"Videogames Will Never Be a Legitimate Artform" - Paul Gilbert

>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as Steve Vai informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."

Did he have a legitimate point?

Other urls found in this thread:


>complex algorithms
>character modeling
>art design

what the fuck do they think video games are? Already made toys? They're fucking complex code that are so complex even MIT has written about AI in a fucking video game.

when will this bullshit meme die?

Friendly reminder that Marty and Gilbert-Sama are the only based weebs.


Then what the hell are things like Gone Home or Order 1886? They sure as hell aren't games.


If something was created with the intent of sending a message to affect it's audience, that makes it art. There are countless video games that fall under this definition.

And not all art is good art. A lot of people forget that.

Marty best Megadeth lead guitarist

he looks like a pretentious fuckwit. I don't care about a game's artistic merit, as long as I fun with it

>plays guitar
>thinks he knows anything about art

Holy shit the irony

i genuinely don't understand why art snobbery actually exists, it's just pretentious dipshits

DUDE Roger Ebert quote rohfehl lahmaow

literally who

>literally who metal guitarist thinks he knows anything about art
O I am laffin

he makes the guitar notes fast so he must be right

The medium is definitely art. It's definitely not high art however but neither is Gilbert's music.


Of course.

google it, turbo nigger

Who's that?

No. Film and tv was thought as mediums thst could never be art. I mean film is a big joke compared to theater. The moma already consider them as art and are really are the only ones left that are valid with modern art

Some dude he plays the bass I think.

Sounds like SOMEONE hasn't been hitting the drugs ENOUGH.

What stake do these people have to enforce "art"? What is their incentive? I can get why some people like Oscar Wilde sperg about art because the concept of the artist is crucial to their work and world image, and because they were raised in an intellectual environment, but what does some rock band member have to gain from talking about art?

>turbo nigger

Videogames by definition aren't and will never be art. Literally why would anyone care though.


Nice try, OP, but Roger Ebert said that

What definition of art are you going with? There is no rule that is set in stone only opinions.

It's like culture. Anthropologists say that anything created by a society is culture yet some people think it needs to have some kind of value in order to be considered as such.

You could argue forever about these subjective topics.

I'm surprised someone this reddit can even into greentext. Although apparently they post a load of screenshots from here with le meme arrows so maybe they have the basics down.

Wasn't that chinman who said that

There's an entire community of them who imitate us on a creepy level so I wouldn't be surprised

Roger Ebert

This. The faggot is clearly talking down to it as if he himself is some kind of respectable artist, but all that does is make him look like a tool.

I agree and hope that doesn't change but I have to say I don't think Paul Gilbert qualifies as an artist either.

Interactive movies.

Printed publicity of any kind also affect their audience. That doesn't make it art.

Art became a buzzword for """intelectual wankery""" long ago. Gilbert trying to say what's cool for arrogant """intelectual""" pricks or not and trying to get validation from the same people says a lot about him, even if I respect him as a guitarist.

God damn is that weird.

Imagine going to a website to pretend you're on another website, it would be like if we had a /reddit/ board where we posted pepe/GF cakes all day and ironically praised FO4 and Skyrim.

Gatekeeping, their own insular legitimacy, and by extension their value. I imagine some bitter musician is getting buttblasted because people would rather play video games than listen to, let alone pay for, his music.

Why is it always the music-related ones of these that Sup Forums seems to fall for? Like that time Morrissey was saying Ocarina of Time was overrated, or Michael McDonald calling for a Bastion nerf.

Hello Sup Forums

"Guitarist" detected

>Roger Ebert

I give this bait 5 bags of popcorn and 2 sodas

>Printed publicity of any kind also affect their audience. That doesn't make it art.
>what are music videos

>Plays an instrument, therefore creates art
>"he doesn't know anything about art"

I could understand if it was like Brian May or Keith Richards but WHO

The entire concept of "art = intellectual" and "art is what I say it is" is one of the dumbest, fedora-tipping, fart-sniffing concepts I've ever seen. Art is what you fucking make of it and pretty much anything humans create can be seen as art by any person, no one man writes the rules on what is and isn't art
The only people more pathetic than those who try to make the rules of what is and isn't art are people who seek the approval of those who decide what is and isn't art

Well, I give it six bags, three sodas and some candy bars because John Goodman likes to eat.

Hey, this was a solid track from Mr Big


There has already been hundreds of threads on this subject, and it always comes down to: what can be called art ?
Of course there's no real definition, so everything beside the 7th most common forms of art isn't viewed as art.
IMHO, some vidya are way wayyyyyyyyy more worthy of being called than the work of some renowned artists.
And if you wonder why, well here's an example.
Pic related is from an artistic movement whose sole purpose was to imitate the fucking romans in various ways.
Now you all heard about SH2 being such a masterpiece that it's the closest thing we'll get as a form of art through the medium of vidya. Well it's not only true, cause compared to this shitty painting, that is a fucking reference for some shitty art movement, SH2 is by far something that IS art.
>Silent Hill is a town that represents the protags fear and kinda everything fucked up in him. Sex, violence, repression, etc... are all represent in more or less subtle ways
Only with this we're already a step over than pic related
>The way an invidual will play the game will give him a different ending than another
This is where it gets deep, it's not only the protag's mad folly, this is also yours. The themes SH2 touches are all recurrent in our life, the story isn't only about the protag, it's also about the individual playing.
And fuck, there is way more to say, but just this is enough for me to prove that vidya can be art if they want to, and SH2 proves doesn't prove only that, it also introduced the world to possibilites achievable only through vidya.

To conclude this fucking long ass shit I dumped in one go, let me remind you that movies are considered the 7th art form. Meaning that technically, Fast and Furious, American Pie or even a fucking Jim Carrey's movie is art. So they have their mainstream nobrainer shit, as we have our cawadoodies and such.
And of course they have their artsy shit, but then again, as we have ours.

tl;dr: vidya is art, suck it up

>doesn't play games
>gets mad when people counterargue or give him any information to the contrary.
No people like this are always wrong on every issue.

>Mr. Big is pleased

Everything is art for the sake of human experience.

Post modernist vs whatever paul is trying to say
Buckethead is better anyway

hes not wrong. But unfortunately - as long as QTE movies exists. It will be the cancer killing vidya

>No name guitar player doesent respect video games as art.
Literally who cares.
Any dickhead can make a shitty song and not get famous with computers nowadays.

>poor Paul getting shit from nerds who couldn't even be bothered to Google the quote

Bait aside, Ebert didn't even make a point
>"vidya isn't art guys!"

Cool. How are you defining art besides the faggot "it's art if I say it is!" definition? Without answering that question this entire """""debate""""" is pointless.


Nobody cares. Just enjoy what you enjoy and let whatever enriches your life and consciousness enrich your life and consciousness. It doesn't matter what labels it has or whether it meets a certain criteria.

I love seeing musicians I like fangirling over each other.

So, who is this guy and why should I care?