I Dare anyone to find me a harder boss than them
I Dare anyone to find me a harder boss than them
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This guy gave me the most trouble out of any Souls boss.
maybe i was lucky but i never had problems with this guy, what made him so hard?
Most DS2 bosses are more annoying than hard
Never really understood the praise Fume gets. He's really cool, but his fight is just strafe + roll. Window for roll can be small, but the fight is all about learning it.
That's why O&S will be forever my favorite Souls bossfight. Not only rolling, but managing multiple enemies, vastly different on top of that, a true way to git gud, not learning roll frames for attacks. No other fight incorporates those elements so well, they are either 1v1 rollfest or group of same enemies
The boss itself wasn't that hard, the way to him was the actual boss.
I´d say , if you started playing the souls series in DS1 Gargoyles would be the hardest boss, as they were the first boss which really challeged you and you needed to get good to actually get past thru
here you go op.
>inb4 everyone says they were easy.
sure user, sure.
that's not ornstein and smough
anyways, the maneaters were superior to the gargoyles
Had more (and probably the most trouble in general) trouble with Smelter Demon.
God fucking damnit, being able to delay ALL of his strikes is just something I can't deal with.
I suck at DaS, but didn't have that much trouble with gargoyles. They're really not that hard.
Now Drake & Josh is a whole different story.
In DaS I died ~30 times to Manus and I DS2 I had to use coop to kill the Smelter Demon, which I still regret today
BTW, I defeated O&S on my first try thanks to Solaire
That's only because every boss in DaS2 is artificial difficulty brought on by the worst mechanics in any video game ever.
>dodge attack
>they hit me
>block attack
>they knock me out of shield and damage me
>be behind them
>they hit me anyway because shockwaves
>be 20 feet away from them behind them
>shitty ass hitbox makes them hit me anyway
And that's one of the essay of reasons why DaS2 is the absolute worst game of all time. It is fundamentally broken. It's not even like a beta, it's like an alpha. An exceptionally broken alpha.
Killing Ornstein first is easy, and if you summon Solaire he even specifically targets Ornstein so he goes down quick. Smough's a big fat idiot and all he gets in the second phase is some electric damage on his easily dodged attacks. Killing Smough first is fucking balls hard, since Ornstein's constantly poking at you the entire time in the first phase, either off camera or right through Smough while you're trying to kill him. Once he's down, Ornstein gets HUGE while retaining his speed and getting new moves. Even the pillars won't protect you anymore.
Any boss of Nioh.
i found orphan of kos to be a fucking nightmare
and so it begins
>tfw only made it to that fucking owl
god damn, my spirit broke too soon
Literally pick any monster from any G rank in any Monster Hunter.
They were the reason I quit Demon's Souls the first time. Even after finishing the game, they are still the hardest fight in the game for me.
Ninja Gaiden
Ps2 Shinobi
You can kill the first maneater with arrows through the fog gate.
Orphan of Kos is the hardest souls boss.
His sword is on fire, of course you're going to get hurt if you stand near it.
s h o c k w a v e s
I played the SOTFS edition so hitbox problems were light, which explains
I never did beat him. I was trying to beat all the DS2 DLC before DS3 came out, I failed.
This bitch, I didn't have many problems in the souls series, but this hoe makes me rage. I know you just need to walk into left direction but somehow it always fucks up my pacing.