconveniently winding and absurdly dangerous route that I can take to get there.

>Enemies laugh at you after they attack you

W-why don't more games do this

she's cute and has a good attitude, what's not to like


> no female dragons

Replay 3, at least 1/3 of the baby dragons are girls. The first one you rescue is called Isabelle IIRC.

>You will never be a breeding slave for the Sorceress.

>Bianca hold you down while the Sorceress forces herself on you

Fuck I know I have 2 and 3 somewhere, probably back at my parents place. I should go find them

I had the pirated version of this game back on PS1 and when I got to this boss it'd send me back to the menu and delete my save when she hit me with her magic.

That was the game's antipiracy measure, along with deleting certian eggs and gems and upping boss health

You say anti piracy method.

I say hard mode.

>no female dragons
>the female dragons in shadow legacy
>half the dragons you rescue in apyro 3

Um. That's easy.

You take the root with the single guy then jump over him and use the ramp that you don't see in the image when you come back.

I worked out an easy way of doing that.

Jump hits.

the only legitimate point there is the dragons in part 3

How did they know their names if they'd just hatched...

>only a few more months before this happens

Hunter was the real villain in my opinion. Fucking fur faggot making me go through shit for his own amusement.


>enemies moon you when they think you're not looking

I still don't understand how they looked at that abomination and said, "yes, this is a good design that bears resemblance to the character we were trying to make"

>hey spyro, I'll give you this orb if you eat this sandwich.


>enjoy Spyro a ton when younger
>innocent fun, goofy looking cartoon animals and shit
>years later
>learn about furries

>get to a money bags spawn
>gems sitting on the floor like 5 feet away from him
this breaks my immersion every time.


Spyro 2 si retarded and plagued with garbage contents.

wait, that's a new design?

i've seen a bunch of art on eka's using it

You wanted action and exploration? Have fetch quests and shitty mini games instead!

The black one was the original appearance of cynder in 2006

>How did they know their names
Dragons come to sentience inside their eggs, of course

The parents named them while still in the eggs and Spyro has a list of them.

>free the adult dragons
>they continue to let the retarded baby dragon do all the work while doing absolutely nothing themselves

2 was an accdient and they wouldn't even know spyro was gone

But yes they are lazy shits in 3.

I was mostly referring to 1.

Hunter had what the germans say a "penis envy" for Spyro.

I liked the little war between the pelicans and those fat guys and how depending on which world you visited you fought one or the other

the whole acid-deam-weavers world was top notch with comfiness

He's so rich and privileged he needs you to pick it up and bring it to him for him.

That's a peasant's job

>there was magic everywhere when the Dragons were in her territory

At that point, she was probably so powerful that there was nothing they could do about her. In this case, she's vulnerable because it's just the one adolescent dragon after her, and all her magic is coming from babies instead of fully capable adults.

when was the purple one introduced?

The first Spyro trilogy in general has both in visuals and music some of the most amazing tripping fantasy stuff i've ever see in my entire life. I'm legitimately convinced drugs were used at Insomniac during the creation of the three games.

>It's creative so it must be drugs XD