"PC will never EVER have Red Dead Redemption!"

Where were you when consolefags were BTFO more than they have ever been before?


>Red Dead Redemption HD is reportedly coming to the PS4, Xbox One and PC, according to a rumor from a source in Korea.

>According to Korean site Game Focus, the HD remaster of Red Dead Redemption is being pushed through the Asian localization process, leading to speculation that it will be announced during the PlayStation Meeting on September 7th. According to the source, the game is expected to launch within the first half of 2017, though this is subject to change.

What will they fall back on now?

They can keep their shitty Rockstar open world game with nothing to do. Even Ubisoft games are better than that shit.

I would like to see a PC version because my friend borrowed and never returned RDR for PS3.

Thought this could never happen past puberty? Think again. I'm 26 and he's 37

fucking kill yourself

even if this is true they will still fuck up that beloved multiplayer

>no matter how PCfags will respond to this, consolefags will find a way to shitpost about it

>according to korean site

>i-it's just a rumor! who cares if it's getting pushed through localization and everything!

See you in 2017 where you'll no longer have any excuses to defend your shitty console.

The game came out in 2009.

>openworld garbage
And i should care because?

I've never heard of that website before.

Meh. PC port of the Warriors when?

But consolefags have finished RDR years ago, it's like getting excited over Disgaea 1 coming out on steam. It's good, and I'm happy other people will be able to play it, but it's also old as fuck.

how many RDR Remaster rumors were there already ? literally monthly

>build thousand dollar PC
>use it to play decade old console games

And PC will have the definitive HD version.

Thanks for Beta testing

>pretending it's not the game consolefags cite any time there's a dispute

>all this consolepleb damage control because they lost their last game

>PC gets to play 20 years after everyone else
>"PC always wins baby!"

Every time.

Stopped reading there.

>literally who site
>surce is a korean page

3 strikes, you're out son

It´s also coming to PS4/Xone you faggot. People are just happy the game is coming to the new hardware, why would they care if some neckbeard in his parents basement can also play it on his autismo machine?

so what will be the first mod for RDR made?

>he doesn't own a playstation tv
Explain yourself user.

Seriously you could go on ebay 3 years ago and already find this game for $10 what the fuck is everyone freaking out about

played it, beat it, and enjoyed every moment.

enjoy your 6 yr old scraps

>pc gets to play rdr after 6 years

yep, master race

As an idort I don't see what the big deal is with this game. It was mediocre just like all GTA games.

>mad you got cucked out of the best version

What is this sour grapes shit?

The game is seven years old,are you really that desperate for new PC releases? Pretty sad honestly.

>having scraps from 6 years ago

stopped reading there

It's more of a symbolic thing, it's been the one game that hasn't gotten a port all along. A flagship of the NEVER EVER joke.

I'm just enthusiastic about how they handle an HD release of it, if it's true.

>le cuck maymay

So this is the caliber of PCfags, huh....

It's the only game consoleplebs ever mention when they cite good games PC can't play even nowadays, because it's the only game they've held on to for the past decade.

And now you're trying to pretend it doesn't matter with massive damage control moving the goalposts to the age of the game now that you can't spam "NEVER EVER"



Stopped reading right there

>where you'll no longer have any excuses to defend your shitty console.

Oh no my 360, which is older than most people posting here, is no longer useful, guess all that fun i had playing games with it was in vain

4k 60fps HD scraps with mod support

>Only game

Pretty sure there are several. In fact, people say Bloodborne way more than RDR

I own one and it kinda sucks. It's neat for playing Vita games on the big screen, but I'd rather use a handheld Vita because it has a fraction of the library of the handheld Vita.
>inb4 whitelist delete
The updates patched it out.

>still calling console players plebs after getting excited to have our scraps

PCcucks has never been a more fitting name.

I didn't even read the post above me

Bloodborne has 3 other games near identical to it on PC so not really

>pretending he has a 4k tv
>pretending that there are games that can run 4k 60fps right now

New releases are having fucking trouble running 60fps on 1440 so don't give me that shit.

I got my Vitter TV just to play PSone games.
Still boggles my mind why the fucking PS4 doesn't have a PSOne emulator.

It's a fucking rumor. I also played it on the 360 and wont be buying it anyway. The game is great but not great enough to buy it twice. I did the same mistake with gta5. Not again.

>PC literally one generation behind

Damn, you guys really need to catch up

>gaming on a tv
>nothing can run at 4k 60 fps

Spotted the consolepleb

Witcher 3 a 90+ fps in 4k m8

It doesn't matter to me because I'll play games on any console,handheld or PC,so if the game is coming to a wider audience then that's fine by me. PC elitist shit is some of the worst garbage in the gaming community (any sort of extreme console loyalty as well).

I'd buy it if they included a Photo Mode like ND. But if it's just a fresh coat of paint there's no use.

20 dollars is more than worth it even without the whitelist hack

RDR is overrated trash anyways.

>wide open areas full of nothing but the same 3-4 encounters of bandits or people being chased by wolves
>only a couple interesting side missions
>missions are ALWAYS going to town, then riding to destination, then shooting bandits
>have to play as Jack after beating the game

>New releases are having fucking trouble running 60fps on 1440

Yeah, maybe on your shitbox.

>implying anything can compare to the army of delusional drones that is Sony fans' attempt at elitism

Well I'll tell you right now that RDR is basically just GTA. I don't know why it's been built up as this amazing game. It's sitting in a closet in my house right now because it's a one and done type of game.

Why would console players give a shit if you get a port? It's not PC exclusive, they get to play it too.

Why not get a PSP Go?

>game consolefags cite any time there's a dispute
and i should care because?

>Bloodborne has 3 other games near identical to it on PC so not really

Now you got me curious, what are those games?

This needs to be updated to include "ITS ONLY 60 DOLLARS YOU POORFAGS"

Just think of all the future mods we'll get of 7 foot horse dicks

I got the bundle for everything but the Vita TV (Dualshock 3, HDMI cable, memory card, etc.)

>I don't know why it's been built up as this amazing game.
Because it's console exclusive.

>how to spot consoleplebs pretending they think the game is bad after spamming how amazing this "console-only game" was now that they can't

Dark Souls 1-3. It's medieval Bloodborne

I mean its still a rumor but didn't people think it was going to be some rockstar exclusive or RDR2 or something?

Would be nice to get it on PC never got the chance to play it when I still used my 360.

Post yfw RDR will become the next big thing to hate on Sup Forums while Sonyponys claim it's always been shit.

>Well I'll tell you right now that RDR is basically just GTA.
its like GTA 4 but much better

>Dark Souls 1-3. It's medieval Bloodborne

>inb4 DRM

Exclusive games matter to console plebs because the consoles themselves are objectively inferior hardware to a PC in both power and versatility.

If it makes you feel any better I'm and idort and I've been shitting on rockstar games since like 2009. They're all the exact same thing and RDR is no different.

>same company
>same gameplay
>some weapons are the same or at least inspired by Dark Souls ones
>only difference is guns and Lovecraft

Your PS4's only exclusive isn't as unique as you think. Hell Dark Souls 3 uses some Bloodborne assets

All I ever hear is Bloodborne, they will probably always have that but I don't like the souls games anyway.

it always been shit
>there was a trick with the usb and games for gold on the store to get free games on 360

>literaly ALL the loverslab porn mods


>Bioshock remaster is coming out
>Infinite is not being re-done on PC
>Console literally getting a port of the PC version with closer to PC visuals
>Consoles literally one generation behind

>same gameplay
Looking at a gameplay video I can tell they have little to no resemblence

>Hell Dark Souls 3 uses some Bloodborne assets
That's because From is lazy as fuck, just look at DaS2

Console/PC wars are the worst threads. Dick measuring about IPs and hardware. Literally a 3rd grade subject.

99% of console players don't give a shit what does and doesn't get ported to PC.

Don't forget the sony petition race

Already own a PSP 1000. I want it on the big screen, not on a handheld.

>PCfags were angry enough to make this

Im speechless

>Looking at a gameplay video I can tell they have little to no resemblence

Then you're blind/delusional. The UI alone should clue you in.

They're getting fed up with having their games stolen I guess.

Just having a mod where you don't have to play Jack at the end would be worth it to me.

Because exclusives are all they care about and have over PC why do you think "PC HAS NO GAMES" means no exclusives that I deem good enough.

all of these pcucks trying to justify getting RDR 20 years late xD

>mod support
you retards always bring this up, but the most you'll get are some texture edits

>819 signatures
Gee, so many people care

>The UI alone should clue you in.

Then by your braindead reasoning all Zelda games are literally the same

A Clint Eastwood mod wold be nice.

Fucking thank you,it's always garbage. Just play games on whatever you want,who the fuck cares.

They actually play really differently, not sure if you actually care or you're just shitposting. It would be like saying TF2 and Overwatch play the same.

3D ones follow the overall same formula with slight variations, yes. Bloodborne has all the Souls tropes and plays very similarly.

>819 people care this much about losing an exclusive
Literally no one should fucking care.

Jesus no! Even Rockstar is jumping on the Jewish ride. Stop polishing old turds and make new games. RDR wasn't even that good apart from the story.


Tell that to Neo fags, and the consoleplebs bitchass whining when the knowledge of Nier automata is coming to PC.

>rdr is no good apart from the only the thing that makes it good.

Are you like brain damaged or something?

No way in hell I'm installing social club.

Day 1 pirate.

Of course they care about exclusives, it validates their purchase decision.

You are talking about people that start petitions to prevent games from becoming multiplatform. You are talking about people that try to get negative reviews for their exclusives removed from metacritic. You are talking about people that send reviewers death threats for failing to give exclusives perfect scores. They care.